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目 录 章节复习 专题归类复习一 专题归类复习二 专题归类复习三 专题归类复习四 专题归类复习五 专题归类复习一 本专题考点: 1 .打招呼用语。 2 .动词 be 的用法。 3 .形容词性物主代词。 4 .不定冠词 a 与 an 。 专题归类复习一 考点 1 打招呼用语 【 要点解读 】 1. 与熟人在早上、下午、晚上见面时,要说 Good morning/afternoon/evening! 2. 熟人见面用“ How are you ?” 初次见面用“ How do you do ?” 专题归类复习一 【 强化训练 】 单项选择 ( )1.—Good evening, Alice! —________ ! A. Fine    B. Good evening C. Thanks ( )2.—How are you, Frank? —________ . A. Hello B. Thanks C. I'm OK ( )3.—How do you do? —________ A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. I am fine. 专题归类复习一 B C B 考点 2   be 动词 【 要点解读 】 be 动词的形式: am, is, are be 动词的用法: am 与第一人称连用; is 与第三人称连用; are 与第二人称或复数连用。 专题归类复习一 【 强化训练 】 用 am, is 或 are 填空 1 . How _________ you? 2 . I ________ fine. 3 . This ______ a pen. 4 . How ____ he? 5 . It ____ yellow. 专题归类复习一 are am is is is 考点 3  形容词性物主代词 【 要点解读 】 我们学习了 my ( 我的 ), your ( 你的 ), his ( 他的 ), her ( 她的 ) 等形容词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词表示所属,放在名词的前面作定语。表示复数的形容词性物主代词分别是 our ( 我们的 ), your ( 你们的 ), their ( 他们的 ) 。在运用形容词性物主代词时,要注意问句与答语中人称的一致。如: —What's your name? —My name' s Mary. 想更详细地了解形容词性物主代词,请看下面的表格。 专题归类复习一 专题归类复习一 第一人称 第一人称 第二人称 第二人称 第三人称 第三人称 单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数 my our your your his, her , its their  注意:形容词性物主代词与形容词连用修饰名词时,要放在形容词前。如: This is my red pen. 这是我的红色的钢笔。 【 强化训练 】 Ⅰ. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 . _________ (she) is a girl. ______(she) name is Lucy. 2 . _____(I) name is Kate. What's________(you ) name? 3 . What is_______(he ) telephone number? 4 . Are_____(your ) Miss Smith? 5 . ______(it) name is Mimi. Ⅱ. 根据句意及汉语提示补全单词 1 . _______( 她的 ) name is Mary. 2 . This is______( 我的 ) book. 3 . What's_________( 你的 ) name? 专题归类复习一 She Her My your his you Its Her my your 4 . ________( 他的 ) telephone number is 5433345. 5 . It's a cat._______( 它的 ) eyes are blue. 专题归类复习一 His Its 考点 4  不定冠词 a 与 an 【 要点解读 】 an 用在以元音音素开头的字母或单词前; a 用在以辅音音素开头的字母或单词前。当名词前有 this , that 等指示代词或 my, your 等物主代词时,不能再用 a 或 an 。 专题归类复习一 【 强化训练 】 根据句意用不定冠词 a 、 an 或 / 填空 1 . It's ____ my English book. 2 . Lucy is ____ girl. 3 . It's ____ English book. 4 . —What's this? —It's ____ map. 5 . It is ____ “L” . 6 . —What's this in English? —It's ____ orange. 专题归类复习一 / a an a an an 专题归类复习二 本专题考点: 1 .含 be 动词的一般疑问句。 2 . this, that 与 it 。 3 .方位介词的用法。 4 . where 引导的特殊疑问句。 专题归类复习二 考点 1  含 be 动词的一般疑问句 【 要点解读 】 含有 be 动词的句子变一般疑问句时,把 be 动词提到句子前面。 专题归类复习二 【 强化训练 】 按要求完成下列句子 1 . This is my pen. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ____ this ________ pen? 2 . Is that her dictionary? ( 作肯定回答及否定回答 ) Yes, ____ ____ . No, ____ _________ . 3 . I am an English boy. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ______ ________ an English boy? 4 . His name is Bob. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ____ ________name Bob? 专题归类复习二 Is your it is it isn ' t Are you Is his 考点 2   this , that 与 it 【 要点解读 】 1 .指示代词是用来指代或标记人或事物的代词, this 和 that 是最基本、最常用的指示代词,常用来指代名词单数。 (1) this 表示“这个”,指近处的人或事物; that 意为“那个”,指较远处的人或事物或用来指代离说话人较远的人或事物。两者作主语时, be 动词都用 is 。 (2) 介绍在一起的两个事物时,先介绍的用 this ,后介绍的用 that 。 (3) 向第三者介绍旁边的人时,用 This is… ;向第三者介绍距离较远的人时,用 That is… 。 专题归类复习二 (4) 打电话向对方介绍自己时用 This is… ;询问对方是谁时,用 Who's that? 2 .在 this 或 that 做主语的问句中,回答用代词 it 来替代;指性别不明的婴儿、身份不明的人或者只闻其声未见其人的情况下,用 it 而不用 this 或 that 。 专题归类复习二 【 强化训练 】 Ⅰ. 根据句意用 this, that 或 it 填空 1 . Look! ________ is a computer. 2 . Mum, __________ is Tom and ________ is Lucy. 3 . —What's this? —_____ is a ruler. —How do you spell _____ ? —RULER. 4.—Is this Mary? —No, ____ isn't. It's Lily. 5 . This is an apple. ____ is a red apple. 专题归类复习二 This this that It it it It Ⅱ. 根据问句及提示完成答语 1 . —Is that a pencil? —Yes, ____ ____ . 2 . —Is this your book? —No, ____ ________ . 3 . —Is that an English dictionary? —Yes, ____ ____ . 4 . —Are you Bob? —No, ____ ____ . 5 . —Is it an orange? —No, ____ _______ . 专题归类复习二 it is it isn ' t it is I ' m not it isn ' t 考点 3  方位介词的用法 【 要点解读 】 表示人或物在某地要借助方位介词。方位介词通常不单独作句子的成分,与后面的名词一起构成介词短语充当一定的句子成分。 1 . on 意为“在 …… 上面 ( 与物体的表面有接触 )” 。 2 . under 意为“在 …… 下面 ( 指在物体的垂直下方,两者不接触 )” 。 3 . in 意为“在 …… 里面 ( 指在物体的内部 )” 。 专题归类复习二 【 强化训练 】 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 1 .我的课本在床上。 My book is _____ ____ ____ . 2 .他的笔记本在书包里。 His notebook is ____ ______ _____________. 3 .你的手表在桌子下面。 _________ watch is _________ _______ ________. 专题归类复习二 on the bed in the schoolbag Your under the table 考点 4   where 引导的特殊疑问句 【 要点解读 】 对地点进行提问时用疑问副词 where 。 询问“某人或某物在哪里?”的句型是“ Where + be +主语 ( 人或物 ) ?” (1) 当询问的人或物是单数时, be 动词用 is ,回答时,主语用单数人称代词。 (2) 当询问的人或物是复数时, be 动词用 are ,回答时,主语用复数人称代词。 专题归类复习二 【 强化训练 】 按要求完成下列句子 1 . My skirt is___________. ( 对画线部分提问 ) ___________ ____ ________ skirt? 2 . His dictionaries are____________. ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ _______ his dictionaries? 3 . her, where, eraser, is, yellow ( 连词成句 ) ______________________________ ? 4 . —Where is my CD? ( 根据汉语意思写出答语 ) —_____________________. ( 抱歉,我不知道。 ) 专题归类复习二 on_the_sofa Where is your on_the_desk Where are Where _ is _ her _ yellow _ eraser Sorry,_I _ don ' t _ know 专题归类复习三 本专题考点: 1 .动词 have 的用法。 2 .动词 like 的用法。 3 .可数名词与不可数名词。 4 .动词 play 的用法。 专题归类复习三 考点 1  动词 have 的用法 【 要点解读 】 have 意为“有”,表示所属关系,有人称和数的变化。一般现在时中,主语为第三人称单数时, have 要变为 has 。 专题归类复习三 【 强化训练 】 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1 . They ________ (have) a beautiful room. 2 . Tom _______ (have) a blue eraser. 3 . Bob and Mike __________ (have) a desk. 4 . I ______________ (not have) a computer. 5 . Mike ________________ (not have) a basketball. 专题归类复习三 have has have don ' t _ have doesn ' t _ have 考点 2  动词 like 的用法 【 要点解读 】 like 为动词,意为“喜欢”,后面接名词、代词、不定式或动名词作宾语。 专题归类复习三 【 强化训练 】 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1 . Mary ___________________ (not like) oranges. 2 . I like _______________ (play) baseball. 3 . Kate _________ (like) singing English songs. 4 . Do you like ____ (she)? 专题归类复习三 doesn ' t _ like playing likes her 考点 3  可数名词与不可数名词 【 要点解读 】 可数名词是指可以计数的事物的名词,可数名词有单、复数形式;不可数名词是指不可以计数的事物的名词,不可数名词没有单、复数形式。 专题归类复习三 【 强化训练 】 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1 . Some __________ (orange) is in the cup. 2 . I want some _____________ (tomato) to eat. 3 . Do you want some ___________ (salad)? 4 . A pen ____ (be) on the desk. 5 . Lots of vegetables ________ (be) in the supermarket ( 超市 ) . 专题归类复习三 orange tomatoes salad is are 考点 4  动词 play 的用法 【 要点解读 】 1 .表示“打”球,可作及物动词和不及物动词,后接表示球类的名词,其后不加冠词。 They play basketball every day. 他们每天打篮球。 2 .常用短语有: play with 与 …… 一起玩,比赛 Do you like playing with children? 你喜欢与孩子们玩吗? 专题归类复习三 【 强化训练 】 Ⅰ. 单项选择 ( )1.I usually play________basketball in the afternoon. A . a      B . the     C . / ( )4.Lucy likes playing________her dog. A . with B.in C.for ( )5.I have ________dinner at 6 : 30 and then play________pingpong with my sister. A . the; / B . /; / C . the; the 专题归类复习三 C A B Ⅱ. 翻译句子 1 . Do they play volleyball after school every day? ________________________________ 5 .这个老爷爷喜欢逗他的孙子玩。 _________________________________________________ 专题归类复习三 他们每天放学后打排球吗? The _ grandfather _ likes _ playing _ with _ his _ grandson .__ 专题归类复习四 本专题考点: 1 .基数词和序数词的用法。 2 .提问物品价格。 3 .名词所有格的用法。 4 .询问年龄。 专题归类复习四 考点 1  基数词和序数词的用法 【 要点解读 】 1 .用来表达数量的词叫基数词。 (1) 0—12 的基数词要单独记忆。 (2) 13—19 的基数词是以“个位数+ teen” 构成,且重音都在 teen 上,注意 thirteen 和 fifteen 是由 three 和 five 转化来的; eighteen 是 eight 与 teen 只保留一个 t 得来的。 (3) 20—90 的整十数基数词是以“个位数+ ty ” 构成,但注意 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty 的特殊性。 (4) 21—91 的非整十数的基数词,表示“几十几”,十位数和个位数之间用连字符“ ” 连接。如: twentyone , fiftythree , ninetynine 等。 专题归类复习四 (5) 100 以上的整百基数词,用“基数词+ hundred” 表示,注意“一百”可以用 one hundred 或 a hundred 表示。 2 .表示事物顺序的数词叫序数词。序数词一般是在基数词词尾加“ th ” 构成。 (1) 表示第一到第三的形容词, first, second, third 这三个词与别的词差距较大。 (2) 第二十到第九十的整数序数词,变化规则是将相应的整十数词末尾的 y 变成 i ,再加 eth 。 (3) 第二十一到第九十九的非整十数序数词,只需将这些词的基数词的个位数变为序数词。 专题归类复习四 【 强化训练 】 Ⅰ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 1 .他的妈妈 42 岁。 His mother is ___________ _________ _______. 2 .我有 12 个苹果。 I have ________ ____________ . 3 .我们需要 20 个篮球。 We ________ ___________ ________________ . 4 .王林在 3 班。 Wang Lin is in _________ ___________ . 5 . 9 加 4 等于几? ___________ is ________ and _________ ? 专题归类复习四 forty two years old twelve apples need twenty basketballs Class Three What nine four Ⅱ. 用括号内数字对应的数词的适当形式填空 1 . My birthday is on May _______ (3) . 2 . September is the ___________ (9) month of the year. 3 . I am _________ (12) years old. Today is my _________ (12) birthday. 4 . His birthday is on June _________ (21) . 5 . It's March __________ (18) today. 专题归类复习四 3 rd ninth twelve twelfth 21 st 18 th 考点 2  提问物品价格 【 要点解读 】 1 .提问物品的价格一般用“ How much + be +主语?”,意为“ …… 多少钱?”其中 be 动词随着主语的变化而变化。 2 .提问物品的价格还可以用“ What is the price of +物品?” 专题归类复习四 【 强化训练 】 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 1 .这本词典多少钱? ________ _______ is the dictionary? 2 .我的书包 25 美元。 My schoolbag _________ 25 dollars. 3 .你们的橡皮多少钱? _____ _______ ________your erasers? 4 .这张地图的价格是多少? ________ the ________ _______ the map? 5 .这张 CD 的价格是 8 元。 The ______ ______ the CD is ¥ 8. 专题归类复习四 How much are How much are What’s price of price of 考点 3  名词所有格的用法 【 要点解读 】 名词所有格用来表示所属关系,通常在名词的后面加“ 's” ,叫做“ 's 所有格”;“名词+ of +名词”构成“ of 所有格”;“ of +所有格”构成双重所有格。 专题归类复习四 【 强化训练 】 根据句意用名词所有格形式填空 1 . The girl is ____________ (Tom) sister. 2 . September 10th is __ _____________ (teacher) Day. 3 . This is _____________________ (John and Jeff) mother. 4 . She is a friend of _________ (Lucy) . 5 . _______________________ (Lucy and Lily) dictionaries are here. 专题归类复习四 Tom ' s Teachers ' John _ and _ Jeff ' s Lucy ' s Lucy ' s _ and _ Lily ' s 考点 4  询问年龄 【 要点解读 】 1 .“ How old + be +主语? ”意为“ …… 多大年龄了?”其中 be 动词随着主语的变化而变化。 2 .“ What is the age of + 主语?”或“ What is + 主语 's + age ?”,意为“ …… 的年龄是多大?” 专题归类复习四 强化训练 】 按要求完成下列句子 1 . The little boy is______________. ( 对画线部分提问 ) _______ _______ is the little boy? 2 . The girl's age is 14 . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ ____ the girl's age? 3 . How old are you? ( 改为同义句 ) ________ ____ your ________ ? 4 . What's Lucy's age? ( 改为同义句 ) What's the ________ ____ Lucy? 5 . —______________________ ? ( 根据答语写出问句 ) —They are only ten years old. 专题归类复习四 8_years_old How old What is What is age age of How _ old _ are _ they 专题归类复习五 本专题考点: 1 .介词 in, on, at 表示时间。 2 . what, who, why 引导的特殊疑问句。 专题归类复习五 考点 2  介词 in , on , at 表示时间 【 要点解读 】 介词 in 后面接时间时,跟时间段; on 后面接的是具体的某一天; at 后面接的是具体的时间点。 专题归类复习五 【 强化训练 】 根据句意选用介词 in, on, at 填空 1 . His mother gets up ____ 6 o'clock every day. 2 . Her birthday is ____ July 1st. 3 . I play soccer ____ the afternoon of May 18th. 4 . Does she work 5 days ____ a week? 5 . People usually do stretching exercises ( 伸展运动 ) ____ the morning. 专题归类复习五 at on on in in 考点 3   what , who , why 引导的特殊疑问句 【 要点解读 】 what 意为“什么”,用来询问姓名、物品或职业等; who 意为“谁”,用来提问人; why 意为“为什么”,用来询问原因。 when 意为“什么时候”,用来询问时间。 专题归类复习五 【 强化训练 】 用适当的特殊疑问词填空 1 . —__________ is your sister's favorite color? —Green. 2 . —____________ is the boy's sister? —Wang Yan. 3 . —____________ does he like playing soccer? —Because he thinks it's interesting. 4 . —_________ is your P.E. class? —On Thursday. 专题归类复习五 What Who Why When 人教版七年级英语上册 期末复习 没有上过学的中国人能讲一口流利的中文,他们不懂得什么叫做主语、宾语,更不懂得什么叫做句子结构;没有上过学的英国人能讲一口流利的英文,他们不懂得什么叫做系动词、谓语动词,更不懂得什么叫虚拟语气,什么叫倒装 …… 不论中国人还是英国人,开始学习母语时都是在模仿。 “ 爸爸、妈妈 ……” 而就是在模仿的过程中,他们仅仅利用 3 年的时间就掌握了这门语言。中国的学生学习英语数年甚至十年以上,语法知识背得滚瓜烂熟,见到外国人却说不了几句话,为什么? 语法 句子 更多句子 N 年来人们都这样说: I can jump. He can swim. She can make fire. They can hunt. 语言学家开始研 究这些句子的结 构,他们发现 … 从此该句型成为固定格式: They can play chess. I can play basketball. He can play computer games. She can play the guitar. 所以:在学习一门语言的初期阶段,要多积累句子,并模仿这些句子自己造句。不要问为什么这么说,为什么这个词要在那个词的后面,没有为什么,就因为说这门语言的人们都这么说,而且说了 N 年。掌握的句子多了,语法甚至可以靠自己总结出来,而此时,语法不再是枯燥的主谓宾,而是属于自己的永远的财富 …… 模仿是告别哑巴英语的法宝 发音 单词 句子 单词量是学好英语的基础; 掌握正确的音标发音是关键; 根据发音记单词是捷径; 遗忘是正常规律; 经常重复是牢固记忆的途径 句子发音的关键在于语调和重音; 英语句子中单词的连读、略读等需要模仿; 将每个单词发音准确,不要贪求语速; 将自己的发音与标准发音对照,不断改进 单词 单词 句子 单词 It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. “What a day!” I thought. “It’s raining again.” Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. “I’ve just arrived by train,” she said, “I’m coming to see you.” “But I’m still having breakfast,” I said. “What are you doing?” She asked. “I’m having breakfast,” I repeated. “Dear me!” she said, “Do you always get up so late? It’s one o’clock!” Starter Units 1-3 打招呼用语 Hello. / Hi. 你好。 Good morning. 早上好。 Good afternoon. 下午好。 Good evening. 晚上好。 补充: Good night. 晚安。 问候熟识的朋友 How are you? 你好吗? I’m fine. Thanks. How are you? 我很好。谢谢。你好吗? I’m OK. 我很好。 【I’m=I am】 认识周围的事物 What’s this/that in English? 这(那)用英语怎么说? = What is this/that in English? 回答 : It’s a/an ___.【=It is a/an ___.】 它是一个 ___ 。 ? 思考 :什么情况下用 a ,什么情况下用 an? 要看这个单词的首字母是元音字母还是辅音字母! 要看这个单词的第一个发音是元音还是辅音! √ 请在下列物品前添加 a 或 an 其他 ___ university ___ hour ___ “F” ___ “H” a an an an 总结 :以元音字母“ a 、 e 、 i 、 o” 开头的单词前用 an ,以元音字母“ u” 开头的单词,只要“ u” 不发字母音就用 an ,否则用 a 。 询问物品的颜色 What color is it? 它是什么颜色的? It’s ___.【=It is ___】 它是 ___ 。 What color is the ___? 那个 ___ 是什么颜色的? It’s ___.【=It is ___】 它是 ___ 。 The ___ is ___. 那个 ___ 是 ___ 。 A : What’s that in English? B : It’s an orange. A : Spell it, please. B : O-R-A-N-G-E. A : What color is the orange? B : The orange is orange. Unit 1 My name’s Gina. 结交新朋友 · 介绍姓名 What’s your name? 你的 名字是什么? My name is ___.【 My name’s ___.】 我的 名字是 ___ 。 What’s his name? 他的 名字是什么? His name is ___. 他的 名字是 ___ 。 What’s her name? 她的 名字是什么? Her name is ___. 她的 名字是 ___ 。 ●my , your , his , her 称为“ 形容词性物主代词 ”,它们必须与其他名词或名词短语联用,不能单独使用。 my your his her jacket CD ruler English book 结交新朋友 · 询问电话号码 What ’ s your telephone number? 你的 电话号码是什么? It ’ s ___. 它是 ___ 。 My telephone number is ___. 我的 电话号码是 ___ 。 What ’ s his telephone number? 他的 电话号码是什么? It ’ s ___. 它是 ___ 。 His telephone number is ___. 他的 电话号码是 ___ 。 What ’ s her telephone number? 她的 电话号码是什么? It ’ s ___. 它是 ___ 。 Her telephone number is ___. 她的 电话号码是 ___ 。 句型 What ’ s ( 1 )( 2 )? ( 1 )( 2 ) is ___. ( 1 )选填形容词性物主代词 ( 2 )选填以下词语: name ; first name ; last name ; family name ; telephone number Unit 2 Is this your pencil? 认识物品的所属 Is this your ___? 这是 你的 ___ 吗? 【 一般疑问句 】 Is that your ___? 那是 你的 ___ 吗? 肯定回答: Yes, it is . 是的,它是。 否定回答: No, it isn’t. 不,它不是。 Is this his ___? 这是 他的 ___ 吗? Is that his ___? 那是 他的 ___ 吗? Is this her ___? 这是 她的 ___ 吗? Is that her ___? 那是 她的 ___ 吗? It’s/This is/That is my ___. 它是 / 这是 / 那是 我的 ___ 。 It’s/This is/That is his ___. 它是 / 这是 / 那是 他的 ___ 。 It’s/This is/That is her ___. 它是 / 这是 / 那是 她的 ___ 。 pencil pen book eraser ruler pencil case backpack sharpener dictionary baseball watch notebook ring ID card 练习题 1. My name is Gina . (就划线部分提问) 2. What’s this in English? ___ an orange. 3. This is my computer game. (改为一般疑问句) 4. That is her dictionary. (改为一般疑问句) 5. It is a pencil case. (改为一般疑问句) 6. Is this your pen? (作肯定回答) 7. Is this his eraser? (作否定回答) 8. How do you spell it? (同义句) 9. Her telephone number is 7654321 . (就划线部分提问) 10. His first name is Jerry . (就划线部分提问) 答案: 1. What’s your name? 2. It’s 3. Is this your computer game? 4. Is that her dictionary? 5. Is it a pencil case? 6. Yes, it is. 7. No, it isn’t. 8. Spell it, please. 9. What’s/What is her telephone number? 10. What’s/What is his first name? 寻物启事( Lost and found ) call sb. at … 打某个电话给某人 the lost and found case 失物招领箱 Unit 3 This is my sister. 介绍别人 向别人介绍一个人时: This is my ___.【 单数名词 】 这是 我的 ___ 。 That is my ___. 那是 我的 ___ 。 ( father , mother , brother , sister , son , daughter , cousin , uncle , aunt , grandfather , grandmother , friend 等) 向别人介绍多个人时: These are my ___.【 复数名词 】 这些是 我的 ___ 。 Those are my ___. 那些是 我的 ___ 。 ( parents , brothers , sisters , sons , daughters , cousins , uncles , aunts , grandparents , friends 等) 当然, my 也可以换成其他形容词性物主代词,形成新的句子。 练习题 1. This is my brother. ( 改为复数形式 ) ______ _____ my _______. 2. That is her friend. ( 改为复数形式 ) _____ _____ her _______. 3. This is my teacher. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _____ _____ _____ teacher? 4. That is his grandmother. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _____ _____ _____ grandmother? These are brothers These are brothers Is this your 注意: Is this your sister? Is that his brother? 此类句型一般用于询问照片上的人,其肯定回答为: Yes, it is. 否定回答为: No, it isn’t. Is that his 介绍别人的其他句型 He is my ___. 他 是我的 ___ 。 【he is=he’s】 She is my ___. 她 是我的 ___ 。 【she is=she’s】 ※ “I you he she” 为人称代词的 主格 ,在句子中 作主语 。一个完整的句子往往描述某人或某物是什么或做了什么,这里的某人或某物就是句子的主语。 He’s my father. (改为一般疑问句) _____ _____ _____ father? Li Ming is her friend. (改为一般疑问句并回答) _____ ________ her friend? Yes, _____ _____. / No, _____ _____. Is he your Is Li Ming he is he isn’t Unit 4 Where is my backpack? 物品的位置 Where is my ___? 【 单数 】 我的 ___ 在哪儿? It’s on/in/under/behind/next to the ___. 它在 ___ 的上面 / 里面 / 下面 / 后面 / 边上。 My ___ is on the ___. 我的 ___ 在 ___ 的上面。 Is my ___ on the ___? 我的 ___ 在 ___ 的上面吗? Yes, it is. 是的,它是(在那儿)。 No, it isn’t. 不,它不是(在那儿)。 Where are my ___?【 复数 】 我的 ___ 在哪儿? They’re on/in/under/behind/next to the ___. 它们在 ___ 的上面 / 里面 / 下面 / 后面 / 边上。 My ___ are in the ___. 我的 ___ 在 ___ 的里面。 Are my ___ in the ___? 我的 ___ 在 ___ 的里面吗? Yes, they are.【 不能缩写 】No, they aren’t. take…to… 把 … 带去 bring…to… 把 … 带来 take…to… 把 … 带去 bring…to… 把 … 带来 情态动词 情态动词 情态动词 实义动词 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 用 have ( 有 )描述物品的所属 肯定句: I/We have ___.【 第一人称 】 You have ___.【 第二人称 】 He/She has ___.【 第三人称单数 】 They have ___.【 第三人称复数 】 否定句: I/We don’t have ___. You don’t have ___. He/She doesn’t have ___. They don’t have ___. 一般疑问句及回答: Do you have ___? Yes, I do . / No, I don’t . Does he/she have ___? Yes, he/she does . / No, he/she doesn’t . Do they have ___? Yes, they do . / No, they don’t . 体育运动 Let’s… 让我们 … 吧 play volleyball 打排球 ※play+ 某种球类(如: football , soccer , baseball , tennis , basketball , ping-pong 等) That’s sounds good. 那听起来不错。 # 知识拓展 # I play basketball every day. →He/She plays basketball every day. ( 改为第三人称单数 ) → I don’t play basketball every day. He/She doesn’t play basketball every day. ( 改为否定句 ) → Do you play basketball every day? Does he/she play basketball every day? ( 改为一般疑问句 ) It’s boring. 它是无聊的。 It’s ___. 它是 ___ 。 拓展: “ 打篮球是有趣的 ” 用英语怎么说? Play basketball is interesting. × Playing basketball is interesting. 动词词组作主语时动词要加 ing 。 Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 喜欢与厌恶 肯定句: I/We like ___.【 第一人称 】 (可数名词要用复数,如 apples ) You like ___.【 第二人称 】 He/She likes ___.【 第三人称单数 】 They like ___.【 第三人称复数 】 否定句: I/We don’t like ___. You don’t like ___. He/She doesn’t like ___. They don’t like ___. 一般疑问句及回答: Do you like ___? Yes, I do . / No, I don’t . Does he/she like ___? Yes, he/she does . / No, he/she doesn’t . Do they like ___? Yes, they do . / No, they don’t . 模仿这段文章试写出自己和朋友的食谱 I eat lots of healthy food. For breakfast, I like ___. For lunch, I like ___. And for dinner, I have ___. ___ is my friend. He/She eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, he/she likes ___. For lunch, he/she likes ___. And he/she has ___ for dinner. Unit 7 How much are these pants? 询问价钱 How much is this/that ___? 这个 / 那个 ___ 多少钱? It’s ___ dollars. 它(是) ___ 美元。 How much is the ___? 这个 / 那个 ___ 多少钱? It’s ___ dollars. 它(是) ___ 美元。 How much are these/those ___? 这些 / 那些 ___ 多少钱? They’re ___ dollars. 它们(是) ___ 美元。 How much are the ___? 这些 / 那些 ___ 多少钱? They’re ___ dollars. 它们(是) ___ 美元。 The red hat is five dollars. (就划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ the red hat? The red hat is five dollars. (改为一般疑问句) _____ _____ _____ _____ five dollars? How much is Is the red hat 购物交际用语 color How much Here you are color How much Here you are This is my brother. His name is Tom. He has a basketball. What color is it? It ’s blue. Where is his basketball? It ’s on the floor. How much is the basketball? It ’s 20 dollars. My brother likes basketball. He plays basketball well. 模仿下面一段话写句子,复习前几单元的重要句型。 数字 0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred 200 two hundred 300 three hundred 背 Unit 8 When is your birthday? 询问生日和年龄 When is your/his/her birthday? 你的 / 他的 / 她的生日是什么时候? It’s ___. 它是 ___ 。 My/His/Her birthday is ___. 我的 / 他的 / 她的生日是在 ___ 。 When is Da Ming’s birthday? 大明的生日是什么时候? It’s ___. / Da Ming’s birthday is ___. When is your mother’s birthday? 你妈妈的生日是什么时候? How old are you? 你多大年龄? I am ___. 我 ___ 岁。 How old is he/she? 他 / 她多大年龄? He/She is ___. 他 / 她 ___ 岁。 How old is Da Ming? 大明多少岁? He is ___. / Da Ming is ___. 名词所有格 Da Ming’s book my father’s watch her sister’s dictionary James’ basketball my parents’ room his friends’ ID cards 日期的说法 12 月份 January February March April May June July August September October November December 序数词 first 【1st】 second 【2nd】 third 【3rd】 fourth【4th】 fifth【5th】 sixth【6th】 seventh【7th】 eighth【8th】 ninth 【9th】 tenth【10th】 eleventh【11th】 twelfth 【12th】 thirteenth【13th】 fourteenth【14th】 fifth【15th】 sixteenth【16th】 seventeenth【17th】 eighteenth【18th】 nineteenth【19th】 twentieth 【20th】 twenty-first【21st】 twenty-second【22nd】 twenty-third【23rd】 twenty-fourth【24th】 thirtieth【30th】 fortieth【40th】 fiftieth【50th】 sixtieth【60th】 seventieth【70th】 eightieth【80th】 ninetieth【90th】 one hundredth【100th】 句型: When is ___? your birthday her birthday party his grandfather’s birthday the school trip the speech contest basketball game the Spring Festival Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie? 谈论电影 Do you want to go to a movie? 你想去看电影吗? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Does he/she want to go to a movie? 他 / 她想去看电影吗? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t. I want to see a/an ___【 单数 】. He/She wants to see a /an ___【 单数 】. I like ___【 复数 】. Do you like ___【 复数 】. Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的电影? He/She likes ___【 复数 】. Does he/she like ___【 复数 】. Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t. What kind of movies does he/she like? 他 / 她喜欢什么类型的电影? I often go to movies with my friends. He often goes to movies with his father. She often goes to movies with her daughter. It’s a very funny comedy. → The comedy is very funny. It’s an interesting movie. → The movie is interesting. It’s a very scary thriller. → The thriller is very scary. It’s a very successful thriller. → The thriller is very successful. Comedies are funny. / The comedy is funny. Thrillers are scary. / The thriller is scary. Action movies are exciting. / The action movie is exciting. Unit 10 Can you play the guitar? 谈论社团 I/We want to join the ___ club. He/She wants to join the ___ club. They want to join the ___ club. What club do you want to join? What club does he/she want to join? What club do they want to join? Do you want to join the ___ club? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Does he/she want to join the ___ club? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t. Do they want to join the ___ club? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. 测试 Tom wants to join the basketball club . ( 就划线部分提问 ) I want to join the music club. ( 改为一般疑问句并作回答 ) Can you ___? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Can he/she ___? Yes, he/she can. / No, he/she can’t. Can they ___? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t. What can you do? I can ___. What can he/she do? He/She can ___. What can they do? They can ___. swim sing dance paint speak English play basketball play baseball play the guitar play the drums play the piano play the violin play the trumpet play chess 测试 Yao Ming can play basketball . ( 就划线部分提问 ) The boys can play the guitar. (改为一般疑问句并回答) ★ 作文 Hello. My name is ___. I am ___. My birthday is ___. I can play ___. So I want to join the ___ club. I have two ___. Where are they? They are ___. What color are they? They are ___. This is my ___. ___ name is ___. ___ likes ___ very much. For breakfast, ___ likes ___. For lunch, ___ likes ___. And for dinner, ___ has ___. This is my ___. ___ name is ___. ___ is ___. ___ birthday is ___. ___ often go to the movies. ___ likes ___ very much. ___ thinks ___ are very ___. ___ can play the ___. ___ wants to join the ___ club. Hello. My name is Tianying . I am 24 . My birthday is January 30th . I can play basketball . So I want to join the basketball club. I have two basketballs . Where are they? They are behind the door . What color are they? They are brown . This is my brother . His name is Kang . He likes bananas very much. For breakfast, he likes eggs . For lunch, he likes hamburgers . And for dinner, he has chicken . This is my friend . His name is Chuan . He is 23 . His birthday is June 21st . He often go to the movies. He likes comedies very much. He thinks comedies are very funny . He can play the guitar . He wants to join the guitar club.

