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informatinn h»r the Examinees rhis examination consists of five parts.「he” are: Part 1 : (irannnar in RcHcling (20 points) Pari II : Grammar in Reading (20 points) Part III : Clse (20 points) Pari |r : Error Correction (20 points) Pnrt V : (rrainnvir in Writing (20 points) I he total nwirks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. Part I Grammar In Rcadinx Quest ion« 1 —10 are haacd on FBirt 1 • DirectIOIIHI In thr following text* thr numl»cr^ I Bl in bracket* refer l<» Ihv underlined purt« n( Ihe teit that come after theme and Io the question* MOVI9 Rend the ICMI (InG und then aniwrr the questionjie Write ynur un«Hrn on Ihr An*wrr Sheet. Can you irnnKinr living to thr Age of 100? (I) Growing thi> old m M milily. not n Oh ⑵[he jAponcse islnnd of OkinnWu. The inhitul the wurhlS highrHl rnti(j o( pvoplr over 100 yrarsi old among itA populntloth I herr nfc twn rrnMtnn (3) why ()kinuwntiM krrp livinic ( I > much longer than ihe rrsi ol Firm. (5> they mi hcnhhy food. The trAiliUonal OktfiAW«n diet in henvy m ri(r< fi>h nnd vegrtflblr^ ( IkiruwAti* do not ent red tnrnt • rggN nn SI nmnll |jurt>un ut each men] utnl nvuiil (7 > cjihng “MH X hrt^ren inruh. Seconds they nvoid »trcMN< Okin^wnnH (N) rrijoy Mkmg jmrt in hh '、plrnMiircn> (9) likr • relaxing walk un the bench# or a (10) quiet rvening urnoriR (ntiuly nnd friends^ 1. Cnn you replace fhi* by egr C«n you replace thi« by 1 whcnf hrre? •I. C ・ n you Iravr out the word •much' here? 5« Whut rr« I I 15 In hruckrt» rrfcr t Human being* have used computer for rnurh longer II mke tIw* word * computerf to mrnn an object thnt hrlpK you a romptitc f,“rn、・ then(1/ttn t for nruhmrlic rnlculAtion5t Mart1 tfitm.^imKly• (12) ih— Hmt cOEptHcf were ru” rnnchiiQ. Thry wrrr pruplc« mostly womrn< ( 13) e (Computer • 心、r nnmu fm 角 job, hkc a baker ' • 1 tcucher0 or 'ndvmor (hiring the first HAI( ol rhe 20th century, many women with rrmninR in mnthcnintic!i were employed ns computerje ( 14) Thuy worked «! observatoric/i. computing diiM MIKUH Marhght. They »1IU0 computed dAtu for the nulitnry« ior rxsimplet ubaut u»c* oi Arlillrry> or drviRing stAti^ticAl techniques to crnck secret codeA< C 15) Several of tlienc women went on to dcstKn the software for the first elccironic computers that wc arc now hntilinr with> 1 L ( h«nRe ihi* sentrncc from Active voice into passive voire. 12. Rewrite thi。svntcncr by aciding an Appropriate tng question. Follow the rxAmplo> E-rarnp/fi Sh 川 ke、Shehkc tnuui < di^sn'l >Ar? 13. Changr thin ^rntener mu> negative form. Follow rhe example- /npie: SAe /)>r> wtuarr. She 91 like music9 I L Build one (yw^tion iiboul lhe underlined p«rt in lhe sentences I5> Change ihiM complex senience into a compound tentcncee Part IB CIn* 16 20 arv ba^rci on Pari [[] . Dirrctlonsf Chtxne lhe bcM answer from A> B> C nr D to fill In cnch blank in the text below. Write your unxwrrs ixi the Answer Sheri. Arpin 4 nmn o(「st dclerminflUun and indcfxrndrncct《16) met rc-ipcct of thr vilhgcr« who ore geninf: richer and richer. At I S Arpu hreamr (17) a result of a srriaub disease. Hr couldn *r buf learn to dn luiu^cwork and l>rxun lo kerp %hrrp determining to depend on himsell. Three years Inter hr Mild hi,shrrp ^n(i clamed n great ftmnunt of moncyf With thr money hr art up n bru^dcAffting nt ion 4 from (IM) difftrcnt programs _( 19) agriculture ki2w 】 cdgt. stories* music and so on nrc brondcAAl. The new inlormatton he introduced benefited the vilhtgcrn and inumc ba*> enriched lheir life AB well Ilis rffan^ have brought great chnnRC5 and development to the village nmi Arpu in (20) hi» life by working hardL 16. A ・ h 心 won B. had won C ・hfl« Iwcn won D ・h,d been won 17. A. tu lilind H. blind Q bHndnw D ・blindly 18. A. there H. here C. which D ・that 19. A. for example Ik for instance C, 5uch AH D. M tuch 20. A. enjoy B. to enjoy C. enjoyed IX enjoying Part |V Error Correction Que«H(jo* 21 — 30 are based on Pari |V ・ Dirvclkinni In the followtni: text * there urr alttitfcther lU errors. *hkh arc numbered land undcrlint^d. Corrrct the error*. Write your iin*wcrM on the Answer Sheet Ikiir Torn • h KrcAt io receive your e-maiL Now 11 d like to tell you (21) anything (22) which took plnce in my school (23) nt yemreky. In the n((crnoon we (24) had held n RrOwiriR 叩 errenmny (or c>ur coming (25) ” ・ yrm・rds and phrox. Select 1() <»f them nnd me Ihrir proper farm tn fill In lhe tfup« in (he text Each word or phrn^c can only be used once. Wrilr your irnzm on the Answer Sheet. againstbreak out« on catchy h.・ a period of frrror • how. the other . prpp/r^j where. thr amc . in Thr Frrnch Revolution _(3j ) in I789t A< thr time Fruncr WAM in n crini% The government was bodly run un Hui《33) cllorr lulled. He ordered hi» troops tn Vrr、Ailhr. Thr people thought thrtt I.out!* intrnrlrd to pul down thr Rrvulution by fnrvr. _(34 ) July 11 • 1789t they Btornied nnd took the Hamillj (35) (Kilittcol prinunrrw were kept. Kver xtnee that dny• July 11 hiw been lhe French Nftiionnl Ihty. Loutn tried to Hee the couniry in I792t to get support from Aunlria And Pruzw. Howrvert hr 3») A(Iut in prinaih In September 17921 the monarchy wo* obulhhcd< In (37)_ year• LCIUIR WAS exccutrd. A few months Inter hin wif«t Munc AIAO lud her hend cur off. The Revohinon al France hnd Inghtenefl (3H) kingM ci( l-Jinipe. AnmrH from /XuMrln HH innrch (39) Frnnce< The French raised republican armies to defend the nation> The rrvohilKin werti through (10) 「haumnds of people lour ihmr livc^. In lhe end> power p were not EMhirws, were they? 13> •Computer* wa* not n name for u job. I 1> Who worked at observatories? 15. Several o( thesr wurnrn went on to design thr software (or dw (irs! electronic computers and we are HOW familinr with thern< Part 11] (20 piling. 4 points each) 16. A 17. B 18. C I9. C 20. D P«H |r (20 points. 2 points each) 2L something 22. thnf 23. yeMterday Z4. held 25. 26. who 27. pniicnvly 28. their 29. sinRing one! dancing 30. (rom Purt V (20 points. 2 point* each) 31. broke out 32. people f» lives 33. hi» , 34. On 35. where 36. caught 37. the Kame 38. the other 39. NRainM 40. n period of terror


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