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Preview How to achieve success in your life? The three passages in this unit may give you some idea. In the Listening and Speaking section, you will learn how to ask for and give advice and will do some practical exercises. In the Reading and Writing section, you will learn from Text A some tips about how to get a job and how to deal with rejection; Text B stresses the importance of putting great thoughts into practice by relating to the true story of the founder of a bank; and Text C presents four different ways to get rich. prev. I. Objectives After studying this unit, the students are expected to be able to master the basic language and skills to ask for and give advice; 1. understand the main idea of Text A, Text B and Text C, and master the useful sentence structures and words and expressions found in the exercises relevant to the first two texts; 2. 3. know how to use the direct speech and the indirect speech; 4. know how to write a complaint letter; 5. know how to separate facts from opinions. Obj. s.t.p.1 II. Suggested Teaching Plan Suggested Time and Teaching Plan for Unit 6 Time Contents Plan 1) The Language for Asking For and Giving Advice A. The teacher begins with the Preview to make sure that the students have some idea of what this unit is all about. After that, the teacher activates Listening and Speaking exercises as follows: 3 periods Preview Listening and Speaking Give a brief lead-in talk on the practice of asking for and giving advice; s.t.p.1.2 B. Have the students listen to Ex.1 (23 times) and fill in the blanks with the missing words; C. Ask one student to read aloud the talk to check the fillings; D. Organize the activity to accomplish Ex.2. Divide the class into two groups: one group asking for advice, and the other giving advice using the language presented in Ex.1. Time Contents Plan s.t.p.3 2) Asking For and Giving Advice A. Go through the new words and expressions for the conversation in Ex.3; B. Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words; C. Ask students to answer the questions about the conversation; D. Now have them look for language used to ask for and give advice in the conversation; Time Contents Plan E. Next, role-play the conversation. s.t.p.4.1 Time Contents Plan 3) Follow-up Practice (Be Selective) Go through the words and expressions from the want ad in Ex.6 and have the students do questioning exercises as guided after reading the ad. Note: One thing can be expressed in many forms. Listen to the conversation in Ex.7, do the exercises in it, and ask some students to speak out their questions. Note: One thing can be expressed in many forms. Listen to the recording of Ex.8 and ask the students to respond by interpreting orally the Chinese messages into English. A. B. C. Time Contents Plan Assign the students to do Ex.4, Ex.5, Ex.9 and Ex.10 as their homework before they come to class next time. The teacher tells them how to do these exercises and presents any topic-related expressions on the chalkboard in advance, which can be used when the students make preparation for oral presentation. D. s.t.p.5 s.t.p.5 3 periods Review of the listening and speaking skills the students have learned The teacher begins with the assignment mainly to have a review of the functional and notional language the students picked up in the previous unit. The teacher asks some students to deliver a lecture in class according to Ex.4, and invites a few students to tell the class their messages based on the diagram in Ex.9 or present their opinions on the topic of “What is the relationship between work and pleasure?” orally. Then, the teacher turns to the Reading and Writing section. (These activities should be completed in 15 minutes.) Time Contents Plan s.t.p.6 1) Starter After a brief explanation of the instructions, the teacher A. gives the students a few minutes to think about the questions in the starter; Time Contents Plan Text A & text-related exercises B. asks some students to answer the questions. (10 minutes) 2) Text A A. The teacher lets the students answer the text-related questions, helps them identify the main idea of each paragraph and analyzes some s.t.p.7 B. guides the students through the exercises, focusing on certain items or leaving some exercises as the students’ homework according to the students’ different levels of English (one period). 1 period Grammar Review 1) Grammar Review The teacher talks about the use of the direct speech and the indirect speech, and at the same time, asks the students to do the grammar exercises in class. Time Contents Plan difficult sentences and some language points while discussing the whole text with the students (one and a half periods); s.t.p.8 Practical Writing 2) Practical Writing The teacher tells as well as shows the students how to write a complaint letter by doing Ex.12 of Practical Writing , and then requires the students to do Ex.13 as their homework. Time Contents Plan s.t.p.9 2 periods Text B, Text C & text-related exercises 1) Text B While discussing the text with the students, the teacher calls on the students to pay attention to the structure of the paragraphs of the text, asking the students to answer the questions about the text. Ex.15 and Ex.16 can be done either in class or after class. 2) Text C This text should be read by the students themselves as their homework or as fast-reading in class. Time Contents Plan s.t.p.10 Basic Reading Skills 3) Basic Reading Skills The teacher tells the students how to separate facts from opinions, and asks them to do the exercises in Basic Reading Skills . Time Contents Plan III. Background Information BI-main Some “DOs” and “DON’Ts” in a job interview Grameen Bank Muhammad Yunus A quote of Dr. Yunus Do plan to arrive on time or a few minutes early. Late arrival for a job interview is never excusable. If presented with an application, do fill it out neatly and completely. Don’t rely on your application or resume to do the selling for you. Interviewers will want you to speak for yourself. Do greet the interviewer by last name if you are sure of the pronunciation. If not, ask the employer to repeat it. Give the appearance of energy as you walk. Smile! Shake hands firmly. Be genuinely glad to meet the interviewer. Do wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. Sit upright, look alert and interested at all times. Be a good listener as well as a good communicator. Do look at a prospective employer in the eye while speaking. Do follow the interviewer’s leads, but try to get the interviewer to describe the position and the duties to you early in the interview so that you can apply your background, skills and accomplishments to the position. BI- Some1.1 Some “DOs” and “DONTs” in a job interview 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. BI-some1.2 Do make sure that your good points come across to the interviewer in a factual, sincere manner. Stress achievements. For example: sales records, processes developed, savings achieved, systems installed, etc. Do always conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job you are discussing. Never close the door on opportunity. Do show enthusiasm. If you are interested in the opportunity, enthusiastic feedback can enhance your chances of being further considered. If you are not interested, your responsiveness will still demonstrate your professionalism. Don’t forget to bring a copy of your résumé! Keep several copies in your briefcase if you are afraid you will forget. Don’t smoke, even if the interviewer does and offers you a cigarette. Do not chew gum. Don’t answer with a simple “yes” or “no.” Explain whenever possible. Describe those things about yourself which relate to the situation. Don’t lie. Answer questions truthfully, frankly and succinctly. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Bl-some1.3 14. 15. 16. Don’t make unnecessary derogatory remarks about your present or former employers. Obviously, there were issues or else you would not have left a prior company or be looking to leave a present employer. However, when explaining your reasons for leaving, limit your comments to those necessary to adequately communicate your rationale. Don’t over-answer questions. And if the interviewer steers the conversation into politics or controversial issues, try to do more listening than speaking since this could be a sensitive situation. Don’t inquire about salary, vacations, bonuses, retirement, etc., on the initial interview unless you are sure the employer is interested in hiring you. If the interviewer asks what salary you want, indicate what you’ve earned but that you’re more interested in opportunity than in a specific salary. (From the 1997 Smarter Software Solutions ) The origin of Grameen Bank can be traced back to 1976 when Professor Muhammad Yunus, Head of the Rural Economics Program at the University of Chittagong, launched an action research project to examine the possibility of designing a credit delivery system to provide banking services targeted at the rural poor. The Grameen Bank Project (Grameen means “rural” or “village” in Bangla language) came into operation with the following objectives: — extend banking facilities to poor men and women; — eliminate the exploitation of the poor by money lenders; — create opportunities for self-employment for the vast multitude of unemployed people in rural Bangladesh; — bring the disadvantaged, mostly the women from the poorest households, within the fold of an organizational format which they can understand and manage by themselves; and — reverse the age-old vicious circle of “low income, low saving & low investment,” into virtuous circle of “low income, injection of credit, investment more income, more savings, more investment, more income.” BI- Grameen Bank1.1 Grameen Bank The action research demonstrated its strength in several villages and was extended to several districts in the country. In October 1983, the Grameen Bank Project was transformed into an independent bank by government legislation. Grameen Bank has reversed conventional banking practice by removing the need for collateral and creating a banking system based on mutual trust, accountability, participation and creativity. GB provides credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh, without any collateral. Professor Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank and its Managing Director, reasoned that if financial resources could be made available to the poor people on terms and conditions that are appropriate and reasonable, “these millions of small people with their millions of small pursuits could add up to create the biggest development wonder.” Today Grameen Bank is owned by the rural poor whom it serves. Borrowers of the Bank own 90% of its shares, while the remaining 10% is owned by the government. As of July, 2004, it has 3.7 million borrowers, 96 percent of whom are women. With 1,267 branches, GB provides services in 46,000 villages, covering more than 68 percent of the total villages in Bangladesh. BI- Grameen Bank1.2 BI- Grameen Bank1.3 Grameen Bank’s positive impact on its poor and formerly poor borrowers has been documented in many independent studies carried out by external agencies including the World Bank, the International Food Research Policy Institute (IFRPI) and the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS). (Adapted from the 1998 Grameen Communications ) BI- Muhammad Yunus1.1 Muhammad Yunus Muhammad Yunus was born in 1940 in Chittagong, the business centre of what was then Eastern Bengal. He was the third of 14 children of whom five died in infancy. Educated in Chittagong, he was awarded a Fulbright scholarship and received his Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. In 1972 he became head of the Economics Department at Chittagong University. He is the founder and managing director of the Grameen Bank. In 1997, Professor Yunus led the world ’ s first Micro Credit Summit in Washington, DC. In 1974, he led his students on a field trip to a poor village. They interviewed a woman who made bamboo stools, and learnt that she had to borrow the equivalent of 15p to buy raw bamboo for each stool made. After repaying the middleman, sometimes at rates as high as 10% a week, she was left with a penny profit margin. Had she been able to borrow at more advantageous rates, she would have been able to amass an economic cushion and raise herself above subsistence level. BI- Muhammad Yunus1.2 Realizing that there must be something terribly wrong with the economics he was teaching, Yunus took matters into his own hands, and from his own pocket lent the equivalent of £ 17 to 42 basket-weavers. He found that it was possible with this tiny amount not only to help them survive, but also to create the spark of personal initiative and enterprise necessary for them to pull themselves out of poverty. Against the advice of banks and government, Yunus carried on giving out “micro-loans”, and in 1983 formed the Grameen Bank, meaning “village bank” founded on principles of trust and solidarity. In Bangladesh today, Grameen has 1,084 branches, with 12,500 staff serving 2.1 million borrowers in 37,000 villages. On any working day Grameen collects an average of $1.5 million in weekly installments. Of the borrowers, 94% are women and over 98% of the loans are paid back, a recovery rate higher than any other banking system. Grameen methods are applied in projects in 58 countries, including the US, Canada, France, The Netherlands and Norway. (Adapted from the 1998 Grameen Communications) BI-A quote of Dr. Yunus1 A quote of Dr. Yunus: “If I could be useful to another human being, even for a day, that would be a great thing. It would be greater than all the big thoughts I could have at the university.” (From the 1998 Grameen Communications ) Class list IV. Class Presentation Listening & Speaking Reading & Writing Listening & Speaking Listening & Speaking Follow-up Practice The Language for Asking For and Giving Advice Asking For and Giving Advice The Language for Asking For and Giving Advice You are going to listen to an instructor talking about asking for and giving advice. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words. Tell the class about a decision facing you or a planned course of action, then ask for advice. Try to use the language you have picked up in Exercise 1. LS- The Language -Main LS- Follow-up-main Follow-up Practice Read the following words which may be new to you Read the following words and expressions which may be new to you. Read the following words which may be new to you. Listen and, during the timed paused, translate orally into English the Chinese sentences in each of the following three short conversations. Take a close look at the following diagram. Think about it for one minute. Then give a two-minute oral presentation to tell the class the information in the diagram Have a discussion on the topic given below. Read the above professional advice aloud in class. Then deliver the advice as a brief ( 摘要 ) in class. To be or not to be? Sometimes, it is hard to , isn’t it? You might ask someone you trust for advice when you find it hard to to do something. At that moment, you need . Advice helps you your decision or course of conduct. On the other hand, you might when asked for a recommendation about a decision or course of conduct. If you are thus consulted ( 请教 ) , then you must be respectable and trustful. Are you proud of yourself? Isn’t it important to in asking for and giving useful advice? Arm yourself with the appropriate language for this skill: LS-The Language1-1 You are going to listen to an instructor talking about asking for and giving advice. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words. The Language for Asking For and Giving Advice Instructor: ___________________ make a decision _____________ make up your mind ________________ a piece of advice _______________ better consider ______________ give advice _________ by chance _________ perfect your skill _______________ you watched your behavior — Personally, I would advise you to . — It might be a good idea to . — One thing you could do is . — Maybe you could . — Personally, I think your best course would be to . — (You may not agree with me.) It might be a good idea if . LS-The Language for 1-2 — What do you suggest I should do ? — Could you give me some advice (about )? — I was wondering if you could (possibly) give me some advice (about )? — What shall I do ? — What would you do in my position? — What would you do if you were me? when I finish school _________________ Asking for Advice my interview __________ my plan _______ about it _______ Giving Advice prepare for the worst __________________ hope for the best _______________ work on changing your self-image _____________________________ change your mind _______________ be independent _______________ _______ _____________ LS-The Language for 1-3 — The best thing to do is to . — I suggest you . — (If I were you) I ’ d . — What about ? find a job ________ do something ___________ work harder _________ having a party ____________ Tell the class about a decision facing you or a planned course of action, then ask for advice. Try to use the language you have picked up in Exercise 1. The Language for 2 Asking For and Giving Advice3 Asking For and Giving Advice Before you listen to the upcoming conversation, read the following words which may be new to you. d ocument 文件 CV = Curriculum Vitae 简历 résumé 履历,简历 guide 指南,手册 Li Ming: You know, we ’ re nearing the end of of school. Wang Ying: Yes, I know. Li Ming: I ’ m very concerned about . Wang Ying: It might be a good idea to . What do you think? Li Ming: Could you give me about what to do? Wang Ying: Well, at the moment is to get some documents ready. Li Ming: Documents? Like what? Wang Ying: For example, preparing your CV? Li Ming: What is a CV? Wang Ying: A curriculum vitae, or you can call it résumé. Li Ming: Oh, I see. I wonder if give some advice about the preparation of that document. Wang Ying: , I ’ d get a professional guide on it. Li Ming: Should it be in English or in Chinese? Wang Ying: Surely you can answer your own question. Asking For and Giving Advice3-1 Listen to the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words. our last year __________ finding a job __________ prepare for it ___________ some advice __________ the best thing ___________ have you thought of ________________ you could possibly ________________ If I were you __________ Asking For and Giving Advice3-2 Now listen to the above conversation again and answer the following questions. 1. What is Li Ming concerned about? He is concerned about finding a job. 2. What does Li Ming ask Wang Ying for? He asks her for advice about finding a job. 3. What does Wang Ying suggest they do at the moment? She suggests that they prepare their documents. 4. What is a CV according to Wang Ying? CV stands for curriculum vitae. It means résumé. 5. What does Wang Ying advise Li Ming to do about the preparation of his résumé? She advises him to get a professional guide. Read the following words and expressions which may be new to you. Follow-up4-1 Follow-up Practice tip 指点,指导 Interviewee 被面试者;被接见者, 被访问者 f older 文件夹 academic transcript 成绩单 personnel 员工 Tips for First-time Interviewees • Prepare a folder with personal job-related information: originals of academic transcripts, references, samples of work. In addition, include a copy of the information you have already supplied to the employer/interviewer and know what you have written in your résumé. • Review the job advertisement and statement of duties (if provided). These can often be the basis for the questions that are asked during the interview. • Research the organization with which you are having an interview and find out all you can about its structure, history, personnel and goals (remember, the Internet can be useful here). • Prepare questions you want to ask the interviewer. • Practice answering likely questions. Don’t try to be word perfect, but prepare your thoughts and ideas about what you want to include in your answers. • Know the exact place and time of the interview, and the correct pronunciation of the interviewer’s (or interviewers’) name(s). Read the following professional advice silently while listening to the recording. Follow-up4-2 Follow-up5-1 Read the above professional advice aloud in class. Then deliver the advice as a brief ( 摘要 ) in class. Follow_up6-1 Read the following words and expressions which may be new to you. law firm 律师事务所 p.r. public relation 公关 s horthand 速记 elegant 文雅的 e nergetic 精力充沛的 WANTED, A SECRETARY ■ Two years of experience (preferred in a law firm) ■ Good at p.r. ■ Working knowledge of computer operation ■ English competence in both spoken and written forms ■ Able to take notes in shorthand ■ Elegant and energetic Tel: 021-1053-8750, 1053-8751 Fax: 021-1053-8752 http//:www.legalservice.com Read the following want ad for information. Follow_up6-2 Follow_up6-3 Ask the receptionist three questions over the phone to get further information (write down your questions first if necessary). Question 1 about the delivery of your résumé: a. Can you tell me how I should send my résumé to you? b. In what way should I send my résumé to you? c. What’s the best way to send my résumé to you? Question 2 about the interview: I was wondering when you could possibly arrange an interview for me. b. When will my interview be scheduled? c. Can you give me some information about the interview? d. When can I be interviewed? Question 3 about the firm’s reply: a. When am I going to get your reply? b. When will you give me a reply? Act out the above short conversation in class. Follow_up7-1 Read the following words which may be new to you. l egal 法律 h omepage 主页, 通过环球网 ( Web ) 进行信息查询的起始信息页 Listen twice to the taped phone dialogue below between a receptionist and an applicant whose role you are supposed to play. First, put down your three questions for the receptionist during the timed pauses. Second, speak your questions out loud. Follow-up7-2 Receptionist: Shanghai Legal Services, may I help you? Applicant: Oh, yes. I ’ m calling about the position you advertised in the newspaper. Receptionist: Yes? Do you have any questions? Applicant: Receptionist: Please send it by mail. Applicant: Receptionist: In English, please. Applicant: Receptionist: Please include all other relevant documents with it. Applicant: I got it. Receptionist: For more information please visit our homepage. Applicant: Thanks. Yes. What’s the best way to send my résumé to you? Should the résumé be written in English or in Chinese? ____________________________________________ __________________________________________ Do you need any other documents? ____________________________ Act out the above conversation in class. Listen and, during the timed pauses, translate orally into English the Chinese sentences in each of the following three short conversations. A Male Voice: They told me that he has mailed out twenty résumés already. You: 今年的就业市场很紧张。恐怕今年的毕业班中不少人得接受比 愿望低的工作或者去国内较差一些的地方。 KEY The job market is very tight this year. I’m afraid that many from this year’s graduating class will have to settle for something less than they hoped for or go to a less desirable part of the country. Follow-up8-1 I really hate asking my parents for extra money. They’re very good about helping me out when I really need something, but I find dating is quite expensive and feel I ought to be paying for it myself. The first thing I’m going to do is contact a headhunter. I have an impressive résumé, so perhaps they’ll be able to find me something as good or maybe even better. A Male Voice: There are a lot of companies that are downsizing( 精简 ) right now. That probably doesn’t make job-hunting easy. You: 我首先要联系一家人才公司 ( headhunter ) 。我的简历很不错,或许他 们能帮我找到一份跟现在一样好甚至更好的工作。 A Male Voice: Why don’t you ask your parents for extra money? You: 我真的不想问我父母多要钱。我真正需要什么的时候,他们总是帮助 我。不过我发现约会 ( dating ) 很花钱,而且觉得这应该由我自己付钱。 KEY Follow-up8-2 Act out the above conversations in class. KEY Take a close look at the following diagram. Think about it for one minute. Then give a two-minute oral presentation to tell the class the information in the diagram. Follow-up9 Entertainment Consumption in Shanghai Suggested Presentation: Suggested Presentation: This picture describes the popularity of specific entertainment activities in Shanghai. It reflects the local citizens interests and hobbies. According to the statistics, travel represents Shanghai’s most popular entertainment activity. At 28.9%, it takes the highest share of all leisure pursuits. Traveling for pleasure is probably important. But Shanghai is a very competitive city with a lot of development, so people may also like to travel for relaxation. About one third of total entertainment activity goes to electronic entertainment. This is one of the most contemporary of leisure pursuits. It has grown out of the development of modern technology. Books, magazines and the Internet are third on the popularity list: they make up about one fifth of Shanghai’s entertainment activity. Though third, this figure shows that knowledge and information are of great importance in Shanghai’s entertainment culture. Follow-up9-1 Follow-up9-3 Moreover, the statistics shows that quite a few people attend training classes in their free time. This reflects a strong desire for self-improvement and skills development. According to the statistics, the Shanghainese are not too interested in movies, performances, exhibitions and collections. Nor do they take much interest in physical workouts. Apparently they are not stimulated by the arts and are not very health-conscious. Have a discussion on the topic given below. What is the relationship between work and pleasure? Follow-up10 Reading & Writing Reading & Writing Text A Text B Text C Sorry, But… Credit, Not Charity Getting Rich Text A Exercises Text B Exercises Comprehension of the Text Basic Reading Skills Grammar Review Practical Writing Text B Exercises Answer the following questions. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. Text B Exercises .main Practical Writing Complaint Letters Read the following letter and answer the questions that follow. Write a complaint letter using the information provided below. Practical Writing.mian Starter In a few years you are going to graduate from college and look for a job. When you are applying for a job you like, what can you do to be successful? How can you prepare yourself for this important moment? Now discuss this with your classmates. Make a list of the points you think are important and which you can do something about in a job application. Text A Text A_Starter1 Points to consider in a job application: 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________ Text A_Starter1-2 Text A Text A_p1 CH Tamra B. Orr Sorry, But… 1 How can you deal with rejection and keep on going? Your application was perfect, and your interview was flawless . You answered every question properly , and you were totally qualified for this job. However, to your shock and amazement, you did not get it — you were rejected! Why does this happen — and, even more important , how are you supposed to cope with it? ? N N Proper Names Tamra B. Orr / tmr bi / 坦穆拉 · B · 奥尔 Jane Salmons / dVe  n 5sAlmEnz / 简 · 萨蒙斯 TextA_p1- Tamra Reasonable and Unreasonable There are a variety of reasons someone does not get a job. Some are preventable , and some just are not. For example, you might have missed out because there were 400 applicants for one position, making your chances slim . Perhaps you were rejected because the boss’s nephew got the job instead. Maybe the person who interviewed you was having a rotten day, and that feeling influenced his or her judgment of you. These reasons are out of your control , so don’t dwell on them. Instead, focus on the ones that are preventable — the ones you can do something about. Text A ? Text A_p2 CH N N 2 Points to Consider Here are some of the most important elements for getting — or not getting — a job: Inappropriate personal appearance. It may be the talk of your school, but the latest fad should not be part of what you wear to an interview. Tattoos , for example, may impress your friends, but they almost certainly won’t make the same impression on a potential employer , nor will too much cologne or jewelry. Text A Text A_p3-4 ? CH N N 3 4 Inappropriate attitude. This can be tricky. You need to be confident without appearing cocky , and talkative without rambling . Be respectful and attentive . Show interest in the company and the position you are applying for. Ask questions, but don’t focus on how much you’re going to get paid and when vacation is coming. Always be punctual . Inappropriate credentials . If you are applying for a job that requires more education or experience than you have, you are likely to be rejected. Your résumé will need to highlight your strengths and abilities. Some employers frown if your GPA isn’t high enough or if you aren’t involved in any kind of extracurricular activities. They also look closely at your job history for indications of stability . Text A Text A_p5-6 ? CH 5 6 Text A Text A_p7-8 ? CH Other common reasons for rejection include sloppy applications, an inflexible schedule, or lack of references . The Answer Is Still No Even if you do it all right, from application through interview, you may still be rejected. While you don’t have any power over the final decision, you can decide how you are going to respond to it. Keep three things in mind : Get feedback so you can make changes; don’t take the rejection personally; and keep trying. N 7 8 TextA_p9 Text A ? CH When you’re rejected, ask the employer for his reasons, if possible. Do it professionally and calmly ; you are there to learn, not argue. What you find out may give you the insight you need to improve your chances of succeeding the next time . Jane Salmons , a senior career adviser , says, “Although you may not always like to hear negative feedback, remember that the purpose of the call is to help you in the future. So whatever you do, don’t argue. You’ve asked for an opinion , so respect it and use it positively. Also, remember that the company may have a future job for which you would be suitable . For example, the first-choice candidate may not be able to take the position, or another suitable vacancy may arise. So don’t burn your bridges .” N N 9 Text A ? CH Next, don’t take rejection personally. It does not mean you are incompetent . It means this job does not suit you, so stay focused on the next one. Get right back out there and try again. It’s OK to feel upset for a bit. But then get out of the house, spend some time with friends, reflect on what the experience taught you, and start filling out applications again. Rejection can often be one of the most important experiences you will ever have. Look to it for insight, accept it as part of life, and go on — because the next job is out there waiting. As someone once wrote, “One more job rejection is one step closer to a job offer.” (686 words ) N TextA_p10-11 10 11 10) What is the right attitude toward rejection? Look to it for insight and accept it as part of life. TextA_p1-Q 其次,不要认为这种拒绝是针对个人的。这并不意味着你无能,只不过这个工作不适合你。因此,你要继续关注下一份工作,及时走出失败的阴影,再次尝试。感到有点沮丧是正常的,但要走出家门,和朋友们聚聚,反思这次经历中的经验教训,然后重新填写申请表。 遭到拒绝往往是你一生中最为重要的经历之一。要从中增长见识,视之为人生的一部分并继续努力 —— 因为下一份工作正在那儿等着你。正如有人曾写道:“在求职中多经历一次失败,就是向着成功又迈进了一步。” Chinese Version Texta-P1-T 9) What does the writer suggest we not do when we ask an employer for the reasons for rejection? Why? The writer suggests we not argue because the company may have a future job suitable for us. Text A_Q Text A_T 你被拒绝时,如果可能,不妨问问雇主是什么原因。要以职业化的方式冷静地去问。你是去那儿学习的,不是去争辩的。你得到的反馈意见可能会使你更深入地了解自己,这对于提高下次成功的几率是很有必要的。高级职业顾问简•萨蒙斯说:“虽然你可能不喜欢一直听到负面的反馈意见,但切记:你这次拜访的目的是为了将来对你有所帮助。因此,无论如何都不要争辩。你是来征求对方意见的,因此,要尊重并积极地运用对方的意见。同时切记,或许该公司以后会有你适合的工作。例如,第一人选可能无法前来就职,也可能会出现其他合适的空缺。因此,千万不要自断退路。” Chinese Version Text A reject reject / r  5dVekt/ : vt . refuse to accept; throw (sth.) away because it is not good enough, etc. 拒绝;拒绝接受;抛弃 e.g. He rejected our invitation. The old man rejected my offer of help. T 他拒绝了我们的邀请。 T 老人拒绝了我提出的帮助。 rejection: n . rejecting or being rejected 拒绝;抛弃 e.g. He keeps applying for jobs but constant rejections have discouraged him. For fear of rejection, he decided not to write her any more. T 他不断写信求职,但一次又一次的拒绝使他灰心了。 T 他因害怕遭到拒绝,决定不再给她写信了。 Language Points 1) What can happen to us even if we are totally qualified for a job? We can still be rejected for the job. Text A_Q 很抱歉,但是 …… 坦穆拉 •B• 奥尔 遭到拒绝后,你会如何应付并继续努力呢?你的求职申请书完美无缺,面试也无懈可击。每一个问题你都回答得恰如其分,而且这份工作是你完全能够胜任的。然而,让你惊讶的是,你却没有得到这份工作 —— 你被拒绝了!为什么会这样呢?而更重要的是,你应该如何对付这种情况呢? Chinese Version Text A_T keep on: continue 继续 Text AS_keep on Language Points e.g. He just kept on writing. Prices keep on increasing. 他只是继续在写。 T 物价不停地上涨。 T Text A_ application application / 7Apl I 5ke  Fn / : n . formal written request 申请,申请书 Language Points e.g. That year, China made a formal application to join the WTO. | an application for admission (to school) an application for a job 那一年,中国正式申请加入世 ( 界 ) 贸 ( 易 ) 组织。 T 入学申请 T 求职申请 ( 书 ) T Text A_S_background Language Points flawless / 5flC:l  s/ : a . having no flaws; perfect 无缺点的,无瑕的;完美的 e.g. Her composition is flawless. 她的作文完美无瑕。 T proper / 5pr  pE/ : a . correct or suitable; fitting or appropriate 正确的;适合的;适当的;恰当的 Text A_from time… Language Points e.g. You haven’t done the job the proper way — you’ll have to do it again. You aren’t wearing proper clothes for this hot weather. 这么热的天,你穿的衣服不合适。 T T 你没有用正确的方式做这项工作,你得重做。 Text A_vent Language Points total / 5tE  tl / : a . complete; entire 完全的;全部的 e.g. I want total silence. He is a total fool. 我要求一点声音也没有。 T 他是一个彻头彻尾的傻瓜。 T The writer suggests we focus on reasons that are preventable — the ones we can do something about. Text A_Q 2) What reasons does the writer suggest we focus on? Chinese Version 有理的与无理的 一个人求职失败有各种各样的原因。有些原因是可以避免的,有些则不可避免。例如,你错过机会或许是因为一个职位有 400 个求职者,那你成功的几率就很小了。或许你被拒绝是因为老板的侄子得到了这份工作。或许面试你的人那天心情极糟,那种情绪影响了对你的判断。这些原因是你无法控制的,所以就不要耿耿于怀了。相反,要关注那些可以避免的原因,即那些你可以有所作为的原因。 Text A_T Text A_S_latter qualified / 5kw  l  fa  d/ : a . having completed the relevant training or examination 有资格的;胜任的;合格的 e.g. Even if you have spent a year in England, that does not mean you are qualified to teach English. There is only one man qualified for the job. He is a qualified engineer. 即使你在英国呆了一年,也并不意味着你有资格教英语。 T 只有一个人能胜任这项工作。 T Language Points 他是一个合格的工程师。 T Text A_S_in silence Language Points However, to your shock and amazement, you did not get it — you were rejected! 然而,让你惊讶的是,你却没有得到这份工作 —— 你被拒绝了 ! The sentence after the dash ( 破折号 ) further explains “you did not get it.” 本句中,破折号后的 you were rejected 对 you did not get it 起解释说明的作用。 to sb. ’ s shock and amazement: causing sb. to feel shocked and amazed 使某人感到震惊和诧异的是 e.g. To my shock and amazement, he was killed in the car accident. 使我深感震惊的是,他在车祸中死了。 T Text A_further and even more important: and what is even more important 更为重要的是 Language Points e.g. The toy is educational, and even more important, it is safe for children. 这个玩具很有教育意义,而且更为重要的是,它对孩子们来说很安全。 T Text A_ overseas cope / kE  p / (with): vi. deal (with sb./sth.) successfully 对付,应付 e.g. She is not a competent driver and can’t cope with driving in heavy traffic. She is too young to cope with all the work. 她不是个合格的司机 , 在交通拥挤时就开不好车。 T 她年纪太轻,应付不了所有的工作。 T Language Points cope with: handle (a problem, etc.); deal effectively with 处理 ( 问题等 ); 对付,应付 Text A_propose preventable / pr vebl/ : a . that can be prevented 可防止的 , 可预防的 e.g. To my regret, this failure was preventable. This disease is preventable. 令我懊悔的是,这次失败本来是可以避免的。 T 这一疾病是可以预防的。 T Language Points Text A_talk round: For example, you might have missed out because there were 400 applicants for one position, making your chances slim. 例如,你错过机会或许是因为一个职位有 400 个求职者,那你成功的几率就很小了。 In this sentence, “might have V +ed” means the speaker is not sure whether sth. has happened or not. The pattern can also be written as “may have V +ed.” If the speaker is very sure that sth. has happened, he would use “must have V +ed.” If the speaker is very sure that sth. has not happened, he would use “can’t have V +ed.” The present participial phrase ( 现在分词短语 ) “ making your chances slim” serves as an adverbial of result. 本句中 might have done 表示对过去事实不确定的猜测,也可以用 may have V +ed 。对过去事实做肯定猜测用 must have V +ed ,对过去事实的否定猜测用 can’t have V+ed 。现在分词短语 making your chances slim 作结果状语。 Language Points Text A_ give in miss out : lose an opportunity 失去机会 Language Points e.g. We don’t want the kids to miss out. They seldom get such a chance. You really missed out by not coming to the party. 我们不想让孩子们失去这次难得的机会。 T 你没来参加聚会 , 真是错过了一次很好的机会。 T Text A_ abroad applicant / 5Apl  kEnt / : n . person who applies, esp. for a job, etc. 申请人;求职者 Language Points e.g. There are so many applicants for this position. an applicant for admission to a school an applicant for Party membership 这一职位有很多求职者。 T 入学申请者 T 申请入党者 T Language Points slim / sl  m/ : a . ( slimmer, slimmest ) (of a person) not fat; pleasantly thin; slight; small (人)细长的;苗条的;小的 e.g. She is not slim enough to wear this pair of tight trousers. His chance of success is very slim. 她不够苗条,穿不上这条紧身裤。 T 他成功的希望很小。 T Text A_slim Text A_ whereas Language Points nephew / 5nefju: / : n . son of one’s brother or sister 侄子;外甥 e.g. My nephew is so naughty. 我的外甥很顽皮。 T Text A_ affection Language Points e.g. What rotten weather! The fish is rotten; you must not eat it. 多么恶劣的天气! T 这鱼已经坏了,你千万不能吃。 T rotten / 5r  tn/ : a . decayed; having gone bad; [infml] very bad; very unpleasant 腐烂的;变质的; [ 口 ] 极坏的;令人极不愉快的 Text A_knock down judgment / 5dVQdVmEnt/ : n . action or process of judging; ability in judging the value or worth of sb./sth.; opinion 判断;判断力;看法,意见 Language Points e.g. In her judgment, education is more important than birth. He is a man of good judgment. 照她看来,教育比出身更重要。 T 他是一个判断力很强的人。 T out of sb.’s control: that sb. cannot do anything about or keep in order 某人无法控制的 Language Points e.g. He didn’t make a quick decision and the situation is now out of his control. 他没有当机立断,形势现在失控了。 T Text A_ utter Text A_Q 3) What does the writer think are the most important elements for getting a job? The most important elements are appropriate personal appearance, appropriate attitude and appropriate credentials. 4) What suggestions does the writer make about personal appearance? The writer suggests not giving into the latest fad, for example wearing tattoos, or too much cologne or jewelry. Text A_T Chinese Version 要 考虑的几点: 以下是求职能否成功最重要的几个因素: 不适当的个人仪表: 最新的时尚服饰或许是校园里的热门话题,但它不应该是你面试时穿着的一部分。例如,文身也许能给你的朋友们留下深刻的印象,但它们几乎肯定不会给未来的雇主留下同样的印象。同样,过多的香水或首饰也不会留下太好的印象。 Text A_ throat Instead, focus on the ones that are preventable — the ones you can do something about. 相反,要关注那些可以避免的原因,即那些你可以有所作为的原因。 The pronoun “the ones” in this sentence replaces “the reasons” in the previous sentence, thus avoiding repetition. The part after the dash ( 破折号 ) serves as an appositive ( 同位语 ) , which further explains “the ones that are preventable.” 本句中的代词 the ones 替代前面一句中的 the reasons , 避免了重复。破折号后的成分作 the ones that are preventable 的同位语,起解释说明的作用。 Language Points Text A_ impact appropriate / E5prE  pr  Et / : a . suitable; right and proper 适合的;适当的;恰当的 Language Points e.g. This is an appropriate example. These clothes were not appropriate for such a formal occasion. 这是一个适当的例子。 这些衣服不适宜在这样正式的场合穿。 T T Text A_ inability … the latest fad should not be part of what you wear to an interview. …… 最新的时尚服饰不应该是你面试时穿着的一部分。 In this sentence, the subordinating clause ( 从句 ) “what you wear” serves as the object of the preposition “of.” There is another example in paragraph 7 — “reflect on what the experience taught you.” 本句中,从句 what you wear 作介词 of 的宾语。同样的例子还有第七段中的 reflect on what the experience taught you 。 Language Points Text A_ break down fad / fAd/ : n. fashion, interest, preference, enthusiasm, etc. that does not last a long time 一时的风尚,一时的狂热 Language Points e.g. The young like to pursue fads. 年轻人喜欢追求时尚。 T Tattoos, for example, may impress your friends, but they almost certainly won’t make the same impression on a potential employer, nor will too much cologne or jewelry. 例如文身也许能给你的朋友们留下深刻的印象,但它们几乎肯定不会给未来的雇主留下同样的印象。同样,过多的香水或首饰也不会留下太好的印象。 In English, “neither” or “nor” can be used to add another negative statement about someone or something. When a sentence starts with “neither” or “nor”, it should be in the inverted order. And “so” can be used to add another positive statement about someone or something. When a sentence starts with “so,” it should also be in the inverted order. 英语中,表示与前面所提到过的情况相同的否定时用 neither 或 nor , 这两个词置于句首时,其后的句子主谓倒装。 I can’t go tomorrow and neither/nor can my brother. 明天我去不了,我兄弟也去不了。 My mother is ill this week. So is my sister. 我母亲病了,我姐姐也病了 。 Text A_thereafter Language Points T 又如 : 例如 : T 在肯定句中,表示相同情况时用 so 。 置于句首时,其后的句子也主谓倒装。 Text A_ discharge tattoo / tE5tu: / : n . tattooed picture or pattern on the skin 文身;刺花 Language Points e.g. The sailor had a heart tattoo on his arm. 那水兵的手臂上有一个心形刺花。 T Text A_S_ pierce impress /  / : vt. have a favorable effect on (sb.); make (sb.) feel admiration and respect 给(某人)深刻的印象;使(某人)钦佩 e.g. His words impressed me strongly. I wrote down whatever impressed me during the journey. 他的话给我留下了深刻的印象。 T 我记下了旅行过程中使我感动的所有事物。 T Language Points impression /  m5preFEn / : n. deep lasting effect on the mind or feeling of sb. 印象;感想 e.g. What were your first impressions of London? He made a deep impression on almost everyone. 你对伦敦的最初印象如何? T 他几乎给每个人都留下了很深的印象。 T Text A_ relationship Language Points potential / pE5tenFl/ : a. able to exist or happen but not yet existing or happening; possible 潜在的;可能的 e.g. Every seed is a potential plant. Our country has many potential resources. 每粒种子都可能长成植物。 T 我们国家有许多潜在资源。 T Text A_ miserable employer /  m5plC  E / : n . person or company that employs others 雇用者,雇主 Language Points e.g. The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。 T Text A_S_beloved Language Points confident / 5k  nf  dEnt/ : a . feeling or showing trust in oneself or one ’ s ability 自信的,确信的 e.g. Peter is confident of winning the post as assistant to the managing director. He often wears a confident smile. 彼得确信他能赢得总经理助理的职位。 T 他经常面带自信的微笑。 T Text A_i nvitation Language Points cocky / 5k  k  / : a . conceited; arrogant 骄傲自大的;趾高气扬的 e.g. He’s a bit too cocky and one day he’s going to make a mistake. 他有点太自负 , 总有一天要犯错误的。 T ramble / 5rAmbl/ : vi . wander in one’s talk without keeping to the subject 漫谈;瞎聊 e.g. She rambled on about her uninteresting affairs. I am sorry for this rambling letter. 她没完没了地谈她那些平淡无趣的私事。 T Language Points 写了这么一封杂乱无章的信,对不起。 T Text A_fold Text A_Q 5) What is the right attitude in an interview? Be confident without appearing cocky and talkative without rambling, be respectful and attentive, show interest and ask proper questions, and always be punctual. 6) What suggestions does the writer make about credentials? The writer suggests highlighting strengths and abilities in the résumé. Text A_T Chinese Version 不适当的态度: 这一点可能很难把握。你需要表现得自信而又不显得自以为是,要能说会道而又不漫无边际。要尊重别人,注意力集中。对公司和你所申请的职位要表现出兴趣。可以问问题,但不要过多地关注你会得到多少薪金、何时有假期。一定要准时。 不合适的学历证书: 如果你申请的工作要求更高的学历和更多的工作经验,你有可能会遭到拒绝。因此,在你的简历中需要突出你的长处和能力。如果你的平均积分点不够高,或者没有参加过任何课外活动,一些雇主是会皱眉头不满意的。他们也会仔细审查你的工作经历,看你在工作中是否具有稳定性。 Text A_affectionately Language Points attentive / E5tent  v / : a . giving careful attention 注意的,聚精会神的 e.g. He is very attentive to his dress. A speaker likes to have an attentive audience. He’s quite attentive to his girlfriend. 他是个很注意穿着的人。 T 演说者喜欢听众专心听。 T 他对女友很殷勤。 T Text A_ punctual p unctual / 5pQNktj  El / : a. arriving or doing sth. at the agreed time 准时的,守时的,正点的 e.g. She is always punctual, but her friend is always late. 她总是很守时,可她的朋友却老是迟到。 T Language Points Text A_ credentials credential / kr  denFEl/ : a . written papers or documents showing or proving that one has the power or authority to do sth.; qualifications 证明书;证件;文凭;资格 e.g. His credentials were so satisfactory that he was given the post of manager. Her academic credentials include an MA and a Ph.D. 他的各种证书令人极为满意,因此给了他经理的职位。 T 她拥有文科硕士和哲学博士学位文凭各一张。 T Language Points TextA- résumé résumé / ,  / : n . brief account of sb. ’ s previous career, usu. submitted with an application for a job (求职者等写的)简历,履历 e.g. Every job applicant needs to prepare a résumé. 每一位求职者都需要准备一份简历。 T Language Points TextA- highlight highlight / 5haIlaIt/ : vt. give special attention to; emphasize 对…予以特别注意;突出;强调 e.g. The minister highlighted the need for immediate action. The report highlights the problem of the unemployed. 部长强调了立即采取措施的必要性。 T 报告强调了失业者的问题。 T Language Points TextA- frown frown / fra  n/ : vi. bring the eyebrows together, so wrinkling the skin on one ’ s forehead (to express anger, wrong, etc.) 皱眉,蹙额(以示生气、担忧等) e.g. The teacher frowned angrily at the noisy class. He frowned as he heard this news. 老师生气地对那班吵吵嚷嚷的学生皱起眉头。 T 听到这个消息时他皱起了眉头。 T Language Points TextA- extracurricular extracurricular /  eskstrEkE5rIkjJlE/ : a. outside the regular course of work or study at a school or college 课外的 e.g. Sports and drama are the school’s most popular extracurricular activities. 体育和戏剧是学校最流行的课外活动。 T Language Points TextA- indicate indicate / 5  nd  ke  t / : vt . show by a sign, movement, etc. 表明,暗示 e.g. A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow. I indicated that his help was not welcome. 一个路标给我们指出应走的路。 T Language Points 我暗示他的帮助不受欢迎。 T indication / 7  nd  5ke  Fn/ : n . thing or sign that shows that sth. exists or may happen 表示 ; 迹象 e.g. Did he give you any indication of his feelings? Smiles and frowns are indications of emotion. There are clear indications that the war will soon be over. 他向你表露过他的感情吗 ? T 微笑和皱眉是感情的表示。 T 有清楚的迹象表明战争即将结束。 T TextA- s table S table / 5ste  bl/ : a . firmly established or fixed; not likely to move or change 稳定的;稳固的;牢固的 e.g. Markets are flourishing and prices are stable. Is that desk stable? The world needs a stable peace. 市场繁荣 , 物价稳定。 T Language Points 那张桌子牢固吗? T 世界需要持久和平。 T Text A_ Q 7) What else may also lead to rejection? Sloppy applications, an inflexible schedule, or lack of references 8) What should we keep in mind if we are doing everything right but are still rejected? We should keep three things in mind: Get feedback so we can make changes; don’t take the rejection personally and keep trying. Text A_ T Chinese Version 遭拒绝的其他原因还包括求职信潦草、时间安排上没有灵活性或缺少推荐信等。 回答仍然是“ No” 即使从递交求职信到面试,每一个环节都做得天衣无缝,你仍然有可能遭到拒绝。虽然你对最终的决定无能为力,但你却可以决定如何对此作出反应。请牢记三点:获取反馈意见,以便有所改进;不要认为这种拒绝是针对个人的;继续努力。 TextA-s loppy s loppy / 5sl  pI/ : a. (of a person) careless and untidy in dress, or in the way he does things; done in a careless and untidy way ( 人 ) 衣着不整的;做事马虎的;草率的;粗心的 e.g. do a sloppy job of sth. a sloppy room a sloppy piece of writing 马马虎虎地做某事 T 邋遢的房间 T Language Points 一篇写得草率的文章 T TextA-f lexible f lexible / 5fleksEbl / : a . that can bend easily without breaking; easily changed to suit new conditions 易弯曲的;有弹性的;灵活的 e.g. We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday; our plans are very flexible. flexible working hours 我们可以在星期一或星期二访问你们公司 , 我们的计划是相当灵活的。 T 弹性工作时间 T Language Points TextA- l ack l ack /lAk/ : 1. vt . be without; have less than enough of 没有;缺乏;缺少;不足 e.g. She lacks the money to buy new shoes. She is lacking courage. 她没有钱买新鞋。 T 她缺乏勇气。 T Language Points 2 . n . absence or shortage (of sth. that is needed) 缺乏;缺少 e.g. Owing to a lack of time, we cannot do more than what we have done. The plants died for/through lack of water. 由于时间不够,我们只能做到这样。 T 那些植物因缺水而枯死了。 T TextA-r eference r eference / 5refE r  ns / : n . act of referring to sb./sth.; statement about a person ’ s character or abilities 提到;谈到; ( 关于某人品行或能力的 ) 证明文书;推荐信 e.g. She made frequent references to her promotion. When I was looking for a job, I asked my head teacher to give me a reference. My former last boss gave me a good reference. 她时常提到她的升迁。 T 我在找工作时,要班主任给我写了一封推荐信。 T Language Points 我原先的老板给我写了一封很好的推荐信。 T TextA- While you don ’ t … While you don ’ t have any power over the final decision, you can decide how you are going to respond to it. 虽然你对最终的决定无能为力,但你却可以决定如何对此作出反应。 In this sentence, the conjunction “while” means “though” or “although” and introduces an adverbial clause of concession . 本句中连词while引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然”。 Language Points TextA- keep… in mind keep… in mind: remember 记住,把 … 记在心里 e.g. It’s a good idea — I’ll keep it in mind. Keep in mind that the price does not include flights. 这是个好主意,我会记住的。 T 记住这个价格不包括机票。 T Language Points TextA- f eedback f eedback / 5fi:dbAk / : n . information about a product, etc. that a user gives back to its supplier, maker, etc. 反馈信息,反应 e.g. The school asked the students for feedback on the new curriculum. They improved their products according to the market feedback. 学校征求学生对新课程设置的反馈意见。 T 他们根据市场反馈改进了产品。 T Language Points TextA-c alm c alm / kB:m / : a . (of a person, the mind) free from anxiety, not disturbed 镇静的,镇定的 e.g. The President was calm throughout the global crisis. He was calm when I told him the bad news. 在全球危机的整个过程中,总统一直很镇静。 T 当我告诉他那个坏消息时,他很平静。 T Language Points What you find out may give you the insight you need to improve your chances of succeeding the next time. 你得到的反馈意见可能会使你更深入地了解自己,这对于提高下次成功的几率是很有必要的。 The subject of the sentence is the clause “What you find out.” 本句的主语是从句 What you find out。 Language Points TextA- What you find … insight / 5  nsa  t / : n . ability to see into the nature of sth.; deep understanding 洞察力;深刻了解 e.g. He is a man of insight. She has a woman’s quick insight into character. He has given me an insight into literature. 他是一个有洞察力的人。 T 她对人的品格具有女性特有的敏锐眼光。 T Language Points 他使我对文学有了深入的了解。 T TextA- insight advise / Ed5va  z/: vt . give advice to; recommend 劝告;向 … 提供意见;建议 e.g. The doctor advised me to get more exercise. I advised him to take advantage of the opportunity. 医生劝我加强体育锻炼。 T 我建议他利用这个机会。 T Language Points adviser / Ed5va  zE /: n . person who gives advice, esp. sb. who is regularly consulted 顾问 e.g. He is a senior adviser to the President. 他是总统的一名高级顾问。 T TextA- advise opinion / E5p  njEn / : n . what a person thinks about sth. 意见 , 看法 , 主张 e.g. He asked his father’s opinion about his plans. In my opinion, you’re wrong. 他向父亲征求对他的计划的意见。 T 依我看,你错了。 T Language Points TextA- opinion Also, remember that the company may have a future job for which you would be suitable. 同时切记,或许该公司以后会有你适合的工作。 an attributive clause modifying “a future job.” The relative pronoun ( 关系代词 ) “which” serves as the object of the preposition “for.” In this case, the preposition can precede the relative pronoun to make the sentence sound more formal. 本句中 for which you would be suitable 是一个定语从句,修饰 a future job , 其中关系代词 which 作介词 for 的宾语;在这种情况下,介词可以置于关系代词之前,使句子更加正式。例如: This is the book for which you ask. 这就是你要的书。 The man with whom you shook hands just now is our manager. 刚才和你握手的那个人是我们的经理。 Language Points TextA- Also, remember … suitable / 5sju:tEbl / : a . right or appropriate for a purpose or an occasion 合适的,适宜的,恰当的 e.g. This toy is not suitable for young children. These books are suitable for children. 这个玩具不适合低龄孩童玩。 T 这些书籍适合儿童阅读。 T Language Points TextA- suitable candidate / 5kAndIdeIt / : n . person who applies for a job or is nominated for election; person taking an examination ( 求职 ) 申请者;候选人;投考者 e.g. He offered himself as a candidate for the position. 他自荐为该职位的候选人。 T Language Points TextA- candidate vacancy / 5ve I kEns  / : n . unfilled position or post 空缺;空职;空位 e.g. Sorry, the vacancy in the office has been filled. We have a vacancy for a typist. 对不起 , 这个空缺的职位已有人补上了。 T 我们有一个打字员的空缺。 T Language Points TextA- vacancy burn one ’ s bridges: do sth. that makes it impossible to go back to a previous situation 破釜沉舟;自断退路 e.g. She finally realized that she had burnt her bridges. I’m really interested in that job in Washington, but I don’t want to burn my bridges with this company. 她最终认识到她已经自断退路了。 T 我真的对华盛顿的那份工作很感兴趣,但我不想和现在的这家公司一刀两断。 T Language Points TextA- burn one ’ s competent / 5k  mp I tEnt / : a. having the necessary ability, skill, etc. 有能力的,胜任的 e.g. She is a competent typist. He is competent for the task. 她是一个称职的打字员。 T 他胜任这项任务。 T Language Points TextA- competent … stay focused on the next one. …… 要继续关注下一份工作。 In this sentence, “stay” serves as a link verb, indicating a state. Its grammatical function is the same as “be.” 本句中 stay 作连系动词,相当于动词 be ,表示状态。 Language Points TextA- stay focused .. get back : come back; return; retreat 回来;返回;退后 e.g. I’ll talk to you when I get back. She felt very happy to get back to her hometown again. 我回来后要和你谈谈。 T 又一次回到故乡,她感到很高兴。 T Language Points TextA- get back reflect on : think carefully about 仔细考虑,深思,反省 e.g. He had time to reflect on his successes and failures. She sat there reflecting on how much had changed these years. 他有时间来反思自己的成功与失败。 T 她坐在那里,沉思这些年来发生了多少变化。 T Language Points TextA- reflect on fill out : provide information requested in (an application form, etc.) 填写 ( 申请表等 ) e.g. Fill out the form and send it to me. 把这张表填一下,然后寄给我。 T Language Points TextA- fill out look to (sb./sth.) for (sth.): hope that (sb./sth.) will provide (sth. that one wants, needs, etc.) 指望 ( 某人 / 某物 ) 提供 ( 某物 ) e.g. We look to you for support. Poor people often look to the government for help. 我们指望你能支持我们。 T 穷人往往指望政府提供帮助。 T Language Points TextA- look to Text A Exercises Reading Aloud Understanding the Text Reading Analysis Vocabulary Structure Translation Text A Exercises.list Cloze Structure Rewrite the following sentences according to the model given below. Rewrite the following sentences according to the model given below . Structure Vocabulary Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the formswhere necessary. Vocabulary Understanding the Text Answer the following questions Topics for Discussion. Understanding the Text Read the following paragraph until you have learned them by heart. Next, don’t take rejection personally. It does not mean you are incompetent. It means this job does not suit you, so stay focused on the next one. Get right back out there and try again. It’s OK to feel upset for a bit. But then get out of the house, spend some time with friends, reflect on what the experience taught you, and start filling out applications again. Rejection can often be one of the most important experiences you will ever have. Look to it for insight, accept it as part of life, and go on — because the next job is out there waiting. As someone once wrote, “One more job rejection is one step closer to a job offer.” Read the following Reading Aloud Answer the following questions Understandling-Answer What can happen to us even if we are totally qualified for a job? What reasons does the writer suggest we focus on? What does the writer think are the most important elements for getting a job? What suggestions does the writer make about personal appearance? What is the right attitude in an interview? What suggestions does the writer make about credentials? What else may also lead to rejection? What should we keep in mind if we are doing everything right but are still rejected? What does the writer suggest we not do when we ask an employer for the reasons for rejection? Why? What is the right attitude toward rejection? Understanding the Text 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Topics for Discussion. 1. Have you ever been rejected? What did you feel at that time and how did you cope with it? Share your experiences with your classmates and give your advice. 2. If you were going to interview some job applicants, what qualities would you value most? Why? Topics-1 You should focus on and shouldn’t dwell on . How to deal with Part Topic Paragraph(s) Main Idea Ⅰ Read Text A again and complete the following table. Sometimes even if you are totally the job and doing everything correct, you can still be rejected. rejection _______ Read text-1 qualified for _____ ______ Ⅱ Ⅲ 1 Inappropriate . You shouldn’t wear to an interview, nor too much . Inappropriate . You should be confident but not , talkative but not . personal appearance _______ _________ Reading Analysis 2 Reasons for rejection the reasons that are preventable _______ _ _______ __________ the ones that are out of your control _______ __ _______ __________ Points to consider 3-4 latest clothing fad _____ _________ cologne or jewelry _____ _________ attitude ______ cocky __ _ __ rambling ____ ___ Get feedback so that and remember not to . Don’t take rejection for it doesn’t mean ; it just means . Keep trying, for rejection can often be in your life. the job doesn’t suit you Read text-2 Now retell the main idea of the passage by using the information in the table you have completed. Part Topic Paragraph(s) Main Idea You should be , attentive and . You should and ask questions but not . Inappropriate . You should in your résumé. . respectful _____ ___ punctual _____ _ show interest _____ _____ focus on the pay and the vacation _____ ______________________ credentials _____ ___ highlight your strengths and abilities _____ ________________________ Ⅳ Keep three things in mind 5 - 8 you can make changes _____ ____________ argue ____ personally _____ ___ you are incompetent _____ ___________ _____ _____________ one of the most important experiences _____ _________________________ Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. Vocabulary-Fill in1-1 potential properly lack confident punctual feedback qualified reject judgment employer candidate suitable Several hundred people competed for the job, but nearly all of them were for one reason or another. 2. Parents should teach their children from an early age to behave in public. 3. Teachers need to have good of their pupils need and abilities and provide proper guidance. 4. She asked her for a raise, but was refused. 5. In fact, it is of confidence, not of ability, that makes most people fail. 6. The employees felt greatly encouraged by the positive they’d had from their boss. feedback ________ rejected _______ employer properly _______ judgment ________ lack ___ _______ Vocabulary Vocabulary- Fill in1-2 7. The applicant will not be for the position unless he has had much work experience. 8. The first person we interviewed was clearly not for the job because he asked for a salary that we couldn’t afford. 9. We hope that every for the coming election will give some consideration to these issues. 10. Although he is very poor at the subject, he is still quite that he will pass the examination. 11. George was an experienced and smart car salesman, so he could recognize a customer when he saw one. 12. Don’t wait for her! She is never for company meetings; she is always late. punctual _______ qualified _______ suitable ______ confident _______ candidate ________ potential _______ potential properly lack confident punctual feedback qualified reject judgment employer candidate suitable 1. People who successfully difficult situations usually look ahead and prepare themselves for any circumstances. 2. Some children because their parents can’t afford to pay for school trips. 3. How many jobs had you before you were offered this one? 4. It is important to your audience when writing a report. 5. My plan is to see your country as you have seen mine, and to settle down among the people. 6. True understanding comes from your past experience. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary. Vocabulary-Fill in2-1 reflect on cope with keep… in mind fill out miss out a variety of to sb.’s amazement apply for get back for a bit cope with _________ in mind ______ miss out _______ applied for ________ keep ____ bit for a __ ____ reflecting on __________ Vocabulary-Fill in2-2 7. Jobseekers ( 求职者 ) are asked to forms and present résumés that detail their education, experience, and other strengths. 8. We spent the whole day in the mountains and didn’t till dark. 9. Newspapers and magazines provide information and entertainment every day. 10. , the 70-year-old man has beaten the young athlete in the match. get back _______ a variety of _________ To our amazement _______________ fill out _____ reflect on cope with keep… in mind fill out miss out a variety of to sb.’s amazement apply for get back for a bit Rewrite the following sentences according to the model given below. Structure-complete1-1 1. The girl could not read, and she could not write either. The girl could not read, nor could she write. __________________________________ The boy is not satisfied with the living conditions, nor are his classmates. __________________________________________________________ Structure Model: Tattoos won’t make the same impression on a potential employer, and too much cologne or jewelry won’t either. →Tattoos won’t make the same impression on a potential employer, nor will too much cologne or jewelry. 2. The boy is not satisfied with the living conditions, and his classmates are not satisfied with them either. 3. Ted was not at the meeting, and he was not at work yesterday either. Ted was not at the meeting, nor was he at work yesterday. ________________________________________________ 4. Mary hadn ’ t said a single word since supper, and her husband had not said anything either. Mary hadn’t said a single word since supper, nor had her husband. _____________________________________________________ 5. They didn’t invite me, and they didn’t invite my parents either. They didn’t invite me, nor did they invite my parents. _________________________________________ 6. The parents never punish their child, and the teacher never punishes him either. The parents never punish their child, nor does the teacher. ______________________________________________ Structure-complete1-2 Rewrite the following sentences according to the model given below. Model: You felt amazed that you didn’t get the job. → To your amazement , you didn’t get the job. 1. I deeply regret that I am unable to accept your kind invitation. To my deep regret, I am unable to accept your kind invitation. ________________________________________________ 2. John was surprised that this college graduate couldn ’ t even operate the computer. To John’s surprise, this college graduate couldn’t even operate the computer. _____________________________________________________________ 3. The parents were delighted to know that their son had fully recovered from the disease. To the parents’ delight, their son had fully recovered from the disease. ________________________________________________________ Structure-complete1-3 Structure-complete2-1 4. We were greatly disappointed that we played so well yet still lost. To our great disappointment, we played so well yet still lost. ________________________________________________ 5. Everyone was shocked to hear Brian died of a heart attack yesterday — he ’ s so young! To everyone’s shock, Brian died of a heart attack yesterday — he’s so young! _____________________________________________________________ 6. The woman was horrified to see her neighbor killed in the accident. To the woman’s horror, she saw her neighbor killed in the accident. _____________________________________________________ “The harder you work to find a job, the more rejections you get. (1) proud of them,” experts say. Many experts believe that getting a lot of (2) can say a lot about your determination. As a (3) of fact, a good job search is one that generates a lot of rejection. You can’t (4) it, so what you should do is to get over it and move on. Of course, it may help (5) you take a look at your approach to (6) a job and see if you can win the job search game more quickly. You might be seeking jobs that (7) more skills or experience than you have. Maybe you are displaying a (8) attitude during interviews. Ask an expert (9) help and see what aspect of your job search may (10) changing, and whether your interviewing skills are appropriate. A job search is like (11) for your lost keys. They’re in the last place you look because you stop looking after you find them. The longer your search lasts, the more rejections you’ll get. But, (12) you know it, you’ll find the job that you want. Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word. matter _____ Structure_cloze Cloze avoid ____ Be ___ before _____ for __ rejections ________ if __ finding _____ require ______ negative _______ looking ______ need _____ Tr1 Translate the following sentences into English. 有时候,即使你完全有资格胜任这份工作,你仍然有可能遭到拒绝。 Sometimes even if you are totally qualified for the job, you may still be rejected. 2. 要学会应付困难的处境,更为重要的是,不要指望别人来帮你。 You should learn to cope with difficult situations. And even more important, don’t look to others for help. 3. 使我惊讶的是,他不仅参加了各种各样的课外活动,还申请了一份兼职工作。 To my shock/amazement, he was not only involved in a variety of extracurricular activities but also had applied for a part-time job. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Translation Tr2 4. 牢记这一点:多遭遇一次失败就是向成功更迈进了一步。 Keep in mind that one more failure is one step closer to success. 5. 不要多想那些你无法控制的原因,因为这份工作并不完全适合你,而且你的机会也 很小。 Don’t dwell on the reasons that are out of your control, because this job doesn’t entirely suit you and your chances are slim. 6. 虽然你也许并不总是希望听到负面的反馈意见,但是无论做什么,都不要破釜沉舟。 Although you may not always like to hear negative feedback, whatever you do, don ’ t burn your bridges. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ GR1 Grammar Review 直接引语和间接引语 (Direct Speech and Indirect Speech) 我们引用别人的话时,可以用别人的原话,所引用的部分称为直接引语,也可以用自己的话转述别人的话,所转述的部分称为间接引语。直接引语须放在引号内,间接引语不用引号,用宾语从句表达。直接引语转换成间接引语时,人称、动词时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等一般都要作调整。 直接引语转换成间接引语时,要根据意义改变人称,如: I → he 或 she ; we → they 。 直接引语转换成间接引语时,谓语动词时态的变化一般是:一般现在时→一般过去时;现在进行时→过去进行时;现在完成时→过去完成时;一般过去时→过去完成时;过去完成时→过去完成时;一般将来时→过去将来时;将来进行时→过去将来进行时;将来完成时→过去将来完成时。 指示代词的变化是: this → that 或 the ; these → those ; mine → his 或 hers 。 时间状语的变化是: now → then ; today → that day ; tomorrow → the following day ; yesterday afternoon → the afternoon before; next day/week/year/etc. → the next day/week/year/etc.; ago → before 。 地点状语的变化是: here → there 。 GR2 用 法 例 句 1. 直接引语是陈述句变成间 接引语时,间接引语常用 that 引导 ( 在口语中可省略 ) 。 She said, “I’ll be back next week.” → She said (that) she’d be back the next week. He said, “I got my licence last Tuesday.” →He said (that) he’d got his licence the Tuesday before. 2. 直接引语是一般疑问句变成间接引语时,引述动词常用 ask, wonder, inquire 等,由 whether 或 if引导,词序与一般从句相同。 “Is she your sister?” he asked. → He asked if she was my sister. He said to us, “Are you going away today?” →He asked us whether we were going away that day. 3. 直接引语是特殊疑问句变成间接引语时,间接引语须由疑问词引导,词序与一般从句相同。 She asked me, “Who ’ s the best player here?” →She asked me who was the best player there. / She asked me who the best player there was. “When will she come?” he asked. →He asked when he would come. GR3 4. 直接引语是选择疑问句变成间接引语时,间接引语须由 whether… or 引导 。 “Is your sister older or younger than you?” he asked me. → He asked me whether my sister is older or younger than me. . 5. 直接引语是祈使句变成间接引语时,把整个句子改为带复合宾语的简单句,间接引语由动词不定式表达,引述动词常用 ask, tell , say, order, suggest 等 。 He said to us, “Do it now.” → He asked us to do it then. He said to me, “Don’t touch the exhibits ( 展品 ) .” →He asked me not to touch the exhibits. 用 法 例 句 6. 我们在转述意义上是命令、要求和建议等的直接引语时,常用“主语+引述动词(如 : tell, ask, advice, beg, commend, warn等) +宾语(听者) +动词不定式”结构 。 David asked Mary, “Do you think you could look after the children?” →David asked Mary to look after the children. Bill said to Marie, “Please write to me every day.” →Bill begged Marie to write to him every day. GR5 Change the following sentences from direct speech into the indirect speech. 1. She always asked him, “How deep is your love for me?” She always asked him how deep his love for her was. 2. He used sign language to tell her, “I ’ ve spent a year learning sign language. I want you to know that I ’ ve never forgotten our promise.” He used sign language to tell her that he had spent a year learning sign language and that he wanted her to know that he had never forgotten their promise. 3. “Do not bring me an apple tomorrow,” I tell her. I told her not to bring me an apple the next day. 4. Finally, I speak, “Look, Roma, I was separated from you once, and I don ’ t ever want to be separated from you again. Now, I am free, and I want to be together with you forever, Dear, will you marry me?” Finally, I told Roma that I had been separated from her once, and I didn ’ t ever want to be separated from her again, and I also told her that I was free, and I wanted to be together with her forever. I asked her if she would marry me. 5. “This tour took a lot out of me, and the stress level was much higher than it has been in the past,” Armstrong said. Armstrong said that tour had taken a lot out of him and the stress level was much higher than it had been in the past. 6. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” she asked me. She asked me why I hadn ’ t told her earlier. 7. “It ’ s true, we ’ re losing,” she said. She admitted/confirmed that they were losing. 8. “John left here an hour ago,” she said to me. She told me that John had left there an hour before. 9. “I like your coat. I ’ m looking for one like that myself,” she told me at the party. She told me at the party that she liked my coat and she was looking for one like it herself. 10. “You should take the job, Jack,” he said. He said Jack should take the job./ He encouraged Jack to take the job. GR6 PW1 Practical Writing A complaint letter requests some sort of compensation for defective or damaged merchandise or for inadequate or delayed services. While many complaints can be made in person, some circumstances require formal business letters. The complaint may be so complex that a phone call may not effectively resolve the problem; or the writer may prefer the permanence, formality, and seriousness of a business letter. The essential rule in writing a complaint letter is to maintain your poise and diplomacy, no matter how justified your gripe is. Avoid making the recipient an adversary. 1. In the letter, identify early the reason you are writing to register a complaint and to ask for some kind of compensation. Avoid leaping into the details of the problem in the first sentence. 2. State exactly what compensation you desire, either before or after the discussion of the problem or the reasons for granting the compensation. (It may be more tactful and less antagonizing to delay this statement in some cases). Complaint Letters PW2 3. Provide a fully detailed narrative or description of the problem. This is the “evidence.” 4. Explain why your request should be granted. Presenting the evidence is not enough: state the reasons why this evidence indicates your request should be granted. 5. Suggest why it is in the recipient’s best interest to grant your request: appeal to the recipient’s sense of fairness, desire for continued business, but don’t threaten. Find some way to view the problem as an honest mistake. Don’t imply that the recipient deliberately committed the error or that the company has no concern for the customer. Toward the end of the letter, express confidence that the recipient will grant your request. PW3 Read the following letter and answer the questions that follow. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain about a Walkman that I bought from your shop last week and also about the treatment I received from one of the staff there. When I got home, and took the Walkman out of its box, I was not very pleased to find that it had a scratch across the front. Later, the shop assistant I spoke to said it was my responsibility to check for scratches before leaving the shop. This would, however, have been impossible as the Walkman was in a plastic-covered box. A more serious problem is the fact that although your advertisement says the Walkman will run for ten hours on the same batteries, this is not the case. I had to change the batteries after only five hours of use. Once again the shop assistant was very uncooperative when I mentioned this and he told me that I should use the extremely expensive batteries you sell. PW7 I also pointed out that although the Walkman was supposed to be completely inaudible to those around me, I had noticed that people on the bus and train often looked at me. I am sure they were irritated by the noise. The shop assistant tried to convince me that I was not using the headphones properly. He finally agreed to exchange the faulty Walkman for another one as long as I could provide the receipt. When I explained that I had accidentally thrown it away, he refused to exchange the Walkman, which I think was very unfair since he knew very well that I had bought it in your shop. So, I am sure you will understand why I feel so annoyed and frustrated by the whole incident. I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future, either to offer me a complete refund or to exchange the original Walkman for one which is actually in decent working condition. Yours faithfully, Lu Xiaojun Lu Xiaojun 1. What did Lu find when he brought the Walkman home? 2. Why did the people on the bus and train often look at him? Why did the shop assistant refuse to exchange the Walkman? 4. What is Lu’s request? He found that the Walkman had a scratch across the front. They were irritated by the noise. Because Lu couldn’t provide the receipt. He asks the shop to offer him a complete refund or to exchange the original Walkman for one which is actually in decent working condition. PW8 PW10 Write a complaint letter using the information provided below. 假设你最近在一家商店购买了一架数码照相机 ( digital camera ) 。 回到家里你发现照相机表面有划痕,而且在室内拍摄的照片色彩不自然 ( the color of a picture taken indoors is abnormal ) 。 糟糕的是你的发票丢失。你去商店要求调换或退货,营业员不予理睬。你特向商店经理投诉。 Suggested Answer: Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain about a digital camera that I bought from your shop last month and also about the treatment I received from one of the staff there. When I got home, and took the camera out of its box, I was not very pleased to find that it had some scratches across the front. Later, the shop assistant I spoke to said it was my responsibility to check for scratches before leaving the shop. This would, however, have been impossible as the camera was in a plastic-covered box. A more serious problem is the fact that the color of pictures taken indoors is abnormal. Once again the shop assistant was very uncooperative when I mentioned this and told me that I wasn’t operating the camera properly. Suggested Answer: He finally agreed to exchange the faulty camera for another one as long as I could provide the receipt. When I explained that I had accidentally thrown it away, he refused to exchange the camera, which I think was very unfair since he knew very well that I had bought it in your shop. So, I am sure you will understand why I feel so annoyed and frustrated by the whole incident. I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future, either to offer me a complete refund or to exchange the original camera for one which is actually in decent working condition. Yours faithfully, Zhang Li Zhang Li PW11 Text B Credit , Not Charity Author Unknown Great things are done by people who think great thoughts and then go out into the world to make their dreams come true . — Earnest Holmes 1 The Grameen Bank began out of the pocket of one man, Dr. Mohammad Yunus . His story begins in 1972, the year after Bangladesh won its war of liberation from Pakistan . Dr. Yunus had recently completed his graduate studies at Vanderbilt University in the United States and was teaching at a college in Tennessee , when he was invited to take up the position of head of the economics department at Chittagong University in southeastern Bangladesh. TextB_P1 ? CH N N Text B He arrived home full of the high hopes that followed independence . But to his surprise , the country was sliding downward very rapidly. By 1974, there was a terrible famine and people were dying in the streets. Dr. Yunus was teaching development economics and was becoming increasingly frustrated with the TextB_P2 ? CH difference between what was described in the classroom and what was occurring in the real world. So he decided to learn economics the way the real world is, the economics that were real in people’s lives. N 2 Text B Because Chittagong University is located among villages, Dr. Yunus was able to walk out of the campus into real Bangladesh. He began going to the villages and talking to the poor people, trying to discover why they couldn’t change their lives or their living conditions. He did not approach them as a teacher or a researcher, but as a human being, a neighbor . One day he came across a woman who earned only two pennies a day by making bamboo stools . He couldn’t believe how anyone could work so hard and make only two pennies a day. When he questioned her, he discovered that she didn’t have enough money to buy the bamboo from the bamboo store, so she had to borrow money from a trader, the same trader who bought the final product. When the trader bought her stools, he offered her a price that barely covered her materials. In essence , her labor was almost free; she worked like a slave. TextB_P3 ? CH N 3 4 Text B TextB_P4 ? CH “Well,” he thought, “this isn’t difficult to solve .” If the money was available for her to buy her own bamboo, she could sell the product wherever she could get a good price. Dr. Yunus and a student went around the village for several days to find out if there were other people like her who were borrowing from traders and missing out on what they should earn. In a week’s time, they came up with a list of 42 such people. The total amount needed by all 42 of them was $30. His first solution was to take the $30 out of his pocket. He asked the student to distribute the money to them as loans. But then he saw that this was not a real solution because when other villagers needed money, they wouldn’t come to him, since he was a teacher at the university. He was not in the money business. That’s when he thought of a bank. N 5 6 He approached a bank manager, who thought it too funny an idea even to talk about. Loans of that amount weren’t even worth the paperwork, he said, plus the poor people didn’t have any collateral . Dr. Yunus went from bank to bank, receiving the same response. Finally he challenged the bank by offering himself as guarantor . After six months, they reluctantly agreed to a $300 loan. He loaned the money and it was paid back . Again, he asked the bank to loan the money directly, and again they declined, saying it would never work in more than one village. Dr. Yunus persevered. He loaned money over several villages. It worked, but the bankers still weren’t satisfied. So he finally loaned money over a whole district. And still it worked, and still the bankers were not persuaded . Finally Dr. Yunus said, “Why am I running after these bankers? Why don’t I set up my own bank and just settle this issue?” So in 1983, the government gave him permission to set up a bank, and this bank is now called Grameen Bank. It lends money only to the poorest people in Bangladesh — landless, assetless people. Text B TextB_P5 ? CH N 7 8 9 TextB_P6 Today, Grameen Bank has 1,048 branches and over 2 million borrowers. They work in 35,000 villages. The bank has disbursed over a billion dollars, the average loan being about $150. The bank not only lends money to the poor people, it is owned by the poor people. The people that are lent money become shareholders in the bank. Out of the 2 million borrowers, 90 percent are women, something previously unheard of in Bangladesh. The bank has been emulated around the world. Dr. Yunus stresses that at every point of the way, he was told that it could not be done and that there were very compelling reasons why it could not be done. But the reality of the situation is that it is being done, and in brilliant and unexpected ways. (793 words ) (Excerpted from a speech by and radio interview with Mohammad Yunus) Text B ? CH N N 10 11 13) What is special about the Grameen bank? The bank not only lends money to the poor people, it is also owned by the poor people, and 90 percent of the borrowers are women. TextB-Q Chinese Version 如今,格拉敏银行拥有 1048 个分支机构和 200 多万贷款人,覆盖了 35000 个村庄。银行已支出的贷款总额超过 10 亿美元,平均每笔贷款约为 150 美元。这家银行不仅借钱给穷人,而且它也为穷人所拥有。贷款者同时变成了银行的股东。在 200 万个贷款人中, 90% 是妇女。这在孟加拉国的历史上是前所未闻的。 格拉敏银行的做法已在世界各地被仿效。尤纳斯博士强调指出,在前进的每一步上都有人告诉他,这事不可能做,而且有令人信服的理由。但现实情况是,这事已经这样做了,而且做得非常成功,出乎大家的意料。 TextB-T Language Points Chittagong / 5tF  tE^  N / University 奇特冈大学 TextB- Chittagong Language Points Tennessee / 7tenI5si: / 田纳西州 ( 美国州名 ) TextB- Tennessee Language Points Vanderbilt / 5vAndEb  lt / University 范德比尔特大学(男女合校私立大学,1875年由铁路大王 Cornelius Vanderbilt 创办于田 纳西州纳什维尔) TextB- Vanderbilt Language Points Pakistan / 7pB:k  s5tB:n / 巴基斯坦(南亚国家) TextB- Pakistan Language Points Bangladesh / 7bB:N^lE5deF / 孟加拉国(南亚国家) TextB- Bangladesh Language Points Mohammad Yunus / mE5hAm  d juns / 穆罕默德 • 尤纳斯 TextB- Mohammad Language Points Grameen / 5^r  m  n / Bank 格拉敏银行 TextB- Grameen Language Points Earnest Holmes / 5  :n  st 5hE  m z / 厄内斯特 • 霍姆斯 TextB- Earnest Holmes Language Points guarantor / 7^ArEn5tC: / : n. person who gives a guarantee 保证人;担保人 TextB- guarantor Language Points collateral / kE5lAtErEl /: n. property pledged as a guarantee for the repayment of a loan 抵押物;担保品 TextB- collateral stool / stu:l /: n. seat without a back or arms 凳子,凳 Language Points TextB- stool economics / 7 I :kE5n  m I ks / n. scientific study of the production, sharing out and use of wealth, etc. 经济学 Language Points TextB- economics extB_ credit credit / 5kred  t / : n . belief that sb. is able to pay; very favorable reputation or trustworthiness 信用;信誉;声望 Language Points e.g. You should have no trouble getting the loan if your credit is good. He is a man of high credit. 如果你信誉良好,要取得这笔贷款是没什么问题的。 T 他是一个极有信誉的人。 T charity / 5tFArItI / : n . kindness towards others; giving money, food, help, etc. to the needy; organization for helping the needy 慈善;施舍;慈善团体 TextB_P2_LP_ ph.d Language Points e.g. The Red Cross is an international charity. She helped him out of charity. 红十字会是个国际性慈善机构。 T 她帮助他是出于恻隐之心。 T come true : (of a hope, prediction, etc.) really happen; become fact (希望、预言等)实现;成为事实 Language Points TextB_P2_LP_Nazi e.g. My childhood dreams have at last come true. People say that if you make a wish at the top of the hill, it always comes true. 我童年时代的梦想终于实现了。 T 人们说如果你在山顶上许个愿,你的愿望就会成真。 T His story begins in 1972, the year after Bangladesh won its war of liberation from Pakistan. 他的故事开始于 1972 年。当时,孟加拉国刚赢得独立战争的胜利,摆脱了巴基斯坦的统治。 In this sentence, “the year after Bangladesh won its war of liberation from Pakistan” serves as an appositive, which further explains “1972.” There are similar examples in paragraph 2 — “So he decided to learn economics the way the real world is, the economics that were real in people’s lives” and in paragraph 4 — “… she had to borrow money from a trader, the same trader who bought the final product.” 本句中 , the year after Bangladesh won its war of liberation from Pakistan 作 1972 的同位语,起解释说明的作用。本文中同样的例子还有第二段中的 So he decided to learn economics the way the real world is, the economics that were real in people’s lives 和第四段中的 … she had to borrow money from a trader, the same trader who bought the final product 。 Language Points TextB_P2_LP_camp liberation / 7l I bE5re I Fn /: n . liberating or being liberated 解放 Language Points TextB_P2_LP_jew The industry of the country has developed greatly since liberation. She devoted herself to women’s liberation. 自从解放以来,那个国家的工业得到了巨大的发展。 T 她投身于妇女解放运动。 T Language Points TextB_P2_LP_ bitter … was teaching at a college in Tennessee, when he was invited to take up the position of head of the economics department at Chittagong University in southeastern Bangladesh. …… 正在田纳西州的一所大学任教。他受到邀请,要他担任孟加拉国东南部奇特冈大学的经济系系主任一职。 In this sentence, the adverbial clause of time introduced by “when” is used to indicate that something occurs during the time a continuous action is going on. 本句中的 when 引导的时间状语从句表示在一个延续性的动作正在进行的过程中,发生了另外一件事。 又如: I was watching TV when someone knocked at the door. 我正在看电视,突然有人敲门。 T Language Points TextB_P4_LP_ shiver take up: start or begin (sth., esp. a job) 开始从事,开始担当 e.g. Roger took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest. The headteacher takes up her duties in August. 罗杰学了一阵子绘画,但不久就没有兴趣了。 T 这位班主任 8 月份开始上任。 T Language Points TextB_P4_LP_ rag department / d  5pB:tmEnt /: n . each of several divisions of a government, business, shop, university, etc. ( 政府、企业、商店等的 ) 部,司,局,处;部门 ; ( 大学的 ) 系 e.g. He worked for the personnel department. I once studied in the English department of that university. 他在人事部门工作。 T 我曾经在那所大学的英语系学习过。 T TextB_P4_LP_ disbelief eastern / 5i:stEn / : a . of, belonging to, the east of a place 东方的,东部的 e.g. In the eastern part of the United States, summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures. We live in the Eastern Hemisphere. 在美国东部 , 夏天的温度和冬天的温度很不相同。 T 我们生活在东半球。 T Language Points TextB_P5_LP_ I should … independence / 7 I nd I 5pendEns / : n . state of being independent 独立;自主 e.g. This country gained its independence in 1960. When a boy leaves college and begins to earn money, he can live a life of independence. 这个国家在 1960 年获得独立。 T 男孩子大学毕业开始赚钱时,便可独立生活了。 T Language Points 1) Who set up the Grameen Bank? Dr. Mohammad Yunus. TextB_P1_Questions 2) What happened to him when he was teaching at a college in Tennessee? He was invited to take up the position of head of the economics department at a college in Bangladesh. TextB_P3_Questions 9) What did he do then? He thought of a bank and approached a bank manager. 10) What did the bank manager think of his idea? What were his reasons? The bank manager thought it too funny an idea even to talk about because loans of that amount aren ’ t even worth the paperwork and the poor people don ’ t have any collateral. 11) How did Dr. Yunus manage to get a loan from the bank? He got a loan from the bank by offering himself as a guarantor. 12) Why did Dr. Yunus finally think of setting up his own bank? Because even though all the loans were paid back in the entire district, the bankers still refused to loan the money to the poor people directly. Chinese Version TextB_P1_Chinese 要信贷,而不要施舍 佚名 格拉敏银行是由一个人的腰包建立起来的,此人就是穆罕默德 • 尤纳斯博士。他的故事开始于 1972 年。一年前,孟加拉国赢得了解放战争的胜利,摆脱了巴基斯坦的统治,而尤纳斯博士也刚刚完成了在美国范德比尔特大学的研究生学业,正在田纳西州的一所大学任教。他受到邀请,要他担任孟加拉国东南部奇特冈大学的经济系系主任一职。 TextB_P3_Chinese Chinese Version 尤纳斯博士找到一位银行经理。但这位经理却认为他的想法过于荒唐,根本不屑于一谈。因为如此小额的贷款甚至连立文书都不值得,更何况那些穷人根本就没什么抵押品。尤纳斯博士走访了一家又一家银行,得到的都是同样的回答。最后,他向银行提出由他自己做担保人。 6 个月后,银行才勉强同意提供 300 美元的贷款。 他把这笔钱贷了出去,然后又收了回来。他再次请求银行直接发放贷款时,再一次遭到了拒绝。银行认为这种做法在其他村子里根本行不通。尤纳斯博士却坚持了下去。他把钱贷给了好几个村子里的村民。这办法成功了,但那些银行家仍然不满意。最后他在整个地区发放贷款,仍然取得了成功。但银行家们仍未被说服。 最后,尤纳斯博士想,“为什么非要求助于这些银行家呢?为什么我不能开办自己的银行来解决这个问题呢?”于是, 1983 年,在政府的许可下,尤纳斯博士开办了一家银行,这就是现在的格拉敏银行。这家银行只把钱借给孟加拉国最穷的人 —— 那些没有土地也没有财产的人。 Language Points to sb. ’ s surprise: causing sb. to feel surprise 令某人惊奇的是 TextB_P1_LP_ no longer e.g. To everyone ’ s surprise, they got married. Much to his surprise she gave him her phone number. 使每个人都感到惊讶的是,他们竟然结婚了。 大大出乎他的意外的是,她竟然把电话号码给了他。 T T Language Points TextB_P1_LP_ from day to day downward /  da nwd / : ad. towards a lower position or level 向下地 e.g. The small boat floated downward. 小船向下漂流。 T Language Points famine / fæm n/ : n . (occasion of) great lack of food in an area 饥荒 TextB_P1_LP_ chamber e.g. Many people die of famine every year. The four-year drought has caused widespread famine across the country. 每年有很多人死于饥荒。 持续 4 年的旱灾在这个国家引起了大范围的饥荒。 T T Language Points … was becoming increasingly frustrated with the difference between what was described in the classroom and what was occurring in the real world. …… 课堂上所描述的情况与现实世界正在发生的情况之间的巨大差距,使他变得越来越沮丧。 In this sentence, two subordinating clauses introduced by “what” serve as the object of the preposition “between.” 本句中,介词 between 的宾语是 what 引导的两个从句 。 TextB_P1_LP_ back and forth Language Points TextB_P1_LP_ next to increasingly /  nkri  s  / : ad . more and more 越来越多地 e.g. Things are getting increasingly complicated. It was becoming increasingly difficult to live on such low wages. 事情变得越来越复杂了。 T 靠这么低的工资生活变得越来越艰难了。 T Language Points TextB_P1_LP_ barb occur / E5k   / : (occurred; occurring) vi . happen 发生 e.g. The accident occurred at five o’clock in the afternoon. The disease occurs mainly in children, but can also occur in adults. 事故发生在下午 5 点钟。 T 这种疾病主要发生在孩子们身上,但也会发生在大人身上。 T Language Points locate / lE  5ke  t /: vt . [ often passive ] establish (sth.) in a place; situate [常用被动语态]把 … 设置在;使 … 坐落于 TextB_P1_LP_ wire e.g. The new building will be located in the center of town. The new hospital is to be located near your college. Their factory is located at the foot of the mountain. 这座大楼将建在市中心。 T 这家新医院将建在你们学院附近。 T 他们的工厂坐落在山脚下。 T Language Points TextB_P1_LP_ fence neighbor / 5ne  bE /: n . person living next to or near another; country next to another country 邻居;邻国 e.g. My next-door neighbor is a university professor. Japan is our neighbor. 我的隔壁邻居是位大学教授。 T 日本是我们的邻国。 T 3) What was happening in the country after he arrived home? The country was sliding down very rapidly and by 1974 there was a terrible famine and people were dying in the streets. TextB_P2_Questions 4) What did he feel about the difference between economic theory and reality and what did he decide to do? He felt increasingly frustrated and decided to learn the economics of people ’ s real lives. Chinese Version TextB_P2_Chinese 他满怀着对独立之后的憧憬回国了。然而,令他惊讶的是,国家的状况正在迅速下滑。到了 1974 年,发生了可怕的饥荒,不少人暴尸街头。当时,尤纳斯博士正在教授发展经济学,课堂上所描述的情况与现实世界正在发生的情况之间的巨大差距,使他变得越来越沮丧。因此,他决定按照现实世界的实际情况来研究经济学,即在人们的生活中真实存在的经济学。 Language Points come across: meet or find, esp. unexpectedly or by chance (偶然)遇见(或发现) TextB_P2_LP_ marital e.g. We ’ ve just come across an old friend we haven ’ t seen for ages. I ’ ve never come across anyone quite like her before. 我们刚碰到一位多年不见的老朋友。 我过去从未遇到过像她那样的人。 T T Language Points bamboo / bAm5bu:/ : n . tall plant with hard hollow jointed stems that are used for making canes, furniture, etc. 竹 , 竹子 TextB_P2_LP_ status Pandas like to eat bamboo. 熊猫喜欢吃竹子。 T e.g. Language Points trader / 5tre  dE / : n . person who trades, merchant 商人 TextB_P2_LP_ edible e.g. He is a wholesale trader. a trader in tea 他是个批发商。 茶商 T T TextB_P2_LP_ She stops and looks at me When the trader bought her stools, he offered her a price that barely covered her materials. 而商人购买她的竹凳所出的价钱刚够她买材料。 In this sentence, “cover” means “(a sum of money) is enough to pay for sth.” 本句中 cover 表示“足以支付 … 的花费”。 Language Points 例如: The award should be enough to cover her tuition. 这笔奖金足以支付她的学费了。 T TextB_P2_LP_ figure out essence / 5es  ns/: n. that which makes a thing what it is; most important or indispensable quality of sth. 本质 , 实质 ; 要素 Language Points e.g. Goodness is the essence of that man ’ s character. The essence of his religious teaching is love for all men. 善良是那人性格的本质。 他宣扬的宗教教义要旨是爱所有的人。 T T in essence: fundamentally; essentially 基本上;本质上,实质上 e.g. The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence. 那两样东西在外表上相同,但在本质上不同。 T TextB_P2_LP_ pull out: Language Points labor / 5le  bE /: n . physical or mental work ( 体力或脑力 ) 劳动 e.g. Because of regular physical labor, he has a strong body. 由于经常的体力劳动,他拥有强壮的体魄。 T TextB_P2_LP_ odd solve / s  lv / : vt . find an answer to (a problem, etc.) 解决(问题等) e.g. Please help me to solve my troubles. solve a problem/puzzle 请帮助我解决我的困难。 T 解决问题 / 疑惑 T Language Points available / E5ve  lEbl / : a. (of things) that can be used or obtained; (of people) free to be seen, talked to, etc. ( 物 ) 可利用的;可获得的; ( 人 ) 有暇的;可会见的,可与之交谈的 TextB_P2_LP_ cautiously e.g. I’m sorry, those shoes are not available in your size. The lawyer is not available now. 对不起,这种鞋没有你要的尺码。 T 律师现在没空。 T Language Points TextB_P2_LP_ triumph … she could sell the product wherever she could get a good price. …… 那么谁出的价钱高,她就可以把产品卖给谁。 In this sentence, the conjunction “wherever” introduces an adverbial clause of place, meaning “at any place, position, or situation”. In this case, “wherever” is the emphatic form of “where” and carries more force. 本句中 wherever 引导一个地点状语从句,表示“在任何 … 的地方”,比 where 在语气上更为强烈。 Language Points 又如: Sit wherever you like. 你想坐哪儿就坐哪儿。 T 5) What was Dr. Yunus trying to discover about the poor people? He was trying to discover why they couldn ’ t change their lives or their living conditions. TextB_P3_Questions 6) Why did the woman earn only two pennies a day by making bamboo stools? Because she didn ’ t have enough money to buy the bamboo from the bamboo store, so she had to borrow money from a trader who bought her final product at a very low price. Chinese Version TextB_P3_Chinese 由于奇特冈大学坐落在乡村之间,所以尤纳斯博士能够走出校园,走进孟加拉国的现实社会。他开始走访村落,跟穷人们交谈,试图发现他们为什么不能改变自己的生活状况或生活条件。他不是作为一名教师或研究员去接近他们,而是作为一个普通的人和邻居去与他们交谈。 有一天,他遇到了一个靠做竹凳每天只赚两分钱的妇女。一个人干活这么辛苦而每天只能赚两分钱,这让人怎么也无法相信。经过询问,他才发现,原来是因为她没有钱从竹子店里买竹子,所以只能向商人借钱,然后再将制成品卖给同一个商人。而商人购买她的竹凳所出的价钱刚够她买材料。从根本上说,她的劳动几乎是无偿的,她就像奴隶一样地干活。 wherever / hw e Er5evE / : conj. in any place, regardless of where 无论在哪里 TextB_P3_LP_ freeze e.g. Wherever you go, I go too. Wherever you work, you must serve the people whole heartedly. 无论你去什么地方,我都去。 不论你在哪里工作 , 你都必须全心全意地为人民服务。 T T Language Points TextB_P3_LP_ glance up go around: move from one place to another in 在…里到处走来走去;走遍 e.g. The scientist went around the whole country looking for the plant. 科学家走遍全国寻找这种植物。 T Language Points miss out on: fail to grasp; lose an/the opportunity for 未抓住;错过;丢掉…的机会 TextB_P3_LP_ in time e.g. He missed out on a college education. She missed out on getting a promotion. 他失去了上大学的机会。 T 她未能得到提升。 T Language Points come up with: produce; supply; think of 拿出;提供;想出 TextB_P3_LP_ cannot help oneself e.g. The doctors came up with a cure for the disease. We ’ ve been asked to come up with some new plans. 医生想出了治疗这种疾病的方法。 我们被要求提供一些新的计划。 T T Language Points TextB_P3_LP_ crazy distribute / dIs5trIbju:t / : vt. separate (sth.) into parts and give a share to each personor thing 分发;分配 e.g. The teacher distributed new books among/to the students. The students distributed leaflets on the street. 老师把新书发给学生。 T 学生们在街上散发传单。 T Language Points TextB_P3_LP_ cling Language Points … who thought it too funny an idea even to talk about. …… 但这位经理却认为他的想法过于荒唐,根本不屑于一谈。 The sentence has an extended form of “too… to” structure, that is, “too + adjective/adverb ( +a.+noun. ) + infinitive.” The structure, which expresses a negation, can only be used with the singular form of countable nouns. 本句中有一个 too… to 结构的扩充形式,即 “ too + 形容词 / 副词 ( + a + 名词 ) + 不定式”,表示否定意义。 又如: She is too intelligent a girl to be cheated. 这女孩非常聪明,不会受骗。 这个结构只能用于可数名词的单数形式。 T TextB_P3_LP_ tiny loan / lE  n / : 1 . n. thing that is lent, esp. a sum of money 借款,贷款 e.g. I asked the bank for a loan. Does the loan carry any interest? domestic and foreign loans a loan on security 我向银行请求贷款。 T Language Points 这笔贷款是否带利息 ? T 内债和外债 T 抵押贷款 T 2. vt . lend (esp. money) 借出;贷与 e.g. The bank loaned me some money. 银行借给了我一些钱。 T TextB_P3_LP_scrap reluctant / r  5lQktEnt / : a. unwilling; not very willing 不情愿的;勉强的 e.g. The child was reluctant to leave her mother. He forced a reluctant smile. 这个孩子不愿意离开她的妈妈。 T 他勉强挤出一丝微笑。 T Language Points TextB_P3_LP_ fling pay back: return (money that has been borrowed); return money to (sb. from whom it has been borrowed) 还(钱);把钱还给(某人) e.g. We’re going to pay back the loan over 15 years. He had to pay the money back to me by Friday. 我们准备 15 年还清贷款。 T 他星期五之前必须把钱还给我。 T Language Points TextB_P3_LP_ twinkle persuade / pE5swe  d /: vt. cause (sb.) to do sth. by arguing or reasoning with him or her; cause (sb.) to believe; convince 说服;使相信 e.g. He persuaded her to go to school, even though she did not want to. Who persuaded you to join this club? We persuaded Harry that he was wrong. 尽管她不想去上学,他还是说服她去了。 T 谁说服你参加这个俱乐部的 ? T Language Points 我们使哈里相信他错了。 T TextB_P3_LP_ pity run after: chase; pursue 追逐;追求 e.g. He likes running after younger women. The woman runs after every new fashion. 他喜欢追求年轻女性。 T 这个女人总是赶时髦。 T Language Points 7) How could the woman ’ s problem be solved? If she had the money to buy her own bamboo, she could sell her product wherever she was offered a good price. TextB_P4_Questions 8) What was the first solution Dr. Yunus thought of and why was this not a real solution? His first solution was to take the money out of his own pocket but since he was not in the money business, other villagers wouldn ’ t come to him when they needed money. Chinese Version TextB_P4_Chinese 尤纳斯博士想,“噢,这问题不难解决。”如果这个妇女有钱自己购买竹子,那么谁出的价钱高,她就可以把产品卖给谁。为了弄清楚是否还有其他人像她那样因从商人那里借钱而赚不到他们本应该赚的钱,尤纳斯博士和一个学生花了好几天时间,走遍了整个村子。一周后,他们列出了一份 42 人的名单。这 42 个人需要的总数为 30 美元。 他的第一个解决办法是从自己的腰包里拿出这 30 美元。他让学生将钱作为贷款分给这些人。但随后他就发现这不是一个真正的解决办法,因为当其他村民需要钱时,他们不会来找他,因为他是一位大学教师,而不是从事货币交易的。这时他想到了银行。 permission / p  5m  Fn/ : n. act of allowing sb. to do sth.; consent 允许,许可,准许 TextB_P4_LP_emotion e.g. You must ask permission if you want to leave early. The government has given him permission to set up a bank. 如果你想早走的话,必须得到允许。 政府已经允许他开办银行。 T T Language Points TextB_P4_LP_ belly lend / lend/ : (lent, lent) vt . give or allow the use of (sth.) temporarily, on the understanding that it will be returned 把 … 借给;出借;贷 Language Points e.g. Can you lend me that book for a few days? Some people neither borrow nor lend. 你能把那本书借给我几天吗? 有的人不借也不贷。 T T TextB_P4_LP_ heaven branch / brB:ntF/: n. part of a tree that grows from the trunk; local office or shop belonging to a large firm or organization 树枝; ( 公司、机构等的 ) 分部,分行,分号 e.g. The company’s head office is in Nanjing, but it has branches all over the country. a branch of a river 这家公司的总部在南京,但它的分公司遍布全国各地。 河的支流 T T Language Points TextB_P4_LP_ stream The bank has disbursed over a billion dollars, the average loan being about $150. 银行已支出的贷款总额超过10亿美元,平均每笔贷款约为150美元。 The sentence has an absolute construction with “the average loan being about $150” as an explanation. An absolute construction is subordinated to the main clause but has its own logical subject (such as “the average loan”) and usually functions as an adverbial clause in a sentence. 本句中有一个独立结构 the average loan being about $150, 起解释说明的作用。独立结构从属于主句,但带有自己的主语,如 the average loan , 通常在句子中作状语。 Language Points disburse / d  s5bE:s/ : vt. pay out (money) 支付 ( 钱 ) TextB_P4_LP_ sustain e.g. The government disbursed a large amount of money for education. The bank disbursed $2.5 billion in loans last year. 政府支付大笔资金搞教育。 银行去年共支出贷款 25 亿美元。 T T Language Points shareholder / 5F  EhE  ldE: /: n. owner of shares in a business 股东 TextB_P4_LP_ terror e.g. As the biggest shareholder, he has the power to decide how the company should be developed. Shareholders have been told to expect an even smaller profit next year. 作为最大的股东,他有权利决定公司如何发展。 股东们被告知明年的利润更少。 T T Language Points TextB_P4_LP_ hopelessness Out of the 2 million borrowers, 90 percent are women, something previously unheard of in Bangladesh. 在 200 万个贷款人中, 90% 是妇女。这在孟加拉国的历史上是前所未闻的。 In this sentence, “something,” modified by “previously unheard of in Bangladesh,” refers to what is described in the previous part of the sentence. The phrase expresses the speaker’s opinion on the fact that “Out of the 2 million borrowers, 90 percent are women.” 本句中 something 指代前面的整个句子中说的情况, previously unheard of in Bangladesh 是后置形容词短语,修饰 something 。整个结构作评注性状语,表达了作者对这一情况的观点。 Language Points TextB_P4_LP_ But I still have the memory … previous / 5pri:v I Es / : a. coming before in time or order 以前的;先的,前的 Language Points e.g. He has had no previous experience of this kind of job. His previous attempt was successful. 他从前没有做这种工作的经验。 他以前的尝试是成功的。 T T Language Points e mulate / 5emj  le  t / : vt . imitate; copy 仿效;模仿 e.g. You should emulate your brother’s example. Developing countries often try to emulate experiences of developed countries, but this is not always a good idea. 你应该仿效你哥哥的好榜样。 发展中国家常试图仿效发达国家的经验,但这并不总是个好主意。 T T TextB_P4_LP_ Language Points stress / stres / : 1. n. special emphasis or significance 强调;重要性 e.g. The minister put great stress on the importance of education. 部长着重强调了教育的重要性。 T 2. vt. put stress or emphasis on 强调,着重 e.g. She stressed the importance of a balanced diet. He stressed that we should be punctual. 她强调了膳食平衡的重要性。 T 他强调说我们必须准时。 T TextB_P4_LP_ Language Points compelling / kEm5pel  N/ : a. that one must accept or agree with; convincing 必须接受(或同意)的;令人信服的 e.g. The old man gave us some compelling advice. The youth has compelling reasons for majoring in drama. 老人给我们提了一些令人信服的忠告。 T 这个年轻人有令人信服的理由主修戏剧。 T TextB_P4_LP_ Language Points brilliant / 5br  ljEnt/: a. very bright; very intelligent; highly skilled or talented; outstanding, exceptional 光辉的,灿烂的;极聪明的;技艺 高超的;才华横溢的;杰出的,卓越的 e.g. After several hours consideration he found a brilliant solution to the problem. He is a brilliant scientist. 经过几个小时的考虑,他找到了一个极聪明的解决问题的办法。 T 他是一位才华横溢的科学家。 T TextB_P4_LP_ Language Points unexpected /  Qn  ks5pekt  d/: a. causing surprise because not expected 未预料到的;意外的 e.g. I’m afraid the unexpected accident may spoil the dinner tonight. Her death was totally unexpected. 恐怕这意外的事故会使今天的晚宴兴味索然。 T 她的死完全出乎大家的意料。 T TextB_P4_LP_ Exercises Answer the following questions. 1. Who set up the Grameen Bank? 2. What happened to him when he was teaching at a college in Tennessee? 3. What was happening in the country after he arrived home? 4. What did he feel about the difference between economic theory and reality and what did he decide to do? 5. What was Dr. Yunus trying to discover about the poor people? 6. Why did the woman earn only two pennies a day by making bamboo stools? 7. How could the woman’s problem be solved? 8. What was the first solution Dr. Yunus thought of and why was this not a real solution? 9. What did he do then? 10. What did the bank manager think of his idea? What were his reasons? 11. How did Dr. Yunus manage to get a loan from the bank? 12. Why did Dr. Yunus finally think of setting up his own bank? 13. What is special about the Grameen bank? TextB_Exc1 1. He doesn’t know how to get along with others so he seems to make enemies he goes. 2. After this accident, it will be difficult for the government to people that nuclear power stations are safe. 3. The experiment produced some results that challenged basic concepts. TextB_Exc2 wherever Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the forms where necessary. occur locate solve available wherever distribute reluctantly persuade lend permission brilliant unexpected ________ unexpected __________ persuade ________ 4. Students will find life easier since a new shopping center is to be near the college. 5. The Red Cross has started food and medicine to villagers in the flood area. located distributing ______ _________ 6. Although much has been achieved, it would be a mistake to believe that most of the problems have been . 7. Further building can continue only when money is . 8. The father consented to his daughter’s marriage to that poor young man. 9. A lot of banks are unwilling to money to small businesses with limited funds. 10. The army later gave for women, children under 18 and men over 60 to leave the fighting area next week. 11. The court will have to decide exactly what on the night the banker died. 12. The decision to reorganize the company proved to be a success. TextB_Exc3 solved _____ available _______ reluctantly ________ lend ____ permission ________ occurred _______ brilliant ______ occur locate solve available wherever distribute reluctantly persuade lend permission brilliant unexpected 1. After I had completed my graduate studies, I a teaching position in a university. 2. She was so busy studying at the university that she all the fun. 3. Instead of devoting himself to his studies, he wastes his time girls. 4. , he decided to leave the job that he was doing so perfectly. 5. I’d always dreamt of owning my own house, but I never thought it would . 6. The two things are the same in outward form but different . 7. If you cannot an answer to the question in ten seconds, you are out of the game. 8. According to an agreement with the bank we are the loan over 15 years. TextB_Exc4 Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. come true take up to sb.’s surprise in essence miss out on come up with pay back run after missed out on ___________ took up ______ running after __________ come up with __________ To my surprise ___________ come true ________ in essence ________ paying back _________ Text C taxtC_p1 Getting Rich Author Unknown 1 There are at least four ways to get rich: winning money, earning money, inheriting ( 继承 ) money, or stealing ( 偷窃 ) money. By rich, we mean having enough money so you never have to work for money again, if you do not want to. Winning money seems easy, but it really is not, and it often does not make you really rich. There are several ways to win money: betting ( 打赌 ) or gambling ( 赌博 ) , lotteries ( 彩票 ) , and contests. Many countries have lotteries in which it is possible to win enough money to become rich, and many people have become rich winning a lottery. But you would have to be very lucky to win a lottery because so many other people are also trying to win and your chances are very small, often one in many million. CH 2 Text C taxtC-1-Chinese 生财之道 佚名 发财致富至少有四种途径:赢钱、赚钱、继承财产或者窃取钱财。所谓有钱,我们指的是拥有的财富足够多,因而如果不想工作,大可不必为了钱而工作。 赢钱看起来容易,其实并非如此,而且往往并不能使你真正地致富。有好几种方式可以赢钱:打赌或赌博, 购买彩票,参加竞赛等。许多国家设有彩票,购买彩票中了奖可以发财,而且不少人确实由此发了财。但是只有鸿运当头的人才能中奖,因为购买彩票的人数非常之多,所以你中奖的几率就很小,通常只有几百万分之一的可能性。 Text C taxtC-p2 Earning money is the hardest way to get rich because it means you have to work, and you usually have to work hard or be especially talented or lucky or both. People who work regular jobs, such as taxi drivers, do not get rich, even if they save all of their money. That is because they do not make enough money during their lifetimes to be able to save enough. They may have more money than their friends and co-workers, but they are not really rich. A few rich men and women have earned their money, usually by inventing something unusual or popular or by taking chances and being lucky. Sam Walton is one of the richest men in the United States. He is not from a rich family, and he had to deliver newspapers to pay his way through college. He started building small department stores that sold inexpensive ( 便宜的 ) items, and he quickly expanded them into a national chain ( 连锁店 ) of stores called Wal-Mart ( 沃尔玛 ) . CH 3 4 Text C taxtC-p2-Chinese 通过赚钱来致富是最为辛苦的,因为这意味着你必须工作,而且往往必须非常努力地工作,或者要么才能出众要么福星高照,抑或两者兼备。每天按时上下班的人,如出租车司机,即使把所有的钱全部存起来也不会发财。这是因为他们这辈子赚的钱少,所以积蓄也不会太多。他们可能会比身边的朋友或同事有钱,但并不真正地富有。 只有少数人赚到了很多钱。他们通常发明了某种不同寻常或广受欢迎的东西,或是抓住了机会并足够幸运。美国富豪塞姆 · 沃尔顿出身于平民家庭,他年轻时送过报纸,并以此赚钱读完大学。他的事业起步于出售廉价商品的小型百货商店,并很快发展为遍布全国的连锁店,这就是沃尔玛 。 Most of the really rich people in the world have inherited some or all of their money. Over one third of the richest people in the United States inherited their money from their parents or their spouses ( 配偶 ) . Other rich people are rich because of a combination of inheriting money and earning it. Some heads of government are rich because their countries and families are rich and they have used their money and their position to make more money. The richest person in the world is probably Sir Mudo Hassanal Bolkiah, the Sultan ( 苏丹 ) of Brunei ( 文莱 ) , a small country in Southeast Asia. Brunei gets almost all of its income ( 收入 ) from oil, and with a population( 人口 ) of only about 200,000 people and a cash reserve ( 储备 ) of over $30 billion, each citizen ( 公民 ) of Brunei has a very high income. Text C taxtC-3-E CH 5 6 Text C taxtC-3-Chinese 世界上绝大多数富人的财产部分或全部来自于继承。美国三分之一以上的富人从父母或配偶处继承了财产。其他富人的财富则既有继承所得,又有自己赚来的。有一些政府首脑非常富有,因为他们的国家和家族都很富有,并且他们又利用金钱和地位获取了更多的财富。 世界上最富有的人也许是文莱苏丹穆图 · 哈桑纳尔 · 博尔凯亚爵士。这个东南亚小国的收入几乎全部来自于石油,人口约为 20 万,现金储备超过 300 万亿美元。每一个文莱居民都有一份高收入。 Text C taxtC-4-E No one knows for certain just how much money the Sultan has, but he did not inherit his money or earn his money, and he did not steal or win it. The Sultan is a special case, because he is a head of state, a ruler ( 统治者 ) . He is also the prime minister ( 总理,首相 ) and finance minister ( 财政部长 ) . The combination of the wealth of the country and the power of the Sultan and his family have combined to make the Sultan the world’s wealthiest person. The Sultan, however, is a very shy and secretive ( 秘密的 ) person, and little is known about his private ( 私人的 ) life or the exact amount of money he has. Some people try to get rich by stealing money. We do not know how many people become rich this way because successful criminals ( 罪犯 ) usually do not advertise ( 宣传 ) the fact that they stole money and are now rich. They usually choose to live privately and quietly. CH 7 8 Text C A group of men who tried to become rich by stealing money was the group who took part in the Great Train Robbery in England on August 6, 1963. About fifteen men took part in the robbery of a mail train ( 邮车 ) , and they got away with about $7 million in cash (2,631,684 British pounds). After they divided it, each man got about $460,000. Eventually all of the men were caught and put in jail, although much of the money they got was spent or lost. One of the men, Ronald Biggs, became famous because, although he was arrested for the crime ( 罪行 ) , he escaped from jail and ran away to Australia ( 澳大利亚 ) . He lived there with his wife and children for four years until he was discovered. He then ran away to Brazil ( 巴西 ) , and the British police were not able to get him out of Brazil. Biggs never got to use much of the money he stole. Much of it he spent trying to get out of England, and the rest he left behind. After leaving England, he lived mostly on money that he earned from working at many different jobs, including house painting. For this famous criminal, trying to get rich by stealing money was not successful. (788 words ) CH TextB_P4_LP_ 9 10 Text C 抱着这种念头的一帮匪徒参加了 1963 年 8 月 6 日发生在英国的火车大劫案。约有 15 个犯罪分子抢劫了一辆邮车,掠夺了约 700 万美元的现金 ( 合 2631684 英镑 ) 。经过分赃,他们每人获得了约 46 万美元。虽然大部分钱财都被挥霍或遗失了,但所有的劫匪都最终被抓获并投入大牢。 其中有一个名叫罗纳德 • 比格斯的罪犯却出了名。因为尽管他因那次犯罪而被逮捕,之后他却成功越狱,逃到了澳大利亚。在那里,他和妻子和孩子们共同度过了四年。被发现后,他又逃到了巴西,而英国警方始终无法将他从巴西引渡回国。那次偷来的钱,大部分都花在了设法逃出英国的途中,其余的他也没能带走。离开英国后,他主要靠打工为生,干过包括油漆房屋在内的各种各样的活儿。对于这个名噪一时的罪犯而言,企图通过偷窃来发财,这条路走得并不成功。 TextB_P4_LP_ Text C taxtC-4-Chinese 没有人确切地知道文莱苏丹拥有多少财富,但是他的财富既不是继承的,也不是自己赚的,更不是偷来的或赢来的。苏丹的情况比较特殊,因为他既是一国首脑,一位统治者,同时又兼任总理和财政部长。国家的财富与苏丹及其家族的力量合在一起,使他成为世界上最富有的人。然而,这位苏丹生性害羞,不喜欢抛头露面,对于他的私生活和他的财富总额,外人知之甚少。 一些人企图通过偷窃钱财致富。有多少人通过这种方式发了财,具体数字我们不得而知,因为成功致富的犯罪分子一般不会将这段行窃的历史公开。他们通常会选择避开公众的目光,过自己平静的生活。 Choose the best answer for each of the following multiple choice questions. taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-1 Among the four ways to get rich, which one is the hardest according to the writer? KEY A) Winning money. B) Earning money. C) Inheriting money. D) Stealing money. 1. Comprehension of the Text taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-2 What does the writer say about winning money? KEY It is easy to get rich by winning money. B) Compared with betting, gambling and contests, the chances of wining a lottery are much smaller. C) Winning money often doesn’t make people really rich. D) It is impossible to win enough money to become rich. 2. taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-3 According to the writer, which of the following is NOT necessary to earn enough money? KEY A) Working hard. B) Being especially talented. C) Being lucky. D) Saving all your money. 3. taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-4 The writer mentions Sam Walton to show that _________. KEY A) it is important to work hard B) people from poor families also have a chance to get rich C) only a few people have earned enough money to become rich D) Wal-Mart developed from small department stores 4. taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-5 How did most of the rich people in the world get their money? KEY A) They used their power and position to make money. B) They earned their money by taking chances or being lucky. C) They are lucky enough to have won a lottery. D) They inherited their money from their parents or their spouses. 5. taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-7 The Sultan of Brunei is probably the richest person in the world mainly because _________. KEY A) he is the head of a rich country B) he inherited money from his powerful family C) he got money from people of Brunei who have a very high I income D) he earned money by selling oil 6. Which of the following is NOT true about the Great Train Robbery? KEY A) About fifteen men robbed a mail train in England. B) About $7 million in cash was lost. C) Eventually all the robbers were arrested. D) Much of the money was found and taken back. 7. taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-6 Ronald Biggs became famous because____________. KEY A) he took part in the Great Train Robbery B) he escaped from jail and ran abroad C) the British police were not able to get him back to Britain D) he never got to use much of the money he stole 8. taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-8 Basic Reading Skills Separating Facts from Opinions taxtC-Basic-1 作为读者,我们在阅读中要养成分析判断的习惯,要注意分清作者所写的是客观事实 (fact) 还是主观看法 (opinion) ,这对我们的阅读理解十分重要。事实陈述的是真正发生过的事或客观存在的事物,通常都是有直接依据的;而看法则是对判断、信念、感情等的陈述。 比如下面两句就是“事实”: Today, Grameen Bank has 1,048 branches and over 2 million borrowers. (Text B, Unit 6) The bank has disbursed over a billion dollars, the average loan being about $150. (Text B, Unit 6) 而下面的句子则是“看法”: By rich, we mean having enough money so you never have to work for money again, if you do not want to. (Text C, Unit 6) Winning money seems easy, but it really is not, and it often does not make you really rich. (Text C, Unit 6) Earning money is the hardest way to get rich because it means you have to work, and you usually have to work hard or be especially talented or lucky or both. (Text C, Unit 6) 但是,有时分清作者所写的是客观事实还是主观看法并不是很容易的。作者认为是“事实”的可能并不被读者认同,当然读者自己的意见也会影响到自己对“事实”和“看法”的判断。如下面这句话中作者陈述的“事实”,你就不一定会同意: Going to college has always had its ups and downs, but today the “downs” of the college experience are more numerous and difficult, a fact that the schools are responding to with increased support services. (Text A, Unit 7) taxtC-Commprehension-cloose-6 1. She is an attractive, intelligent twenty-year-old college junior at a state university. (Text A, Unit 7) 2. Suicide rates and self-inflicted injuries among college students are higher now than at any other time in history. (Text A, Unit 7) 3. The suicide rate among college youth is 50 percent higher than among non-students of the same age. (Text A, Unit 7) 4. College health officials believe that these reported problems represent only the tip of the iceberg. (Text A, Unit 7) 5. There are three reasons why today’s college students are suffering more than earlier generations. (Text B, Unit 7) Read the following sentences and decide which of them are facts and which are opinions. taxtC-choose1 6. Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. (Text A, Unit 1) 7. Happiness is an attitude, the one attitude that most people strive for. Recent studies have shown that we can choose to have a happy attitude. (Text B, Unit 1) 8. My wife, Tere, and I bought a new car in December. (Text C, Unit 1) 9. I first learned of Clement Stone in 1977, when I attended Interlochen Arts Academy for my senior year of high school. (Text B, Unit 2) 10. I truly believe our attitudes and moods are our choice and right now I choose to be happy. (Text C, Unit 1) taxtC-choose3 Suggested Answers: 1. Opinion 2. Fact 3. Fact 4. Opinion 5. Opinion 6. Opinion 7. Opinion 8. Fact 9. Fact 10. Opinion Suggested Answers:

