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Unit1 name nice meet too your his and 名字 ; 名称 令人愉快的 ; 宜人的 遇见;相逢 也;又;太 你的;你们的 他的 和,又,而 Words and expressions her yes she he no not 她的 是的;可以 她 他 不;没有;不是 不;没有 Words and expressions first first name last last name friend China middle school middle school adj. 第一 名字 adj. 最后的;末尾的 姓 n. 朋友 n. 中国 adj. 中间的 n. 中间 n. 学校 中学;初中 Words and expressions Hi. My name’s Gina. I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you! Good morning! I’m Cindy. Hello, Cindy! I’m Dale. Alan. Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you! What’s your name? Hello, Alan. I’m Ms. Brown. 我的名字 你的名字 她的名字 他的名字 很高兴认识你! my name your name her name his name Nice to meet you! Explanation Hello! My name is … This is my friend. His name is … Her name is … Introduce yourself and your friends. ( 介绍自己和朋友 ) Pairwork Practice the conversations in pairs. A: Hello! What’s your name? B: My name’s ... A: I’m ... B: Nice to meet you! A: What’s his name? B: His name is ... A: And what’s her name? B: Her name is ... Role play the conversation. Linda : Good afternoon! My name’s Linda. Are you Helen? Helen : Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, Linda. Linda : Nice to meet you, too. What’s her name? Helen : She’s Jane. Linda : Is he Jack? Helen : No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike. - What’s your name? - My name’s Alan./ I’m Alan./Alan. What’s his / her name? His / Her name’s... Is he Jack? Yes, he is./No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike. Are you Helen? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. I’m Gina. What’s = What is she’s = she is I’m = I am he’s = he is name’s = name is Grammar Focus Review Translate and write them down. 1. - 她叫什么名字? - 她叫吉娜。 2. 我是汤姆,见到你很高兴! - What ’s her name? - Her name is Gina. I’m Tom. Nice to meet you! 1. What’s this in English? 2. Good afternoon. 3. How are you? 4. Nice to meet you. 5. What’s her name? A. Her name is Jenny. B. I am OK. Thank you. C. It’s an apple. D. Good afternoon. E. Nice to meet you, too. 连接句子。 Homework my name your name his name her name What’s your name? My name is Gina. What’s his name? What’s her name? Nice to meet you! 抄写词组和句子。 收集或画你最喜欢的人的图片,并在下面写上 : Her/His name is … : Hi, my name’s Li Lei. What’s____ name? : ___ Han Mei. ____ to meet you. : Nice to_____ you, Han Mei. Do you know my father( 父亲 ) ? : What’s____ name? : ___ name___ Li Malin. : Look! _____ is his name? : Sun Wukong. : Oh, great. Wukong is his____ name and Sun is his____ name. your I’m Nice meet his His is What last first 在美国,万人以上的大姓有三千多个。 其中最大的姓氏为 Smith ,美国十大姓氏的 排列顺序是: 1. Smith 史密斯 2. Johnson 约翰逊 3. Williams 威廉姆斯 4. Brown 布朗 5. Jones 琼斯 6. Miller 米勒 7. Davis 戴维斯 8. Martinson 马丁森 9. Anderson 安德森 10. Wilson 威尔逊 Translate and write them down. 你叫什么名字? 我叫吉娜。 你的电话号码是多少? - 是 281-9176 。 What ’s your name? My name ’s Gina. What ’s your telephone number? - It ’s 281-9176. Yao Ming Bill Gates family name family name Chinese name English name Notes: Mr/ Mrs / Miss / Ms + last name For example: Her name is Cindy White. We call her Miss White. The old man is John Smith. We can call him Mr Smith. 英语国家人名 English name first name last name given name family name 中国人名 Chinese name 名字 姓 last name family name 姓 first name given name 名字 Frank Bob Dale Eric Alan Jim Tony Tom Jack Nick Tim David Alice Cindy Grace Helen Jenny Gina Mary Kim Sonia Jane Kelsey Anna Girl’s name Boy’s name 1. --______________ --Gina. A. Hello B. What’s your name? C. Hi, Gina D. Nice to meet you. 2. -- What’s his name? -- _____ name is Bob. A. His B. Her C. My D. Your 3. --What’s your first name? --________. A. Mike B. Mr Black C. I’m Mike Black D. Black 选择正确答案。 Translate and write them down. 1. - 她姓什么? - 她姓张。 2. - 你的名字是什么? - 我的名字是杰克。 - What ’s her last name ? - Her last name is Zhang. - What ’s your first name ? - My first name is Jack. 3. 我的电话号码是 555-3338. My phone number is 555-3338. 4. 他的名字叫做吉姆格林 His name is Jim Green. 5. 这个用英语怎么说?它是橘子。 What’s this in English? It’s an orange. 6. 怎样拼写它? How do you spell it? 7. 她姓王。 Her last name is Wang. 8. 她的名字叫琳达。 Her name is Linda. Unit2 sister mother father parent brother grandmother grandfather grandparent family 姐 ; 妹 妈妈 ; 母亲 爸爸 ; 父亲 父 ( 母 ) 亲 兄 ; 弟 祖母 ; 外祖母 祖父;外祖父 祖父 ( 母 ); 外祖父 ( 母 ) 家;家庭 Words and expressions those these who they have day well pron. 那些 pron. 这些 pron. 谁;什么人 pron. 他们 v. 有 n. 一天;一日;白天 infer. 嗯;好吧 Words and expressions son cousin daughter grandpa grandma mom dad aunt uncle 儿子 堂 ( 表 ) 兄弟 女儿 ( 外 ) 祖父 ( 外 ) 祖母 妈妈 爸爸 伯母;婶母;舅母 叔 ; 舅 ; 姨夫 ; 姑父 Words and expressions of photo here next picture girl dog 属于 ( 某人或某物 ) ;关于 ( 某人或某物 ) 照片 ; 相片 这里 ; 在这里 下一个的;接下来的 照片;图画 女孩 狗 Words and expressions This ___ my sister. That ____ his brother. She _____ his aunt. He _____ my uncle . These ____ her parents. Those ____ her friends. is are is is is are is are VS. 练一练 This is my friend Jane. That’s my grandfather. These are my brothers. Those are my parents. - Who’s she? She’s my sister. - Who’s he? He’s my brother. - Who’re they? - They’re my grandparents. Grammar Focus 课时重点回顾 Review that’s = that is who’re = who are who’s = who is they’re = they are 按要求进行改写。 1 .this ( 复数 ) _____ 2. bus ( 复数 ) _____ 3. he ( 物主代词 ) ___ 4. it is ( 缩写 ) _____ 5. she ( 复数 ) _____ 6. my ( 主格 ) __ 7. those ( 单数 ) ____ 8. family ( 复数 ) _______ 9. I am ( 缩写 ) ____ these buses his it’s they I that families I’m ___ is my mother. ___ is my father. They are teachers. – Are these your brothers? – Yes, _____ are. 3. ___ name is Gina. __ am a student. 4. – What’s ____ name? – His name’s Tony. 5. – What’s his telephone number? – ____ is 643-0274. He they I his It 根据句子意思填入适当的代词。 She My Translate and write them down. 1. - 他是你的哥哥吗? - 不,他不是。他是我的朋友。 2. 那是保罗,那是安娜。他们都是我的 朋友。 That’s Paul and that’s Anna. They are my friends. Is he your brother? No, he isn’t . He is my friend. 3. 这是他的铅笔。 4. 那个是你的文具盒吗? 5. 那些是你们的桔子吗? 6. 这些不是他们的地图。 This is his pencil. Is that your pencil case? Are those your oranges? These are not their maps. 课时重点回顾 Review the photo of …, your family, here is …, my family photo, your friend This is… These/Those are… 2. 用所给的词的适当形式填空。 1. These are English _____. ( book ) 2. This is ___family. ( I ) 3. Are they good ______ ? ( friend ) 4. Are these ____grandparents? ( she ) 5. Emma is ____girl. She is ___English girl. ( a ) books my friends her an a 3. 根据要求,完成下列句子。 Is this your mother? ( 作肯定回答 ) ___________________. Is Mary your sister? ( 作否定回答 ) ___________________. this, his, is, daughter? ( 连词成句 ) _____________________. 4. Those are my cousins. ( 改为一般问句 ) ___________________________. This is my sister. ( 改为复数 ) __________________________. Yes, it is. No, she isn’t. Is this his daughter? Are those your cousins? These are my sisters. Unit3 铅笔 书 橡皮;铅笔擦;黑板擦 箱;盒 铅笔盒;文具盒 书包 词典;字典 他的 pencil book eraser box pencil box schoolbag dictionary his Words and expressions mine hers teacher me excuse excuse me about What about…? thank 我的 她的 老师;教师 我 (I 的宾格 ) 原谅;宽恕 劳驾;请原谅 关于 …… 怎么样 ?...... 好吗? 感谢 Words and expressions yours for thank you for help welcome You’re welcome 你的;你们的 为了;给;对 为 …… 而感谢 帮助;援助 受欢迎的 别客气。 Words and expressions baseball watch computer game card ID card notebook ring bag 棒球 手表 电脑;计算机 游戏;运动;比赛 卡片 学生卡;身份证 笔记本 环;戒指 包;袋 Words and expressions at in library ask ask for find lost 在 ( 某处;某时间;某时刻 ) 在 …… 里面 图书馆 询问;问 请求;要求 ;寻找 (found/found) 找到;发现 遗失 ; 丢失 Words and expressions some classroom e-mail call must set a set of def. 一些;某些 ; pron. 有些;有的 教室 电子邮件 (= email) 给 (……) 打电话 必须 一套;一副;一组 一套;一副;一组 Words and expressions - Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. It’s mine./No, it isn’t. It’s hers. - Is this his green pen? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. The blue pen is his. - Is that your schoolbag? - Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. It’s his. Grammar Focus 课时重点回顾 Review - Are these your books? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. They’re hers. Are those her keys? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. They’re mine. Grammar Focus 课时重点回顾 Review it’s = it is isn’t = is not aren’t = are not Fill in the blanks with proper words. Bob: Hi, I’m____. What’s your _____? Gina: My_______ Gina. _____to_____ you. Bob: ____ to meet you, ____. ___ this your ruler? Gina: No, ___ _____. Ask Eric. It’s____ ruler. Bob: Eric, is _____ _____ ruler? Eric: Yes, ___ is. ______ ____. Bob name name’s Nice meet Nice too Is it isn’t his this your it Thank you Translate and write them down. - 这个用英语怎么说? - 它是一块橡皮。 - 你怎么拼写它呢? - 这是你的橡皮吗? - 不,不是。这是她的橡皮。 What’s this in English? It’s an eraser. How do you spell it? Is this your eraser? No , it isn’t. It’s hers. 根据要求完成句子。 1. This is her eraser. ( 改一般疑问句 ) 2. Is that Mary’s pen? ( 否定回答 ) 3. That is my ruler. ( 否定陈述句 ) 4. Is his pen here? ( 肯定回答 ) Is this her eraser? No, it isn’t. That isn’t my ruler. Yes, it is. 5. This is a pen. ( 变为一般疑问句) 6. Is this your pen? ( 肯定回答) 7. How do you spell “ruler”? ( 回答) 8. Can you spell “ruler”? ( 回答) Is this a pen? Yes, it is. R-U-L-E-R. Yes, R-U-L-E-R, ruler. 课时重点回顾 Review This is a watch. Watch, Watch, W-A-T-C-H, watch. That is a ring. Ring, ring, R-I-N-G, ring. … baseball watch computer game ID card key notebook ring pen This is his backpack. This is Linda’s ring. That is my baseball. This is my father’s key. That is my mother’s notebook. 这是他的书包。 这是 Linda 的戒指。 那是我的棒球。 这是我爸爸的钥匙。 那是我妈妈的笔记本。 A: _________ ( 请原谅 ), Mary. Is this your_______ ( 书 )? B: Yes, it is. A: Mary, is this your_______ ( 铅笔 )? B: No, it isn’t. It’s his. A: What’s this__________( 用英语 )? B: It’s ___ _________( 橡皮 ). A: How do you _____( 拼写 ) it? B: E-R-A-S-E-R. in English 根据汉语提示补全对话。 Excuse me book pencil eraser spell an Found 失物招领 如果你拾到别人的东西 , 你该怎样归还给失主呢 ? 你需要写 Found, 分五部分 : 1. 标题 2. 拾到的东西 3. 询问某物是不是失者的 4. 联系人 5. 联系电话 根据所给提示完成下面的招领启事。 捡到一个笔记本,丢失者可拨打电话 425-6801 找 Bob 。 your notebook Practice call Mary Found: __________. Is this___________? Please ______________. Notebook your notebook call Bob at 425-6801 Lost 寻物启事 当你丢失东西的时候 , 你需要写 Lost, 共四部分 : 1. 标题 2. 丢失的东西 3. 失者的姓名 4. 联系电话 今丢失双肩背包一个,有拾到者可打电话 695-3059 与 David 联系。 根据所给提示完成下面的寻物启事。 Practice Lost: My _________. My__________ David. Please_ ___ _ me at 695-3059. schoolbag name is call 1. - ____________________? - Her name is Jane. 2. - _____________________________? - No, it isn’t. I think it’s his baseball. 3. - _____________________________? - P-E-N-C-I-L. 4. - ______________________________? - It’s 685-6034. 5. - ______________________________? - It is a watch. 根据答句写出问句。 What’s her name Is this your baseball How do you spell it What’s your telephone number What’s this (in English) 这是你的铅笔吗 ? 是的 , 它是。 2. 那是他的尺子吗 ? 不 , 不是。那是我的尺子。 3. 这个东西用英语怎么说 ? 这是字典。 Translate and write them down. Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. Is that his ruler? No, it isn’t. It’s mine. What’s this in English? It’s a dictionary. 4. 你怎么拼写棒球 ? 5. 这是我的字典。 6. 那是 Bob 的手表。 7. 这不是他的棒球。 8. 那不是 Gina 的戒指。 How do you spell baseball? This is my dictionary. That is Bob’s watch. This isn’t his baseball. That isn’t Gina’s ring. Thank you.

