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学员编号: 年 级: 初一 课时数及课时进度:‎ 学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师: ‎ 学科组长/带头人签名及日期 课 题 情态动词 授课时间:‎ 备课时间: ‎ 教学目标 情态动词can,must,may的用法 重点、难点 掌握三个情态动词的用法 考点及考试要求 掌握情态动词的用法并能灵活运用 教学内容 Step 1: homework checking and dictation Step 2: 情态动词 一、概念:情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语,只能和其他动词原形构成复合谓语,没有人称和数的变化。‎ 情态动词数量不多,但用途广泛,主要有: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would) .‎ 二、can/could ‎1. 表示能力(如体力和脑力方面),意为“能、会”‎ Can you speak Chinese?‎ Can you play basketball?‎ ‎2. 表示请求或者允许,多用在口语中,意为“可以、能”等客观条件的允许。用于疑问句中用来提出要求,用于否定句中表示不允许。‎ Can you help me?‎ You can’t play the computer ‎3. 表示可能,理论上的可能。‎ He can be out now.‎ It can’t bu sunny all the time.‎ ‎4. 表示说话人的猜测、怀疑、不肯定等,主要用于否定句、疑问句、感叹句中,带哟感情色彩。‎ How can yo be so rude!‎ Can he be back?‎ ‎5. could可以作为can的过去式,也可以在提出请求时表示委婉。‎ He could save the little boy.‎ Could you help me?‎ 三、may, might ‎1. 表示“许可、准许”,此时与can同义,可以互换使用 You may/can go to the cinema this evening.‎ ‎☆注意:表许可时其答语可以用“Yes,you may.”但是由于用may做肯定回答语气显得生硬、严肃,因此一般用Yes, please. /Certainly. / Of course.这些回答显得热情、客气。‎ 拒绝对方时,其答语可以用No, you mustn’t. / No, you can’t. / Sorry, you can’t. / No, please don’t等 ‎--May I come in? --Yes, please ‎--May I use your ruler? --Certainly. Here you are.‎ ‎2. 表示可能性时,常用在肯定句中,意为“可能、也许”‎ He may be very busy now.‎ He said that she might not be at work today.‎ ‎3. can和may都可以表示推测。Can通常用在否定句和疑问句中,may通常用在肯定句和否定句中。虽然两者都可以用于否定句,但是程度不同,can’t的语气比may not更强。‎ It can’t be true.‎ It may not be true.‎ ‎4. 表示希望、祈求、祝愿,常可以译为“祝愿”‎ May you have a good time.‎ May you be happy.‎ ‎5. might可以作为may的过去式,也可以在提出请求时表委婉;在表示可能性时,might的可能性比may更小 ‎☆注意:can和may的区别 ‎1. can和may都可以表示“许可”,在征求对方意见时用may比较多 May I go now?‎ ‎2. 在询问客观上是否可以时,用can Can we take the books out?‎ ‎3. 在两者都可以用时,may更客气一些 ‎4. 在陈述句中用can比较多 You can sit here.‎ ‎5. can还可以表示能力,may无此用法 ‎6. 在否定句中一般不用may not,常用can’t表示不可能 He can’t be at home tonight.‎ 四、must ‎1. 表示“必须、一定要”,多强调说话人的主观看法(表示客观需要时,常用_____________)‎ ‎ 否定式mustn’t表示“一定不要,禁止”‎ ‎ You must see the doctor.‎ ‎ Must you go soon?‎ ‎ 对于must开头的一般疑问句,如果要做否定回答,可以用needn’t, don’t have to,不能用mustn’t ‎ --Must I come over tonight? --No, you needn’t ‎2. 表示推测,意为“准是,一定是”,但是通常只用于肯定句,在否定句、疑问句中通常用can’t It must be true.‎ Can it be true? It can’t be true Step 3:Practice 一、用can,may,must的适当形式填空 ‎1. __________ I ask you a question?‎ ‎2. Attending a ball __________ be exciting ‎3. Michael __________ be a policeman, for he is mush too short.‎ ‎4. –Are you coming to Jeff’s party? --I’m not sure. I __________ go to the concert instead.‎ ‎5. He never takes a taxi. He __________ be very poor.‎ ‎6. I thought you __________ like something to read, so I brought you some books.‎ ‎7. Look! I __________ stand on my hands.‎ ‎8. He __________ have been to Shanghai.‎ ‎9. The play is not interesting. I really __________ go now.‎ ‎10. She __________ like this place.‎ 二、根据汉语提示给出下列句子的回答 ‎1. –Must we hand in our exercise books today?‎ ‎ ______________________________.(不,没有必要)‎ ‎2. Can I call you by your first name?‎ ‎ ______________________________(是的,可以)‎ ‎3. Could I come here again tomorrow?‎ ‎ ______________________________(是的,你可以来)‎ ‎4. Must we send in our pla this week?‎ ‎ ______________________________(是的,必须交)‎ ‎5. May I use you pen?‎ ‎ ______________________________(可以,给你)‎ 三、选择 ‎1. Helen __________ go on the trip with us, but she isn’t quite sure yet.‎ A shall B must C may D can ‎2. Johnny, you __________ play with the knife, you __________ hurt yourself.‎ A won’t ,can’t B mustn’t, may C shouldn’t , must D can’t, shouldn’t ‎3. A computer __________ think for itself; it must be told what to do.‎ A can’t B couldn’t C may not D might not ‎4. –Could I borrow your dictionary? --Yes, of course you __________.‎ A must B might C can D could ‎5. How __________ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only a part of the article?‎ A can B must C need D may ‎6. Oh, dear! What on earth __________ this mean?‎ A could B can C may D might ‎7. –Must I finish my homework today? --No, you __________.‎ A can’t B needn’t C mustn’t D may not ‎8. --__________ I speak to Mary? --Speaking.‎ A Must B Need C May D Shall ‎9. This match problem is too hard. Nobody __________ do it.‎ A may not B may C can’t D can ‎10. –Can you speak Japanese? --No, I __________.‎ A can’t B mustn’t C may not D needn’t 四、在空格处填入适当的词,一空一词 Tom: Excuese me. __________ you tell me the way to No. 3 Middle School?‎ Wang Hai: __________, I’m a student there. I’m going to school now. You __________follow me.‎ Tom: Thank you! I’m new in No. 3 Middle School. My name is Tom. __________ I know you name?‎ W: Wang Hai. Why __________ your parents send you to school for the first time?‎ T: Well, I prefer doing things by myself. However, I’m lucky today. You are so helpful. Thank you!‎ W: It’s a pleasure. We are schoolmates now. __________ you please help me with my English?‎ T: __________! I’m weak in Chinese, __________ you teach me Chinese?‎ W: Sure! Let’s help each other.‎ T: Good idea!‎ W: By the way, how do you like Chinese traditional music?‎ T: Very much! Erhu, dizi, and pipa sound really wonderful.‎ W: There is going to __________ a Chinese traditional music concert at the Capital Satdium. I’ve got two tickets. Would you like to come?‎ T: __________ love to . thanks so much!‎ W: Don’t mention it!‎ Step 4:more practice Homework 一、单项选择 ‎4. As we know, fish ______ die out of water.‎ ‎  A. may    B. is going to    C. can    D. will ‎5. –Can you answer my question, Lily? –Yes, I ______.‎ ‎  A. may   B. need    C. must    D. can ‎6. –Excuse me, ______ you tell me the way to the nearest bus station?‎ ‎  --Sorry, I can’t. I’m a stranger here.‎ ‎  A. can    B. need    C. must    D. may ‎10. After such a long journey, the children ______ be very tired now.‎ ‎   A. can    B. must    C. have to    D. need ‎11. You’ve made the same mistakes again. You ______ be more careful next time.‎ ‎   A. can    B. may    C. had to    D. should ‎18. –Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?‎ ‎   --I’d love to. But I’m afraid I ______. I have too much work to do.‎ A. can’t    B. mustn’t    C. needn’t    D. may not ‎19. --______ you like to go shopping with me? –Yes, I ______.‎ ‎   A. Would, would    B. Will, will like    C. Would, would love    D. Would, would love to ‎1."Could I call you by your first name?" "Yes,you___." A.will B.could C.may D.might 选C,为什么不可以选B或D 2.You___walk for miles and miles among the hills without meeting anyone. A.must B.need C.may D.should 选C,为什么不能选D,推测的可能性会大一些 3.I wasn't sure whether I___offer to help or not. A.should B.might C.would D.needed 选A 是不是因为虚拟语气? 4.____someone get into trouble,please dial 110. A.Should B.If C.Shall D.May 选A,这种句型不太理解 5.Why____it get colder when we go up a mountain?We are getting nearer to the sun! A.ought to B.would C.should D.must 选C 为什么不选A~‎ ‎1,can may 表示许可,(could是can表示“能够,有能力做某事”时候的委婉语),所以could不可以,同时might既是may的过去时,也是may的委婉语,用might回答别人,在这里不礼貌 2.这题缺少上下文,所以答案不是唯一的,看个人理解,出题人出的不够严密呀 3.不是虚拟语气,虚拟语气主要2种用法(1,表示与现实不符合的假设;2,在建议,请求等词之后的从句里使用) 4 should可以表示“非常不可能的可能性”,并且用这个意思的时候一般倒装:Should anyone phone (ie If anyone phones), please tell them I'm busy. 有人打电话来, 就说我很忙. ---当然打电话110不是什么好事,说的可能性小点比较符合文法 5 这里should表示“竟然” 如果是ought to 那就是理所当然拉,不需要问句形式了。‎

