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Unit 9 Nature Different Kinds of Animals W ork in groups to list as many animals as possible and write them on the chalkboard. The group who gets the most wins. butterfly antelope [‘æntləʊp] 羚羊 dragonfly koala leopard [ ′ lepəd] 美洲豹,金钱豹 monkey penguin [ ′ peŋɡwin] Rhino [ ′ raɪnəʊ] snail swan panda dolphin frog seal kangaroo New words panda 1. 属于国家一级保护动物,体色为黑白相间,被誉为“中国国宝” (Chinese national treasures ) 2. 主要栖息 (habitat ) 地在中国四川、陕西等周边山区 3. 1961 年世界自然基金会 (World-Wide Fund for Nature 缩写为 WWF ) 成立时就以大熊猫为其标志 4. 赠台大熊猫团团圆圆 这是一对象征和平团结友爱的大熊猫。 通过网民投票选出的。“团团”是雄性,生日是 2004 年 9 月 1 日;“圆圆”是雌性,生日是 2004 年 8 月 30 日。 pollution 3. 人们在清除高速路上的污染物。 The men were clearing all the pollution on the highway. 1. 中国有污染么? Is there any pollution in China? 2. 已经采取了一些措施保护人们免受污染 Something has been done to protect people from pollution. pollute v. 污染 air pollution noise pollution water pollution environment 1. 世界环境日是每年的 6 月 5 日 The June 5 is the World Environment Day 2. 绿色植物对环境有益。 Green plants are helpful to the environment. waste 1. 我们应该把废弃物扔进垃圾箱里。 We should put waste in the dustbin. dustbin 3.He is a waste of space . ( 无用之人,无能之辈 ) 2.I think that is a total waste of money. 我认为那完全是 浪费 金钱 我们应该善待动物。 We should treat animals kindly. treat treat… as… 把 … 当成 … 1. 不要把我当成小孩。 Do not treat me as a child. 2. I treat him as my friend. 我把他当成我的朋友。 protect 2. 你应该防备孩子们受凉。 You should protect the children from/against catching cold. protect…from/against n. doing “ 保护 …… 不受 …… 侵袭,挡住,防御”。 1. 我们应当保护环境不受污染。 We should protect our environment from/against pollution. helpful 1. be helpful to sb.. 对某人是有好处的 e.g. 这对我有好处。 It is helpful to me. 2. It is helpful for sb. to do sth . 做 ... 对某人是有好处的 e.g. 保护环境对我们是有好处的。 It is helpful for us to protect the environment. Sentence patterns 导入话题 May I have a word with you ? Lovely weather, isn't it? What a nice…! Have you heard the news? 谈论动植物 How do you like the animals? What do you think of a pet? 谈论环境问题 Are the green plants helpful to us? Yes, I’m glad./please. Yes, but it’s too hot. Yes, it’s lovely. Yes, I have. I like/ love/enjoy… I don’t like… Yes, they can protect the air from pollution. Bye-bye ! Review the words and phrases: 污染 pollution 植物 绿色植物对我们有益处。 环境 我们应该保护环境免受污染。 保护 有帮助的 废弃物 垃圾箱 把废弃物扔进垃圾箱 对待 他们把狗当成家庭一员。 environment protect We should protect the environment from pollution. plant helpful Green plants are helpful to us. waste dustbin Throw the waste into dustbins. treat They treat the dog as a member of the family. Unit 9 Nature Lesson 2 Green plants are helpful to us Learning objectives: Knowledge objectives (知识目标) : Ability objectives (能力目标) : Moral objectives (情感目标) : Talk about plants and environmental problems in a simple way (学会简单谈论植物与环境问题) Recognize attributive clause starting with when/where/why (识别关系副词引导的定语从句) Understand the short dialogues about green plants. ( 明白关于绿色植物的简单对话 ) Talk about green plants using how do you like../ what’s your point… ( 谈论绿色植物 ) Make students realize the importance of green plants. ( 认识到绿色植物的重要性 ) Lead students to protect our environment. ( 保护环境 ) Shall we shoot the sun with an arrow? Why or why not? Do you know the usefulness of the green plants? Why are the green plants helpful to us? No, because most of the energy on the earth comes from the sun. Yes, green plants can use the sun’s energy directly. The leaves can absorb sunlight and produce energy. Read and answer the importance of green plants Clean the air absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis(光合作用) protect the air around us from pollution help us solve the problem of global warming Challenge yourself It’s your time to think about “ how to talk about environmental problems ”. Can you make a dialogue with your partner? What do you think of air pollution ? It’s getting more and more serious. How can we protect the air from pollution ? We should plant more trees and grass. A: B: A: B: A: … B: … Everyone has the responsibility to protect environment, it is very simple. We should 1. not litter rubbish. 2. plant more trees, take good care of trees and flowers. 3. treasure resources( 资源 ), turn off the light when you leave a room. 4. walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if you travel a short distance. 5. take a cloth bag instead of plastic bags when you go shopping. Task 3 Grammar The reason why we plant trees is to protect our land from becoming a desert. The places where many trees grow are full of fresh air. I will never forget the day when we planted trees together. Attributive Clause ( 定语从句) 定语从句 I know the boy who is sitting on the desk. 主句 定语从句 先行词 引导词 The men __________protect the environment are great! Mary is the person ___________you talked about. He has a friend ___________father is a doctor. Basketball is a game ___________is liked by most boys. This is the pen ____________ he bought yesterday. Do you like the book ___________ color is yellow? who/that who/that/whom whose which/that which/that/ whose 定语从句中的关系副词 : when, where, why when 在定语从句中作时间状语,相当于 “ 介词 + 关系代词( which ) ” 。 I’ll never forget the day when I was admitted. on which where 在定语从句中作地点状语,相当于 “ 介词 + 关系代词( which ) ” 。 This is the house where I lived two years ago. in which why 在定语从句中作原因状语,相当 于 “ 介词 for+ 关系代词( which ) ” 。 Do you know the reason why she was late. The reason why we plant trees is to protect our land from becoming a desert. The places where many trees grow are full of fresh air. places reason I will never forget the day when we planted trees together. day Attributive Clause ( 定语从句) relative pronouns ( 关系代词) relative adverbs ( 关系副词) 1. The house ____ we live is not big.  A. in that  B. which  C. where D. that 2. Do you know the reason ____ he didn’t come?  A. that  B. which  C. for  D. why 3.Disney is an amusement park _______ you can find  Disney movies and characters.  A. which        B. where         C. that            D. when 4. -The duty of Project Hope is to help poor children,  isn’t it?   --Yes, it has built many schools ________ those children  can study happily.  A. where       B. when          C. which Task 5 Summary Review the words and phrases The importance of green plants 污染 植物 环境 保护 有帮助的 吸收 能量 全球变暖 解决问题 Talk about the simple ways to protect plants and environment pollution plant environment protect helpful absorb energy global warming solve the problem Grammar where when why 1. Clean the air 2. help us solve the problem of global warming 3. protect the air around us from pollution ………. Task 3 Main points satisfying ['sætɪsfaɪɪŋ] adj. 令人满意的;令人满足的 satisfy   [‘sætɪsfaɪ] v. 使满意,使高兴 throw away 扔掉,浪费 cause [kɔːz] v. 引起 crop [krɒp] 庄稼;农作物 a/the way of doing sth.= a/the way to do sth. 做 …... 的方法 get ride of 摆脱 除去 solid  [‘sɒlɪd] n. 固体 adj. 固体的; inadequate [ɪn'ædɪkwət] piles of 成堆 Task 3 What kinds of waste are mentioned above? Plastic bags, bottles, wooden chopsticks, used papers. 2.How can the waste papers be recycled? The used papers can be recycled in pulp. 3. Why is the waste recycled? Because recycling will save a lot of natural materials and energy. And the earth will become much better. Task 4 Lots of waste cause the pollution of the environment where we live. The reason why most of the waste is recycled and reused is to save natural materials and make our earth better. Lesson 4 The world is thirsty. Task 1 dustbins being polluted protect environment treat recycled Task 2 Lovely weather, isn’t it? We should put the waste into the dustbin. We should protect it from pollution. some cab be recycled Task 3 1. where the pandas “Tuan Tuan” and “Yuan Yuan” were born? 2. when there were sandstorms? 3. why we should protect the environment? The world is thirsty . 长江、黄河、珠江、淮河、黑龙江、辽河、海河

