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初一上英语期末专项复习---完成句子 请在“第……组”等后面写考点,如“第一组 what about”‎ 第一组 __What about_________‎ 1. 我最喜欢的课是音乐,你怎么样?‎ My favorite lesson is music. What about you?‎ 2. 买些橘汁怎么样?__What about_______ some orange juice?‎ 第二组 __Let’s do sth.____________________‎ 1. 今天下午我们去看足球赛吧。‎ ‎ Let’s go to the football match this afternoon.‎ 2. 我们为大明做个生日贺卡吧。‎ ‎ Let’s make a birthday card for Daming.‎ 3. 我们为他举办个生日晚会吧。‎ ‎ Let’s have a birthday party for him. ‎ 4. 我们过去看看大象吧!‎ ‎__Let’s go to see ____ the elephant!‎ 5. 我们在晚饭前做作业吧。‎ ‎ Let’s do our homework before dinner. ‎ 6. 我们去买些苹果吧。‎ ‎ Let’s go for some apples.‎ 第三组 _there be_____________________‎ 1. 你们学校前面有树吗?‎ ‎ Are there any trees in front of your school?‎ 2. 我爸爸的工厂里有90名工人。‎ ‎ There are ninety workers in my father’s factory.‎ 3. 铅笔盒里有一支钢笔和两支铅笔。‎ ‎ There is a pen and two pencils in the pencil-box.‎ 4. 教学楼前面有一棵大树。‎ ‎ There is a big tree in front of the classroom building. ‎ 5. 汤姆家有几口人?‎ ‎ How many people are there in Tom’s family?‎ 6. 我们家有四口人,奶奶、爸爸、妈妈和我。‎ ‎ There are four people in my family, my grandma, dad, mum and me. ‎ 第四组 ___would like to do sth.__________________‎ 1. ‎— 这星期天你愿意跟我一起去参观北京动物园吗? — 好主意!‎ ‎— Would you like to visit Beijing Zoo with me this Sunday?‎ ‎— That’s a good idea. ‎ 2. 你愿意来参加我的生日晚会吗?‎ ‎ Would you like to come to my birthday party?‎ 第五组 __It’s +adj (for sb. ) to do sth._______‎ 1. 吃大量的水果对你有好处。‎ ‎ It’s good for you to eat lots of fruit. ‎ 2. 合理膳食很重要。‎ 4‎ ‎ __It’s very important _____________ to eat the right food. ‎ 1. 保持健康对每个人来说都很重要。‎ ‎__It’s very important ____________________for everyone to stay healthy.‎ 2. 每天早晨吃健康早餐很重要。‎ ‎ It’s very important to have healthy breakfast every morning. ‎ 第六组 __It’s good for sb.__________________‎ 1. 牛奶对你有好处, ‎ Milk is good for you . ‎ 2. 太多的肉对你没好处。 ‎ Too much meat is not good for you .‎ 第七组 __have/ has got_______‎ 1. 我们没有苹果,请买一些。‎ We haven’t go any apples. Please buy some.‎ 2. 午饭我们有米饭和鱼。 ‎ ‎ We have got rice and fish for lunch.‎ 3. 我们没有果汁了,但是我们有一些牛奶。‎ We haven’t got any juice,but we have got some milk .‎ 4. 我们没有牛奶了,咱们去买一些吧。‎ ‎ We haven’t got any milk. Let’s go and buy some.‎ 5. 我们有鸡肉吗?‎ ‎ Have we got any chicken? ‎ 第八组 __like doing sth.________________‎ 1. 大明的母亲喜欢购物,而且总是买昂贵的衣服。‎ ‎ Daming’s mum likes shopping and always buys expensive clothes.‎ 2. 我不喜欢踢足球,你呢?‎ ‎ I don’t like playing football. What about you? ‎ 第九组 __be busy doing sth._________________‎ 1. 圣诞节快到了,人们正忙着购物。‎ ‎ Christmas Day is coming. People are busy shopping .‎ 2. 她正忙着打扫教室呢。‎ She_is busy cleaning__ the classroom. ‎ 第十组 ___help sb. do sth._________________‎ 1. 看!他在帮妈妈做家务。‎ Look! He is helping his mother do_ the housework.‎ 2. 吉姆经常帮助父母购物和打扫房间。‎ ‎ Jim often helps his parents go shopping and clean the house.‎ 第十一组 __get ready for____________‎ 1. 请看一下这些图片,他们正在为春节做准备。‎ Please look at these pictures. They _are getting ready for____ Spring Festival.‎ 2. 学生们正在为期末考试做准备。‎ 4‎ Students _are getting ready for____ the final exam.‎ 1. 看!妈妈正在为晚餐做准备。‎ Look! Mum _is getting ready for______ the dinner.‎ 2. 他们在为圣诞节作准备吗?‎ ‎ Are they getting ready for the Christmas?‎ 第十二组 ____方位___________________‎ 1. 图书馆在办公楼的前面。‎ ‎ The library is in front of the office building.‎ 2. 在公园旁边有一个图书馆。‎ ‎ The library is next to the park.‎ 3. 科学实验室在教室和阅览室之间。 ‎ The science lab is between the classroom and the reading room.‎ 4. 我的书包在门后面。‎ My bag __is at the back of the door_________. ‎ 5. 饭厅在教学楼的左边。‎ The dinning hall _is on the left of ___ the classroom building.‎ 第十三组 __favorite_________________‎ 1. 中国茶是我最喜欢的健康饮料。 ‎ Chinese tea is my favorite healthy drink .‎ 2. 语文是我最喜欢的科目,因为它很有趣。‎ Chinese is my favorite subject because it’s interesting________________.‎ 3. 香蕉是我最喜欢的水果,因为香蕉是健康食品 ‎ Bananas are my favorite fruit because they are healthy food.‎ 第十四组 ____be good at__________________‎ 1. 我擅长英语。你呢?‎ ‎ I’m good at English. What about you?‎ 2. 大多数的男孩子擅长打篮球。‎ Most boys _are good at playing basketball________.‎ 3. 我的妈妈擅长烹饪。‎ My mother __is good at cooking______.‎ 第十五组 ___give sb. sth. /give sth. to sb. //send sb. sth/ send sth. to sb.______‎ 1. 圣诞老人通常在圣诞节给孩子们礼物。 ‎ ‎ Father Christmas usually sends presents to the children on Christmas Day. ‎ 2. 在春节,我父母经常给我许多礼物。‎ My parents often give me a lot of presents on Spring Festival.‎ 3. 我想给姐姐一天围巾作为生日礼物。‎ I _want to give my sister a scarf ______________ as a birthday present.‎ 第十六组 1. 周末你通常干什么?‎ ‎ What do you usually do on weekends?‎ 2. 我怎么在电脑上写作业?‎ ‎ How do I do my homework on the computer?‎ 4‎ 1. 星期一我们有什么课?‎ ‎ What lessons do we have on Monday? ‎ 2. 看!那边发生什么事了? ‎ Look! What’s happening over there?‎ 3. 玛丽 (Mary) 在干什么? ‎ ‎ What is Mary doing ?‎ 4. 请问,今天星期几?‎ ‎ Excuse me, what day is it today ?‎ 5. 老师们的办公室在哪儿? ‎ ‎ Where are the teachers’ offices? ‎ 6. 在英国,你们的教室怎么样?‎ ‎ What is your classroom in England like?‎ 7. 汤姆家有几口人?‎ ‎ How many people are there in Tom’s family?‎ 8. 在你前面的那个女孩是谁?‎ ‎ Who is that girl in front of you?‎ 9. 你来自哪里?‎ ‎ Where are you from?‎ 4‎

