中考英语 本知识聚焦 七上 Units 151

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中考英语 本知识聚焦 七上 Units 151

第1讲 七年级(上)Units 1-5 辽宁专用 1 . my(pron.) → ________ ( 名词性物主代词 ) 我的 2 . one( num .)→______ ( 序数词 ) 第一 3 . China( n .)→_______ ( n .) 语文;汉语→ _______ ( adj .) 汉语的;中国的 4 . photo( n .)→ _________ ( pl .) 照片 5 . dictionary( n .)→ _____________ ( pl .) 词典;字典 6 . watch( n .)→ __________ ( pl .) 表;手表 7 . meet( v .)→ ____ ( 过去式 / 过去分词 ) 遇见;相逢→ ____________ ( n .) 会议;集会;会面 8 . thank( v .)→____________ ( adj .) 感谢的;感激的;欣慰的 9 . good( adj .)→ _________ ( adv .) 好;对;满意地 10 . family( n .)→ ____________ ( 复数 ) 家庭 mine first Chinese Chinese photos dictionaries watches met meeting thankful well families 11 . this( pron .)→ ________ ( 复数 ) 这些 12 . friend( n .)→ _________ ( adj .) 友好的→ ______________ ( adj .) 不友好的→ ____________ ( n .) 友谊 13 . see( v .)→ _____ ( 过去式 )→ _______ ( 过去分词 ) 理解;明白;看见 14 . say( v .)→ _____ ( 第三人称单数 )→______ ( 过去式 / 过去分词 ) 说;讲 15 . those( pron .)→ _______ ( 单数 ) 那个 16 . nine( num .)→ ______ ( 序数词 )→ ________ ( 十九 )→ _______ ( 九十 ) 17 . easy( adj .)→ ________ ( adv .) 容易地 18 . help( v .& n . ) _________ ( adj .) 有益的 19 . find( v .)→ _________ ( 过去式 / 过去分词 ) 找到;发现 20 . come( v .)→________ ( 过去式 )→_______ ( 过去分词 ) 来;来到 these friendly unfriendly friendship saw seen says said that ninth nineteen ninety easily helpful found came come 21 . think( v .)→________ ( 过去式 / 过去分词 ) 认为;想;思考 ________ ( n .) 想法;看法;主意;记忆;心思;思想 22 . know( v .)→ _______ ( 过去式 )→ ________ ( 过去分词 ) 知道 23 . many( adj .)→ _______ ( 比较级 ) 更多的→ ______ ( 最高级 ) 最多的 24 . interesting( adj .)→ _________ ( n .& v . ) 兴趣;爱好;对 …… 感兴趣→ _____________ ( adj .) 感兴趣的 25 . difficult( adj .)→ __________ ( n .) 困难→ _______ ( adj . 反义词 ) 容易的 26 . relaxing( adj .)→ _________ ( adj .) 感到轻松的→ _______ ( v .) 使轻松 thought thought knew known more most interest interested difficulty easy relaxed relax 1 . ______ name  名字 2 . ____________ name  姓 3 . ________ school  中学;初中 4 . ________________ number  电话号码 5 . ID _________  身份证 6 . _______ and ________  失物招领 7 . ________ TV  看电视 8 . __________ me  劳驾;请原谅 9 . _____________ for...  为 …… 而感谢你 10 . a ______of  一套;一副 11 . a ________ of my ________  一张我的全家照 12 . ________ computer games  打电脑游戏 first last/family middle phone/telephone card Lost Found watch excuse thank you set photo family play 1 . —_______ _____ ______ ?你叫什么名字? —Alan. 艾伦。 2 . ____ __ ______ you !很高兴见到你! 3 . _____ your ______ ________ _________ ?你的电话号码是多少? 4 . —_____ is she ?她是谁? —She's my sister. 她是我的姐姐。 5 . _____ _ _____ day !祝你们过得愉快! 6 . Here __ _ _____ of ____ _____ .这有一张我的全家照。 7 . —____ ______ your parents ?他们是你的父母吗? —Yes, they are. 是的 , 他们是。 8 . —Is ___________ your pencil ?这 / 那是你的铅笔吗? —No , it _______ . It's _____ pencil. 不 , 是他的铅笔。 What's your name Nice to meet What's phone / telephone number Who Have a good is a photo my family Are they this / that isn't his 9 . —_______ ___ __ _______ ?这用英语怎么说? —It's a/an... 它是 …… —____ do you spell it ?你怎么拼写它? 10 . _____ ____ ____ your help. 感谢你的帮助。 11 . _____ Jim ___ 7654321 , please. 请拨打电话 7654321 找吉姆。 12 . —________ is/are... ?某人 ( 某物 ) 在哪里? —It's/They are... 它 / 他们在 …… 13 . —______ _____ basketball. 我们打篮球吧。 —That _________ good. 听起来很好。 14 . —Do you _____ a/an... ?你有 …… 吗? —Yes , I ____ . /No , I ______ .是的 , 我有。 / 不 , 我没有。 What's this in English How Thank you for Call at Where Let's play sounds have do don't 辨认颜色 ( Identify colors ) 1 . —_________________________ —It's red/black/yellow. 询问和告知电话号码 ( Ask for and give telephone numbers ) 2 . —What's your phone number? —___________________________ 587 - 6275. 确认物品所属关系 ( Identify ownership ) 3 . —Is this/that your pencil? —____________ . It's mine./ No , it isn't.It's hers. 4 . —Are these/those your books? —Yes , they are./ No , they aren't.They're hers. What color is it? My phone number is/It's Yes , it is 谈论物品的位置 ( Talk about where things are ) 5 . —Where's the map? —It's in your grandparents' room. 6 . —____________ my books? —They're on the sofa. 谈论物品所属关系 ( Talk about ownership ) 7 . —___________________________________________ —Yes , I do./No , I don't.I have a volleyball. Where are Do you have a baseball/basketball/football? 1 . 冠词 ( 含 Starter 单元 )( 见本书 P 119 ) 2 . 一般现在时 ( 见本书 P 137 ) 3 . 物主代词 ( 见本书 P 126 ) 4 . 基数词 (0 - 9)( 见本书 P 124 ) 5 . 指示代词 ( 见本书 P 128 ) 6 . 人称代词 ( 见本书 P 126 ) 7 . 方位介词 ( 见本书 P 122 ) 人称代词与物主代词 1 . — I want to call my mother.But I can't find my mobile phone. — Don't worry.My sister's phone is here.You can use ____ . (2016 , 丹东 , 24 题 ) A . my       B . mine      C . hers       D . her 2 . Many people find that listening to some good music helps ____ when they are low. (2016 , 沈阳 , 2 题 ) A . us B . you C . them D . it 3 . —Peter , is this your umbrella? —No , it's not ____ . I didn't take one this morning. (2016 , 朝阳 , 22 题 ) A . me B . my C . I D . mine C C D 4 . —Are these your cards? —No , ____ are over there.I like ________ very much.(2015 , 营口 , 16 题 ) A . my ; them B . mine ; they C . mine ; them D . my ; they 5 . In China , many people often take ____ own bags when shopping. (2015 , 大连 , 2 题 ) A . they B . their C . them D . theirs 6 . We must learn to protect ____ while playing sports. (2015 , 抚顺 , 2 题 ) A . we B . our C . us D . ourselves 7 . Doing sports helps ____ keep healthy. (2015 , 本溪 , 2 题 ) A . we B . us C . our D . ours C B D B 8 . —Sally , is this your notebook ? (2015 , 阜新 , 4 题 ) —Let me see.Oh , no.____ is in my schoolbag. A . Myself B . Me C . My D . Mine 9 . Book in School Project has started.I will buy ____ some books to read. (2015 , 辽阳 , 2 题 ) A . I B . mine C . me D . myself 10 . —Tom , is this ____ dictionary? —No , it may be Betty's.She is looking for ________ . (2015 , 鞍山 , 1 题 ) A . your ; her B . yours ; hers C . your ; hers D . yours ; her D D C 11 . — Is that news letter ____ ? —No , that is ________ news letter.(2014 , 朝阳 , 21 题 ) A . hers ; mine B . her ; mine C . hers ; my D . her ; my 12 . For your homework , I want you to remember the names of all the planets in ____ correct order. (2014 , 沈阳 , 14 题 ) A . our B . your C . its D . their 13 . —Are these books yours , Mike ? (2014 , 丹东 , 28 题 ) —No , they aren't.They belong to ____ . A . him B . his C . hers D . she C D A 14 . —Hi , Lucy.Who teaches ____ English? —Miss King , she is ________ favorite teacher. (2014 , 营口 , 2 题 ) A . your ; ours B . you ; our C . us ; yours D . your ; our 15 . This is your room.____ is next door. (2014 , 葫芦岛 , 33 题 ) A . I B . Me C . My D . Mine B D 冠词 16 . — How did you tell Mary about ____ accident? —By sending ________ e mail. (2016 , 营口 , 1 题 ) A . an ; the B . the ; an C . the ; a D . a ; a 17 . —I like fast food for ____ breakfast. —Me , too.I always have it with ________ cup of coffee. (2016 , 丹东 , 21 题 ) A . a , a B . the , a C . / , the D . / , a 18 . After ____ dinner , he stayed at home and played ________ violin. (2016 , 朝阳 , 21 题 ) A . / ; the B . the ; / C . a ; the D . / ; / B D A 19 . Peter returned the wallet to the police.He was ____ honest boy. (2015 , 沈阳 , 1 题 ) A . a B . an C . the D . / 20 . —Who's ____ man under the tree? —He's my uncle , ________ actor. (2015 , 丹东 , 21 题 ) A . a ; the B . a ; an C . the ; the D . the ; an 21 . —How was ____ dinner at Mike's house? —It was great.Mike is ________ wonderful cook. (2015 , 营口 , 1 题 ) A . a ; the B . the ; a C . the ; the D . / ; a B D B 22 . —Do you know ____ woman in red? —Yes , she is a professor of ________ university. (2015 , 朝阳 , 21 题 ) A . the ; a B . a ; an C . the ; an D . / ; the 23 . Newcastle upon Tyne is in ____ north east of England. (2014 , 沈阳 , 4 题 ) A . a B . an C . the D . / 24 . Look at ____ kite ! It's flying high ! (2014 , 葫芦岛 , 31 题 ) A . a B . an C . the D . / A C C 25 . —What cold weather! —Yes.But it's ____ unusual experience for us.We normally live in a hot place. (2014 , 盘锦 , 1 题 ) A . a B . the C . an D . / 26 . Chairman Xi Jinping had ____ friendly relationship with ________ President Obama , the US. (2014 , 营口 , 1 题 ) A . a ; / B . the ; / C . is ; the D . an ; the C A 指示代词 27 . I bought a smartphone ( 智能手机 ) yesterday , and it works well.Would you like to buy ____ like this ? (2015 , 丹东 , 28 题 ) A . it B . this C . one D . that 28 . More and more students find ____ necessary to save food when having meals. (2014 , 锦州 , 6 题 ) A . this B . that C . one D . it 29 . I'm afraid this coat is too big for me.Do you have a smaller ____ ? (2014 , 葫芦岛 , 37 题 ) A . it B . one C . this D . that C D B 词汇类 30 . The math problem isn't difficult , and most of the students can work it out ____ . (2016 , 丹东 , 26 题 ) A . hardly B . easily C . simply D . impossibly 31 . —Our mother's birthday is coming.Do you want to buy a wallet or a scarf for her? —____ . She just got a beautiful scarf last week. (2016 , 丹东 , 31 题 ) A . Yes , I do B . No , I don't C . A scarf D . A wallet 32 . —I'm hungry.May I have something to eat? —OK.Here's some ____ . (2015 , 丹东 , 22 题 ) A . orange B . bread C . water D . milk B D B 33 . I'm hungry.Is there any ____ in the fridge ? (2015 , 盘锦 , 1 题 ) A . milk B . bread C . apples D . cakes 34 . —What is Miss Gao's favorite ____ ? —She is always in blue.Don't you know ? (2014 , 朝阳 , 22 题 ) A . color B . book C . song D . movie B A ► family 【 典例在线 】 I have a happy family. 我有一个幸福的家庭。 My family and I are going on vacation next week. 我和我的家人下周要去度假。 【 拓展精析 】 family 为集合名词 , 根据意义不同 , 其谓语动词的形式有所不同。强调整体 , 指“家;家庭”时 , 谓语动词用单数形式;强调个人 , 指“家庭成员”时 , 谓语动词用复数形式。 【 辨析 】family , house , home 与 room ①family 的意思是“家庭;家庭成员” , 与居住的房子无关。 ② house 的意思是“房屋;住宅”。一般指家人居住的建筑物。 ③ home 的意思是“家”。主要指某人出生或居住的地方 , 通常有一定的感情色彩 ( 如团聚、思念等 ) 。 ④ room 的意思是“房间;空间”。作“房间”讲 , 是可数名词;作“空间”讲 , 是不可数名词。 【 活学活用 】 1 ) Sally considers Wuhan to be her second ____ because she has lived there for 13 years. A . family    B . house    C . home    D . room 2 ) That's the picture of my ____ , and those are my parents. A . home B . house C . family D . room C C ► ask 【 典例在线 】 May I ask you a question ?我可以问你一个问题吗? He asked to go with us. 他请求和我们一块儿去。 The teacher asks us to do lots of homework. 老师叫我们做许多家庭作业。 He often asks his friends for help when he is in trouble. 当他遇到困难时 , 他常向他的朋友寻求帮助。 【 拓展精析 】 ask 动词 , 意为“问;询问”。用法有: ① ask sb.sth. 询问某人某事 ② ask to do sth. 要求去做某事 ③ ask sb.(not) to do sth. 叫某人 ( 不 ) 去做某事 ④ ask sb.for sth. 向某人寻求某事 【 活学活用 】 3 ) The teacher asked me ____ the question in English. A . answer B . to answer C . answered D . answering B ► with 【 典例在线 】 I'm in Class Six with Bill. 我和比尔都在六班。 I want to buy a house with four bedrooms. 我想买一所带有四个卧室的房子。 We write with a pen. 我们用钢笔写字。 Miss Li walks into the classroom with a smile on her face. 李老师面带笑容地走进教室。 【 拓展精析 】 with 的常见用法如下: ①意为“和 …… 在一起”; ②意为“具有;带有” , 介词短语常用作后置定语; ③意为“用” , 表示用某种工具; ④表示伴随 , 作状语。 【 相关短语归纳 】 with the help of sb. = with one's help 在某人的帮助下 help sb.with sth. 帮助某人某事 be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 provide sb.with sth. 为某人提供某物 be angry with 对 …… 生气 get on well with 与 …… 相处融洽 【 活学活用 】 4 ) A good student connects what he reads ____ what he sees around him. (2016 , 苏州 ) A . for B . with C . in D . on 5)My English teacher is always strict ____us. (2016 , 攀枝花 ) A . in B . at C . with D . about 6)Class , let's see who can spell the most words____these letters. (2016 , 河北 ) A . at B . into C . on D . with 7)Bill has made great progress ____ the help of his teachers. A . for B . with C . under D . to B C D B ► What's this in English ?这用英语怎么说? 【 典例在线 1 】 What color is your pen ?你的钢笔是什么颜色的? What is she ?她是做什么工作的? What's your name ?你叫什么名字? 【 拓展精析 1 】 what 是疑问词 , 意为 “ 什么 ” , 经常用来提问姓名、物品、颜色、各种号码、干什么以及身份和职业等。 【 典例在线 2 】 Can you tell us the story in Chinese ?你能用汉语给我们讲一下这个故事吗? He writes words in ink. 他用墨水写字。 【 拓展精析 2 】 in 在本句中表示 “ 用 …… 语言 ” , 它还可以表示 “ 使用某种方式、手段、材料 ” 。 【 活学活用 】 1 ) Gina , what's this ____ English ? (2014 , 成都 ) A . by B . for C . in D . of 2) — ____ is your sister , Jim? —She's a journalist from CCTV. A . What B . How C . Where D . Who 3) — ____ can we learn from the film Frozen? —True love , I think. A . Who B . What C . Which D . How C A B ► — Well , let's play basketball. 那么 , 让我们打篮球吧。 — That sounds good. 那听起来很好。 【 典例在线 1】 — What a nice day ! Let's go out for a picnic. 今天天气真好!我们出去野餐吧。 — Good idea !好主意! 【 拓展精析 1】 let's 是 let us 的缩写 , 意为“让我们 ……” 。用来提出建议 , 后接动词原形。接受建议用: It/That sounds good./Good idea./Sure./OK./All right. 等;不接受建议用: No , let's...“ 不 , 让我们 ……”( 提出不同建议 ) ; I'd like to , but...“ 我倒是很想那样 , 但是 ……” 。 【 注意 】 ①let sb.do sth. 意为“让某人做某事” , 其否定形式为 let sb.not do sth. 。②以 let's 开头的祈使句 , 其反意疑问句为 shall we ;以 let us 开头的祈使句 , 其反意疑问句为 will you 。 【 典例在线 2 】 The news sounds very interesting. 那消息听起来很有趣。 【 拓展精析 2】 sound 为感官动词 , 意为“听起来” , 后接形容词或名词短语作表语 , 说明听的感受。类似的感官动词有 look( 看起来 ) , taste( 尝起来 ) , smell( 闻起来 ) 等。 【 活学活用 】 4 ) She won't let her daughter ____ by the river. A . plays B . to play C . playing D . play 5)—What are you listening to? —A song by Deng Ziqi.It ____ beautiful. A . tastes B . sounds C . looks D . smells 6)Let's go to school by bus , _____ ___ ? ( 完成反意疑问句 ) D B shall we ► look , see , watch , read 与 notice 词汇 词义 固定搭配 look 看 , 看起来 ( 强调动作 ) look at 看 …… see 看见 …… ( 强调结果 ) ;理解 , 明白 see sb.do(doing) sth. 看见某人做 ( 正在做 ) 某事 watch 注视;观看 ( 比赛;电影 ) ;看电视 watch TV/the game 看电视 / 比赛 read 阅读;看书 / 看报纸 / 看杂志 read a book/ newspaper 看书 ( 报 ) notice 作动词时意为 “ 注意到 ” , 作名词时意为 “ 通知 , 布告 ” 。 / 1 ) We can ____ a beautiful tree in the picture. 2)My grandfather often ______ newspapers in the morning. 3)The Tshirt _____ nice.I want to buy one for my son. 4)—What's Peter doing now? —He is _________ the program Running Man . see reads looks watching ► good , well 【 典例在线 】 The soup tastes good. 汤尝起来很好。 I'm not feeling well today. 我今天感觉不舒服。 He dances well. 他舞跳得好。 【 拓展精析 】 两者都是“好”的意思 , 但是用法不同。 ① good adj . 好的;好心的;擅长的。可用在 be 动词、一些感官动词 (taste , smell , sound 等 ) 之后作表语 , 也可放在名词前作定语。常用于 be good at... , be good for... , be good with... 短语中。 ② well adj .( 身体 ) 好 , 此时只能作表语 , 放在系动词 (be , look) 后; adv . 好 , 常用来修饰行为动词 , 表程度。 【 活学活用 】 5 ) This kind of clothes looks ____ and sells ________ . (2016 , 天水 ) A . good ; well B . well ; good C . good ; good D . well ; well 6)Look out! The food on the plate smells____ . You can't eat it. (2016 , 宜宾 ) A . badly B . bad C . good A B ► find , find out , look for 【 典例在线 】 I found my hat under the sofa. 我在沙发下面找到了我的帽子。 They finally found out the truth. 他们最终查明了真相。 She is looking for her pen everywhere. 她正在到处找她的钢笔。 【 拓展精析 】 find 动词 , 意为“寻找” , 通常强调“找”的结果。 find out 意为“了解 , 查明 , 找到” , 多指通过调查、打听或研究之后搞清楚或弄明白。 look for 也有“寻找”的意思 , 通常强调“找”的过程。 【 活学活用 】 7 )Amy is ____ a library , but she can't ________ it. A . looking at ; find B . looking for ; find C . look at ; finding D . look for ; finding B 一、单项选择。 1 . — We are allowed to go to the park to have ____picnic. —Really? What________good news! A . a ; a B . the ; the C . a ; / D . the ; / 2 . —David, what are the rules in your____ ? —My mother tells me that I should clean my bedroom every day. A . family B . home C . address D . room 3 . When I meet difficulties , I often ask my good friends ____ help. A . with B . to C . for D . at C A C 4 . Why don't you ____ for a new job as you always complain that you have nothing to do? A . see B . look C . watch D . read 5 . —What about visiting our teachers on Teachers' Day? —____ . A . Good idea B . No way C . Have a good time D . Never mind B A 二、根据所给中文完成句子翻译。 6 . 谢谢你帮助我。 ______________________________ helping me. 7 . 这用英语怎么说? What's this_____________ ? 8 . 在父亲的帮助下 , 我爬到了山顶。 _______________ my father , I climbed the top of the mountain. 9 . 这是她家的全家福。 This is a(n) _________________________ . 10 . 课后我经常和我的同学们打乒乓球。 _____________________________________________________ Thank you for/Thanks for in English With the help of photo of her family I often play pingpong with my classmates after class. 启事的写作 启事是为了公开陈述某事而刊登在报刊上或张贴在布告栏上的文字。常见的有寻物启事 (Lost) 、招领启事 (Found) 、招聘启事 (Wanted) 等等。在初中英语中 , 主要学习了寻物启事和招领启事。启事一般由标题、正文、署名等部分组成。 一、启事的写作格式: 1 . 将启事的要点作为标题 (Lost , Found) 写在正文上方正中位置 , 也可以顶格写。 2 . 发布启事的日期写在正文右上方 , 也可省略不写。 3 . 署名位于正文下方。如果正文已经出现 , 也可以省略不写。 二、写英文启事的注意事项: 1 . 启事一般不用称呼和结束语 , 要求语言简明。 2 . 一般启事正文都比较简短 , 通常包括物品及其特征 (what) 、何处 (where) 、何时 (when) 、名字 (who) 、联系方式 (contact) 、相关酬谢 (reward) 等。 3 . 写招领启事时 , 物品的具体特征不能过于详细 , 以防有人冒领。 三、常用句型: 1 . I found...on the way to...yesterday. 昨天在去 …… 的路上我捡到 …… 2 . A green schoolbag with some books in it was left in the library. 一个绿色的书包被落在图书室 , 里面有一些书。 3 . There is/are...in it. 里面有 …… 4 . Please send it to... 请把它送给 …… 5 . Please call Lisa at... 请拨打 …… 找丽莎。 四、写作典例。 ( 一 ) 假设你是 Linda , 今天下午在学校图书馆里丢失了一串钥匙。你的电话号码是 68129375 , 邮箱是 Linda2013@163.com 。请根据以上信息写一则寻物启事。 【 范文欣赏 】 Lost I lost a set of keys in the school library this afternoon.I must find it.Please call me at 68129375.You can email me at Linda2013@163.com , too.Thank you. Linda ( 二 ) 假如你是九 (2) 班的 Xiao Fang , 于 5 月 28 日在校园的操场上拾到手表一块 , 配有白色表链。请你写一则招领启事。 电话号码: 13008261528  时间: 2016 年 5 月 28 日 【 范文欣赏 】 Found May 28 , 2016 I'm from Class 2 , Grade 9.I happened to find a watch on the playground in our school this morning.Its chain ( 链子 ) is white.Please come to our class to take it back.Or you can call me at 13008261528. Xiao Fang

