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仁爱版英语 七年上册复习课件 整理:陶长霞 字母发音归类 (含相同音素) A   E   I   O   U   R   F   H J K B C D G P T V Y Q W L M N S X Z 元音 (12) an   辅音 (14) a   BCDGPTV JK Y QW Z U AEIO FLMNSX R H 字母 词汇汇总   看 ……   看起来像 ……   看起来一样   想要干 ……  想要做……   为什么不做 ……  …… 怎么样   你能 …… 吗?   让我们 …..   住在 ……   和 … 住在一起   来自 ….. look at look like look the same want to do would like to do Why not do What/How about doing sth Could you do Let’s do live in live with come from 购物   到外面吃饭 打扰   把 … .. 给 ……   给 … .. 买 …… .   ( 早餐 ) 吃 … .   不得不   帮助 … . 做 … .   帮助 … .. 随便吃 …… .. 给 … .. 回电话 do some shopping=go shopping eat out excuse me give sth to sb/give sb sth buy sth for sb/buy sb sth have sth for breakfast have to help sb (to) do sth/ help sb with sth help oneself(oneselves) to sth call sb back   是做 … .. 的时间   是 … .. 的时间 和 … .. 通话   把 … . 告诉 … ..   告诉 … .. 做 … ..   试穿 … ..   很乐意做 ……   对 … .. 很友好   考虑 … .   认为,想起 ……   叫 … .. 做 ……   It’s time to do sth It’s time for sth speak to sb tell sb about sth tell sb to do sth try on be glad to do sth be kind to sb think about think of ask sb to do sth  … .. 怎么样?   在家   一点点   非常   大量的   来自 … ..   有空闲   在这里 在家 how/what about at home a little a lot =very much a lot of be from =come from be free be here at home   家谱   起床   回家   钓鱼   野餐   请座 一点都不 …… . 不用谢 family tree get up go home go fishing have a picnic have/take a seat = sit down, please. not….at all Not at all . = You are welcome. = That's OK.   比如 …   在农场   在沙发   穿 … . 颜色 在去 … . 的路上   那边   不坏   还可以 怎么了? 什么事 ? such as on a farm on the sofa in + color on one’s way to … over there Not bad Just so-so What’s wrong/the matter with sth What’s up? be 动词练习题 连系动词 be 是 am, is, are 三者的原形,一般不直接出现在句子中,而是以 am, is, are 的形式出现。 be的用法: 我(I)用 am , 你(you)用 are , is 用在他、(he)她(she)、它(it); 单数is复数 are ,学好英语就靠它。 Be 的用法 ( )1. —Where ____ they from? —They’re from China. is B. am C. are ( )2. —Is she Maria? —No, she ____. A. is B. isn’t C. aren’t ( )3. —Are they from Canada? —No, they ____. A. are B. aren’t C. isn’t ( )4. —Is he Li Ping? —Yes, ____. A. I’m B. he’s C. he is ( )5. —____ you Mingming? —Yes, I ____. A. Are; are B. Am; am C. Are; am ( )6. Mary ____ from Cuba. is B. am C. are ( )7. Her hair ____ black and long. A. has B. am C. is D. are ( )8. —What color ____ her shoes? —Black. am B. is C. are D. be ( )9. These are my pants. His ____ yellow. A. is B. am C. are D. / ( )10. My family ____ very big. A. am B. is C. are D. does ( )11. This pair of shoes ____ mine. His are over there. A. will be B. is C. are D. be ( )12. My name ____ Jack. Liu Ying and Sun Mei ____ my friends. A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; am ( )13. James is an English boy. He _____ from England. A. come B. isn’t C. comes D. aren’t ( )14. —What class ____ your brother in? —He ____ in Class Two. A. does; is B. is; is C. are; / D. are; is 介词 练习题 各个击破之介词。 (用介词填空) (1)He is ___a white cap and white shoes. (2)It looks very nice___ you. (3)Would you like to have dinner___ me? (4)This is a photo ____ Kangkang ’ s family. (5) I usually have milk and bread ____ breakfast (6)He works ___a farm. (7)Help yourselves ___some fish. (8)What ’ s this ____ English? in on with of for on to in 介词 ( ) 1. ---- Welcome ______ Beijing! ---- Thanks. A. for B. to C. in ( )2. Mary and Joy are ____ Class One. They are ____ the U.S.A. A. from; in B. in; from C. to; from D. in; to ( )3. The girl ____ black is my sister. A. in B. at C. to D. from ( )4.—Could I study English ____ you? —No problem. A. in B. for C. with D. about ( )5. What would you like ____ lunch? A. at B. on C. for D. in ( )6. Is this a photo ____ your family? A. in B. with C. to D. of ( )7. He is kind ____ me. A. very B. to C. from D. friendly ( )8. Why not have a picnic ____ this Sunday? in B. for C. at D. / ( )9. Would you like to go ____ a picnic? for B. to C. at D. out ( )10. Mike often gets up ____ 6:40 ____ the morning. A. in; in B. on; on C. at; at D. at; in ( )11. What’s wrong ____ you? A. about B. with C. of D. on ( )12. It’s very kind ____ him to cook food for his mother. A. for B. to C. of D. with ( )13. It’s very kind ____ you ____ help me. A. of; for B. to; do C. of; to D. for; for ( )14. —Do you know the girl ____ red? —Oh, she is my sister. A. / B. in C. at D. with 交际语 练习题 Useful expressions Good morning /afternoon/evening! Good morning/ afternoon/evening! Welcome to China! Thank you./ Thanks. Hello! / Hi! Hello! / Hi! Nice to meet/see you. Nice to meet/see you, too. How do you do ? How do you do ? How are you? I’m fine, thank you. /Fine, thanks. Goodbye. Bye. See you later. See you. Useful expressions How old are you? What class are you in? What grade are you in? How do you spell it? Can you spell it, please? Thank you. / Thanks. I’m twelve, too. I’m in Class Four, Grade Seven. I’m in Grade Seven. E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser. Yes. M-A-P, map. That’s OK. / You’re welcome. 1. ----How are you? ---- ______ A. How are you? B. Fine, thanks. C. Yes, I am. 2. ---- Good afternoon! ---- ________ A. Good! B. Good afternoon! C. Thank you! 3. ---- How do you do? ---- ________ A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. Good morning! 4. John, this is Jim. Jim, _____ A. he’s John. B. it’s John. C. this is John. 5. ---- Are you Wang Li? ----__________ A. Yes, I’m. B. No, I’m not. C. Yes, I’m not. 交际语 ( )6. —Welcome to Beijing! —____ A. Welcome to Beijing, too. B. Thank you. C. Fine, thank you. ( )7. Mom, this is my teacher, Miss Lin. Miss Lin, ____ A. thank you. B. how are you? C. this is my mom. ( )8. —____ —Fine, thank you. How do you do? B. How are you? C. Are you Mr. Wang? ( )9. —____ you Mingming? —Yes, I ____. A. Are; are B. Am; am C. Are; am ( )10. —I’ll help you find him, Mary. —____ Not, it doesn’t. B. That’s right. C. Thank you. D. You’re welcome. 交际语 ( )11. —Is this Tom’s bike? —____, I don’t know. OK B. Good C. Yes D. Sorry ( )12. —Come in ( 进来 ) and have a seat, please. —____ A. Thanks a lot. B. That’s OK. C. You’re welcome. D. I’m glad. ( )13. —Dad. I’m sorry I can’t find the shop. —____ A. Not at all. B. I’m not happy. C. Thank you all the same. D. You can’t come back. ( )14. —The box is too heavy. —____ Let me help you. A. You’re right. B. You can’t study it well. C. Don’t worry. D. Not at all. ( )15. —Don’t forget to bring your kite. —____ A. All right. B. That’s all right. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I don’t. 交际语 ( )16. —Do you have any time this afternoon? —Yes. ____ What are you? B. What’s going? C. What’s up? D. What’s matter? ( )17. —Hello, Mike! ____ Wang Wei. —Mike? There is no Mike here. A. I’m B. That’s C. This is D. It’s ( )18. —____, what’s the time, please? —It’s half past six. Hi B. Sorry C. Hello D. Excuse me ( )19. —May I speak to Jim, please? —Sorry, ____ now. A. I’m not Jim B. this is me C. this isn’t me D. he isn’t here 交际语 ( )20. —____ —I want a pair of shoes for my son. A. Can I help you? B. What do you do? C. What do you buy? D. What do you want? ( )21. —Sorry, I have no time to help you carry the water. I have to look after my sister. —____ A. Is it? B. You’re welcome. C. Thank you. D. Thank you all the same ( )22. —Hi, Lucy. Your skirt is very nice. —____ Yes, it’s nice. B. That’s OK. C. You’re right. D. Thank you. ( )23. —____, Tom. Is this your book? —No, it isn’t. I think it’s ____. Excuse me; Jack B. Sorry; Jack’s C. Excuse me; Jack’s D. Sorry; Jack 特殊疑问句练习题 表示数量 : how much + 不可数名词 how many + 可数名词 ( 复数 ) How much rice do you need? How many bottles of milk do you need? 1.__________ rice do you want? 2.__________ hamburgers would you like? 3.__________ water is there in the glass? 4.__________ apples do they need? 用 how many/how much 完成下列句子。 How many How many How much How much 四、用 what, where, which, how 或 who 填空 31. _______ do you study English? 32. _______ does our Chinese teacher live? 33. - _______ is that girl? - _______ girl? - The one in green. 34. _______ is it in English? 35. - _______ is he like? - He is kind and helpful. How Where Who Which What What 特殊疑问词 1 ( )1. —Where ____ they from? —They’re from China. A. is B. am C. are ( )2. —____ your name? —My name is Kate. What’s B. What C. Where ( )3. —____ are they? —They are XiaoLi and Jane. Who B. What C. Where ( )4. —____ is Mary ? —She is five. Who B. What C. How D. How old ( )5. —____ do you spell your name? —T-I-N-A, Tina. A. What B. How C. Who D. Where ( )6. —____ is he? —He is my friend. A. What B. Where C. Who D. How ( )7. —____ is she? —She’s ten. How old B. How C. Where D. What 特殊疑问词 2 ( )8. —____ is your teacher? —It’s Miss Gao. What B. Who C. Where D. How ( )9. —____ is his hair? —It’s black. What class B. What grade C. What color D. Where ( )10. —What does Yang Ping look like? —____ He is a student. B. He is in China. C. He is twelve. D. He has a big head. ( )11. —____ apples are those? —They are mine. A. What B. Who C. Whose D. These ( )12. —____ jacket is this? —I think it’s Mingming’s. Who B. Who’s C. Whose D. What ( 13. —What color is the T-shirt? —It’s ____. A. an orange B. orange C. the orange D. new 特殊疑问词 3 ( )14.—____ does he work? —In a hospital. A. What B. How C. Who D. Where ( )15. —What does Jack do? —____ He’s good. B. He’s fine. C. He’s well. D. He’s a student. ( )16. —____ is the letter from? —It’s from Mike, my pen pal. Where B. How C. Who D. What ( )17. —What does your father do? —____ A. He is a teacher. B. He is from China. C. He is fine. D. He’s 40. ( )18. That’s too expensive( 贵的 ). ____ thirty yuan? A . How many B. How much C. Why not D. How about ( )19. —How ____ ____ the apples? —They are five yuan a kilo. many; are B. much; is C. many; is D. much; are ( )20. —____ is it? —It’s six o’clock. What B. What color C. What time D. How ( )11. —____ —She is a nurse. Who is your mother? B. Is your mother a nurse? C. Where is your mother? D. What does your mother do? ( )22. —I don’t like the green coat. —____ the red one? A. What’s B. Where’s C. What about D. How ( )23. —____ do you like China? —Very much. A. What B. Where C. How D. Who ( )24. —____ are you? —I’m twelve. How B. How old C. What D. Who ( )24. —What color is your bag? —____ That’s a red bag. B. It’s red C. That’s red. D. It’s a red bag. ( )25. —Dongdong, ____ car is that? —It’s ____. who’s; her B. whose; mine C. whose; her D. who’s; my ( )26. —What does she look like? —____ A. She’s a student. B. She’s twelve. C. She has long arms. D. She likes apples. ( )27. —____ —They’re English books. A. Are these English books? B. Are those English books? C. How do you spell it? D. What’re these in English? ( )28. —____ is your schoolbag? —It’s green. What B. What color C. Where D. How ( )29. —____ does your father work? —He works in a hospital. What B. How C. Who D. Where ( )30. —___ are the pants? —They are 180 yuan. How many B. Whose C. Where D. How much ( )31. —What does your brother look like? —____ A. Yes, he is tall. B. He is 20 years old. C. No, he isn’t. D. He is tall. ( )32. —How do you spell your name, please? —__ A. P—E—T—E—R, Peter. B. This is Peter. C. I’m Peter. D. You can call me Peter. 一般疑问句 练习题 一般疑问句 ( )1. —Is she Maria? —No, she ____. A. is B. isn’t C. aren’t ( )2. —____, are you Mr. Wang? —Yes, I am. A. Fine B. Please C. Excuse me ( )3. —Are they from Canada? —No, they ____. are B. aren’t C. isn’t ( )4. —Is the girl in red Jim’s sister? —____ Yes, she is. B. Lucy’s. C. No, Jim’s sister. D. Yes, Lucy’s. ( )5. —Can I tell him about it? —____ Sure, thanks. B. Yes, you can. C. Not at all. D. That’s OK. ( )6. I don’t have ____ apple juice, but I have ____ orange juice. any; some B. some; some C. any; any D. some; any 人称代词 练习题 用法口诀: 人称代词分两格,主格宾格来分说;       主格定把主语作,宾格作宾不会错。 人 称 分类 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数 主 格 宾 格 I we me us you you you you he she it him her it them they my his her its your yours ours theirs 看谁填得又对又快! mine your his hers its our yours their 我的 ······ : mine = my + n. 你的 ······ : yours = your + n. 他的 ······ : his = his + n. 她的 ······ : hers = her + n. 它的 ······ : its = its + n. 我们的 ······ : ours = our + n. 你们的 ······ : yours = your + n. 他们的 ······ : theirs = their + n. 名词性物主代词 = 形容词性物主代词 + 名词 所用给的词填空 1 、 ________is my sister. ______name is June. We all like ______very much. Those books are __ _ __(she) 2 、 Are these ____ books. No, they aren ’ t _____. _______ aren ’ t here. She Her her hers their theirs Theirs 人称代词 ( )1. —What’s ____ telephone number? —It’s 8265-3412. you B. your C. my ( )2. —Is he Li Ping? —Yes, ____. A. I’m B. he’s C. he is ( )3. —What are these? —____ are desks. A. This B. Those C. They D. It ( )4. —Who’s that, Kangkang? —____ Mary. That’s B. It C. She’s D. They’re ( )5. —Are those books? —Yes, ____. they are B. they aren’t C. those are D. those aren’t ( )6. —Is that an orange? —____. It’s an apple. A. Yes B. No C. It is D. It isn’t ( )7. —What’s ____ over there( 在那边 ) ? —It’s a bus. A. these B. those C. this D. that ( )8. —What are those? —____ are cakes. That B. These C. It D. They ( )9. This is my teacher, Miss Chen. ____ is from Hebei. A. She B. He C. Her D. His ( )10. —Does Mary know ____? —Yes, she knows ____. A. yours; me B. your; us C. you; us D. yours; us ( )11. —Are the black shoes ____? —No. It’s ____. Tom; her B. Tom’s; her C. Tom; hers D. Tom’s; hers ( )12. —Is it your dress? —No. It’s ____. hers B. her C. my D. him ( )13.—Who’s the girl in red? —Sorry, I don’t know ____. —____ is a new student. she; She B. her; She C. her; Her D. she; Her ( )14. —Would you like ____ juice, please? —No, thanks. I don’t like ____. A. any; it B. some; it C. any; them D. some; them ( )15. ____ often helps ____ with ____ English. A. His; her; hers B. She; him; his C. She; him; her D. He; me; mine ( )16. __ are good friends. We’re in the same class. A. Kangkang and I B. I and Kangkang C. Kangkang and Li Ming D. Kangkang ( )17. —Is this your book, Alice? —Yes, it is ____ book. A. his B. her C. hers D. my ( )18. Miss Wang teaches __ English. We all like ___. A. us; her B. we; her C. our; her D. we; she 代词 练习题 代词 ( )1. —Does Li Ying have a small mouth? —No, she has a wide ____. It B. them C. one D. ones ( )2. —Is this coat yours? —No, my coat is white and blue. This ____ is blue. It’s Lily’s. A.coat B. one C. color D. clothes ( )3. —Is the boy in white clothes your friend, Kangkang? —No. ____ in black clothes is. A. One B. This C. That D. The one ( )4. —Do you have a small mouth? —No, I don’t. I have a wide ____. A. it B. one C. them D. ones ( )5. —Hi, Tony. ____ is my friend, Jack. —Hello, Jack! Nice to meet you. A. He B. That C. This D. It 名词 练习题 名词单数变复数 (一)规则变化: 1.一般加 s 2.以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词加 es 3. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词 , 先改 y 为 i, 再加 es (desk s , map s , pencil s , teacher s ) ( bus es , box es , watch es ) ( family -- famil ies dictionary -- dictionar ies ) 区别 key – key s boy -- boy s ( 二 ) 不规则变化 : 3. 单复数同形 ( 不变 ): sheep( 绵羊 ) deer( 鹿 ) English( 英国人 ) 1.m a n, wom a n m e n, wom e n Chinese( 中国人 ) Japanese( 日本人 ) 6. oo ee : foot( 脚 ) tooth( 牙齿 ) goose( 鹅 ) 5. 以 f / fe 结尾的 , 变 f 为 v, 再加 es wife( 妻子 ) knife ( 小刀 ) shelf ( 架子 ) leaf ( 叶子 ) wolf ( 狼 ) 2. child (孩子) children (男人,妇女) pen desk key box knife card orange boy friend car s parent mother father sister brother son daughter cousin family child man pencil s sheep s s s s es -kni ves s s s s s s s s s s s famil ies -child ren -m e n -sheep this – that – I – you – he / she / it – am / is – these those we you they are 单数 复数 一、写出下列单词的复数 I-- 2.am-- 3.he – 4.pencil-- 5.watch-- 6.dictionary-- 7. man-- 8.it-- 9. parent -- 10.boy– we are they pencil s watch es dictionar ies m e n they parent s boy s 句子单数变复数 This is a book. That is an eraser. It is a red apple. I am a boy. He / She is a teacher. What’s this ? These are books. Those are erasers. They are red apples. We are boys. They are teachers. What’re these ? ( )1. —What class are you in? —I’m ____. A. in class 3, grade 7 B. in Class 3, Grade 7 C. class 3, grade 7 D. Class 3, Grade 7 ( )2. Tony and I are good friends, but we are in different _. A. classes B. school C. grade D. age ( )3. What color ____ your ____, Mike? A. is; pants B. is; pant C. are; pant D. are; pants ( )4. Your mother’s brother is your ____. A. aunt B. uncle C. brother D. grandfather ( )5. Tom and Kate are ____. A. brothers and sisters B. brothers and sister C. brother and sister D. sisters and brother ( )6. Would you like ____ eggs? A. any B. some C. much D. a lot ( )7. She doesn’t have ____. A. some milks B. any milks C. some milk D. any milk ( )8. —What would you like to drink? —____ A. Some cakes. B. Two glass of orange juice. C. Two glasses of apple juice. D. Two glasses of apple juices. ( )9. Would you like ____ chicken? A. one B. two C. some D. three ( )10. He wants two ____ salt and three ____ eggs. bags; kilos B. bags of; kilos C. bags of; kilos of D. bags; kilos of ( )11. —What are your favorite animals? —____ A. Cute. B. Tigers. C. Zoos. D. Cat. 名词所有格 练习题 “ Kangkang’s” 意为“康康的”,是名词所有格的一种 形式。其构成方式是在名词后面加“’ s” ;而以 s 结尾的复 数名词,只加“ ’ ”。 如: Teachers’ Day 教师节 注意: Kate and Lucy’s room 凯特和露西的房间 ( 两人共有的房间); Kate’s and Lucy’s rooms 凯特 的房间和露西的房间(两人各自的房间)。 另外, of 短语也可以用来表示所属关系。如: a map of China 一幅中国地图 名词所有格 ( )1. What is ____ name? his teachers B. her teachers C. his teacher’s D. her teachers’ ( )2. The man in brown is ____ father. A.Lucy’s and Lily’s B. Lucy’s and Lily C. Lucy and Lily’s D. Lucy and Lily ( )3. —____, Tom. Is this your pen? —No, it isn’t. I think it’s ____. A. Excuse me; Jack B. Sorry; Jack’s C. Excuse me; Jack’s D. Sorry; Jack ( )4. This is ____ desk. A. Mike’s and John’s B. Mike and John’s C. Mike’s and John D. Mike and John ( ) 5. ________ cell phone number is 13836798452. Mary B. Mary is C. Mary’s (1)Many _______(family) _______(have) two_______ (child)here. (2)All my_______ (family) _______(have) big eyes. (3)These_______ (woman) _______(be)my _______ (aunt). (4)I want to buy three_______ (kilo)of_______ (orange) and one_____ _____ ______(potato). (5)Let ’ s go to the _______ (teacher) office. families have children family have women are aunts kilos oranges teachers ’ kilo of potatoes 冠词练习题 a 和 an 的区别 1. a 用在以辅音音素开头的单词前。 例如: a book; a desk 2. an 用在以元音音素开头的单词前。 例如: an egg; an apple 你知道吗 (1) I am ___HR manager; but I don ’ t have___ horse. (2)I have _____umbrella, There is ____ “ u ” in umbrella. (3)He is ____ eight-year-old boy. He is _____English. an a an a 用 an/a 填空 an an 冠词 ( )1. —What’s this ____ English? —It’s ____ egg. to; a B. to; an C. in; an D. in; a ( )2. My mom is ____ teacher. She’s ____ English teacher. A. a; an B. a; a C. an; a D. an; an ( )3. —Is this ____ car? —Yes, it’s ____ English car. a; an B. a; a C. an; an D. an; a ( )4. —What’s that ____ English? —It’s a desk A. from B. to C. in D. / ( )5. ____ orange is ____ orange. A. An; / B. /; an C. An; an D. /; / ( )6. Mary is in __ red clothes and her hair _ brown. A. /; is B. a; are C. an; is D. /; are 动词 练习题 语法新课堂 何谓第三人称单数形式 一 . 第三人称单数形式的词尾变化 . 在一般现在时中, 当 主语 是第三人称单数形式时, 行为动词 用第三人称单数形式,即加 -s 或 –es . 具体方法如下: 一般情况下 , 直接加 -s . 如 : work---work s play---play s rain---rain s see---see s 2. 以 sh,ch,s,x 或 o 结尾的词后加 -es . 如 : wash---wash es teach---teach es fix---fix es do---do es go---go es 3. 以辅音字母加 -y 结尾的 , 先把 y 变成 i , 再加 -es . 如 : study---stud ies fly---fl ies carry---carr ies 二 . 哪些主语是第三人称单数 1. 人称代词 he, she, it 是第三人称单数 . 1).He likes watching TV. 他喜欢看电视 . 2).She has lunch at twelve. 他十二点吃午餐 . 3). It looks like a cat. 它看起来象只猫 . 2. 单个人名 . 地名或称呼作主语时 , 是第三人称单数形式 . 如 : 1).Han Mei looks like her mother. 韩梅看起来像她的母亲 . 2).Beijing is in China. 北京在中国 . 3). Uncle Wang often makes cakes. 王叔叔经常做蛋糕 . 3. 单数可数名词或 “ this/that/the + 单数可数名词” 作主语时 , 是第三人称单数 . 如 : 1).A horse is a useful animal. 马是一种有用的动物 . 2).This book is yours. 这本书是你的 . 3).That car is red. 那辆汽车是红色的 . 4).The cat is Lucy’s. 这只猫是露西的 . someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something 等不定代词及指示代词 this, that 作主语时 , 是第三人称单数 . 如 : 1).Everyone is here. 大家到齐了 . 2)This is a pen. 这是一支钢笔 . 3).That is an eraser. 那是一块橡皮 . 5. 不可数名词作主语时 , 为第三人称单数 . 如 : 1).The milk is in the glass. 牛奶在玻璃杯里 . 2).The bread is very small. 那块面包很小 . 6. 当数字或字母做主语时,看做第三人称单数. 如: 1).“6” is a lucky number. “6”是个吉利数字. 2).“I” is a letter. “ I”是个字母. 专项习题精练 ( 着眼高分 查漏补缺 ) 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空 Jack_______ (love) his mother very much. Mary and Lily______ (come) from the same country. The juice( 果汁 )_____ (be) in the fridge( 冰箱 ). “2”______ (sound) like “too”. loves come is sounds 5. The tiger ____ (be) a dangerous animal. 6. Shanghai_______ (be) a modern city. 7. Everybody_______ (know) Jay Chou. 8. This_____ (be) my new pen pal. is is knows is 9. There_____ (be) some bread on the table. 10. Either I or he_____ (like) playing soccer. is likes 动词 ( )1. I ____ a big nose, but he ____ a small nose. A. have; have B. have; has C. has; has D. has; have ( )2. —Does Lucy look like Lily? —Yes, she ____. They ____ the same. A. does; looks B. does; look C. do; looks D. do; look ( )3. —Whose cap is this? —I ____ it’s Li Ming’s. A. think B. help C. find D. welcome ( )4. Please help Jack ____ his bike. It’s missing( 不见了 ). finds B. gives C. find D. give 动词 2 ( )5. —Do Lucy and Lily ____ bikes? —Yes. Lucy __ a new bike, but Lily ___ an old one. has; has; have B. have; has; has C. have; has; have D. has; have; has ( )6.What does he ____ in the letter? says B. say C. speak D. tell ( )7.—Where does he live? —He ____ in Shanghai. lives B. live C. is live D. to live ( ) 8. We are from England. We _______ English. A. tell B. say C.speak ( ) 9. ---______ you like English? ---Yes, I do. A. Does B. do C. Do ( ) 10. ---Do you come from the U.S.A.? ---No, I _______ from Canada. A. comes B. am C. be 动词 3 ( )11. Why not ____ some milk? eat B. drink C. to eat D. to drink ( )12. Tom speaks English. ____ Jane ____ English, too? Do; speaks B. Does; speak C. Do; speak D. Does; speaks ( )13. He ____ the Great Wall. A. want to visit B. want visit C. wants to visit D. wants visit ( )14. The dress is very nice and I’ll ____ it. think B. take C. want D. bring ( )15. —The clothes are one hundred yuan. —One hundred yuan! ____ you ____? A. Do; kidding B. Do; kid C. Is; kidding D. Are; kidding ( )16. Maria often ____ breakfast at seven o’clock. A. drink B. has C. have D. eat ( )17. —Could you help me, please? —Sure. What would you like me ____? A. do B. to do C. doing D. does ( )18. —Do you want ____ with me? —Yes, I do. A. to do any shopping B. do any shopping C. to do some shopping D. do some shopping ( )19. —____ your sister know Tom? —No, she ___. A. Do; don’t B. Does; doesn’t C. Do; do D. Does; does ( )20. —___ your sister know Lucy? —No, she ___. A. Do; don’t B. Does; doesn’t C. Does; don’t D. Do; doesn’t ( )21. What ____ you like ____ breakfast? A. do; to B. would; to C. would; for D. do; doing ( )22. What ____ you like ____ breakfast? A. do; to B. would; to C. would; for D. do; doing ( )23. Please __ the tree. Can you __ any apples on it? A.look; see B. look at; see C. see; look D. see; look at ( )24. —What would you like ____? —A glass of water, please. A. drink B. have C. to drink D. to eat ______ he ______ Chinese? ( speak) No, he doesn’t. He _______ English. 2. Where ______ he ______ ? ( live ) He ______ in England. 3. What _____ he _____ in the letter? (say) He ______ to visit the Great Wall. (want) Does speak speaks does live lives does say wants 词组与短语 练习题 词组与短语 2 ( )1. Mary's Chinese is poor. We can help her ______ it. A. with B.and C.to ( )2. Mom isn’t in today. I look ____ my little sister. A. at B. after C. like D. the same ( )3. I like these shoes. Can I ____? A. try them on B. try on them C. try it on D. try on it ( )4. Lucy ____ cook food for the picnic. have B. have to C. has D. has to ( )5. It’s seven o’clock, it’s time to ____. A. goes home B. go home C. to go home D. going home ( )6. —Could you ask her ____ me back, please? I have something to tell her. —OK. A. call B. to call C. calling D. call to ( )7. Please ask Jane ____. I’ll wait for her. A. call me B. give me a call C. to call me back D. giving me a call 词组与短语 ( )8.He doesn’t like apples ____. A. very B. much C. at all D. little ( )9. —Lucy, do you ____ your sister, Lily? —No, we have different looks. A. look B. look at C. look the same D. look like ( )10. —That’s my bag. Please ____. —OK. A. give it to me B. give me to it C. give it me D. give me it ( )11. —Do you look like your sister? —No, we ____. A. look the same B. look different C. look like D. look at ( )12.Li Lei often ____ Lin Tao ____ his English. A. help; to B. helps; with C. helps; to D. help; with 建议 练习题 ( )1. ____ fish and eggs? A. Why not B. Why don’t you C. Let’s D. What about ( )2. —Let’s go home.—____ A. No, we don’t. B. We can’t. C. Let’s go to school. D. OK. ( )3. —What about having supper with me? —Sorry. ____ A. I’m free. B. I have time. C. I’m afraid I have no time. D. I have some time. ( )5. —What about something to drink? —____ A. Not at all. B. That’s right. C. All right. D. You are welcome. ( )6. —Let’s go swimming this afternoon. —____ A. Great. B. Good idea. C. That’s OK. D. A, B and C 数词练习题 Ⅰ. 词汇。 (10 分 ) A. 用英语写出下面的数字。 1. Jim is in Class _________ (11), Grade Seven. 2. Those are __________ (13) buses. 3. __________ (15) is my lucky ( 幸运的 ) number. 4. Double nine is ___________ (18). 5. Jack is ___________ (20) years old. eleven thirteen Fifteen eighteen twenty 时间 练习题 ( )1.“12: 45”reads( 读作 ) ____. A. a quarter past twelve B. a quarter to twelve C. twelve forty-five D. three quarters past twelve ( )2. —What time do you get up, Jim? —I get up ____. A. about six o’clock B. at about six o’clock C. about at six o’clock D. six o’clock ( )3. —____ is it? —It’s six o’clock. A. What B. What color C. What time D. How ( )4. —What time is it? —It’s ____. A. four four-five B. a quarter to five C. three quarters past four D. forty-five four ( )5. —____ —It’s ten o’clock. What’s that in Beijing? B. What’s the time in Beijing? C. What’s it in Beijing? D. Where is Beijing?

