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国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(2)》2020-2021 期末试题及答案(试卷号:2156) Part I QticKtlons 1 —10 arc on Passugr L (30 points. 3 point* each) PMSMnice I When Hetty Burwood won the nwtionnl lottery, 7” mid her husbnnd. Bilk moved into n heftutiful bi« bungalow undbought herself n vrry exprnmvr |>rarl rtccklAcr. The followin« summer, the Hurwoodn dccidrrl to throw n pnrty. Enrly on the nfTernoon of the party • Betty took hrr new ailk dret» out of the WArdrobc and put her c«p bicycle. Byo* clock* everything wan ready. The garden looked niugnificcnt with —II round tal)!e« nnd colorful iJuur. and nun shadrtu The food and drink wnn nil laid out in the kitchens rmdy to be brouKht out when the gucau nrrivcr you put them down Bomrwhcrc elnet or maybe you've moved them# • Wr n quarter of an hour they Marched for rhe 而 miiiR pcarln. but couldn't (in<1 them anywhere. It WUH then thnt they decided they must call the policea Soon ・ InRpecror Morgnn ftrnved A nd Mtwried to question MH the wpecm Hsd PaKsuKe 1 and then try to «ivc Mhorl uns^ers to QuotionM 1—5. Write your umwrrs on the Answer Sheet. 1. Why could Ikny afford nn expensive nccklncc? 2. Why did the Takrt her nccklncc out enrly in the dny? 3 ・ How many people were there in the entering company? 4. Whs do you think wan in the boxes? 5. Did the Hurwoodft call the police niter they couldn't find the pearls? Read Passage 1 again and then fill in the following blanks numbered 6—10 with the information from the passage Write your answers on the Answer Sheet When Betty won the lottery The couple moved into o big (6) _______ a pearl necklace^ _____ and Betty bought The following summer The Burwoods wanted to (7) On the afternoon of the party The wife took her new dress out of the wardrobe and put the necklace on the dressing-table. By 6t00 Everything wm prepnred- The gnrdcn appented tn bc(8) with smnll round tnble> and colorful chnir> nnd nun shndeM* At 6|10 Betty went to the bedroom to 好 t rrudy. While »hsugc about Dave t the Di^k Doctor. .Call the Disk Doctor I 1 Dc»(>erate computer usera who elose' the dntA irorn their dinks can g” nt touch with expertw who. for a tec. will recover the lost information. One of thene experts t)iivr Smith* who. i^omc ycurs ngo« set up n compnny cnllrd DnvcI》i ・ k F>ncror Service Ltd> Dnve And a few o( his friends work from home and «ive all the money they enrn to chnrity. I hr (ecu arc alwayn the samet no niAUer how prccioua the dmn on the di»k id Some people• however# nre no RrAtcful thm they send cxirn money to Bnvc <>r to the chflnrics hiM company mipportn. One oil company offered him £1.000 for hid help nnd n veil sent him a blnnk check. 2 It would be hard to put a value on the thinRH rcacucd by the Disk Doctor> Thcrr huve been disks containing mcdicnl reieurch • television scripts * mnnuscnpta of whole books • n comedinn1 8 joke collection> ■ solicitor 1 s paper、for n court And even Mnrgnrct Thntchcr^ft itincrory for A vi^it to cAStern Europe. Eor this ln»t cnset Davr was nuked if hr would go in person to Mrs. Thatchcr^s office efor aecunty rensonn^! 3 DiMkti are usunlly xent to the Disk Doctor by pout • but norncfimcB people wrr in uuch a hurry that they can * t wait for the post. Radio scripts have had to be rushed by taxi to Dave、house because they were needed for broadcasting the next day. for exnmple. When the tnnterial has been recovered« the disk is returned to the render with a diagnosis And H prescription (or avoiding the problem In future. Onr gratchil clientf an author^ put a "thank you" 1a Dave in the front of his hock. * Dave saved me from n cnrdiac arrestf • he wrote. "But1 • says Davc> emost people don't take any notice of the doctor fs advice!9 Read Passage 2 and divide whether the followinK statements are t rue or Fal 心 Write T for True and F for False against the number of vuch of the statements on your Answer Sheet 1 !• Computer users can get bock their lost da tn from their disks without ony payment in Dave1 A company. 12. The company nutned Dave#s Disk Doctor Service Ltd is net up hy Dave Smith. 13. DAvc nnd his friends earn a large amount of money, but they spend none< 14. According to the different value of the daU on the disk, people need to pay different amount of money for saving thcm> 15. Most people will uke notice of the disk doctor fs advice after the disk is repaired. Read Passage 2 again and find a woni/phrasc, which Is similar in meaning to each of the following. The paragraph in which the word/phrasc appears is indicated in brackets Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 16. hopeles$_________ (paragraph 1) 17. thankful __________ (paragraph 1) 18. to save_________ (paragraph 2) 19. lawyer__________ (paragraph 2) 20. to keep from happening____________ (paragraph 3) Part Q| True or Fals he or she views eleven thousand murders on the TV. He or she begins to believe that there is nothing strange about fights, killings^ and other kinds of violence. Many studies show that people become more violent after certain programs. They moy even do the things that they saw in a violent show- The most negntive effect of the TV might be peopled addiction to iu People often feel a strange ond powerful need to watch TV even when ihty donrt enjoy H. Addicnon to a TV screen is similar to drug or alcohol addiction: people almost never believe they are "diettd. Read Passaic 3 and decide whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for True and F for False against the number of ciich of the stHtemrnts on your Answer SheeL 21. TV progrAniM nrr definitely helpful to anyone. 22. There are poftitive as well n* ncgwtivr effects of TV on our lives* 23. TV can help improve one foreign hnguage. 2L Wfttching A lot of TV wan11 affect our concentration nt all . 25. Some children A pend morr time wntching TV than studying and ^leepinK- 26. The lives of people in TV shows seem to be very exciting. 27. TV programs tan help people solve problems aa quickly as the actors 28. TV violence mnkes some people• especially children• take violence in real life for granted. 29. One of the symptoms of addiction to television is a strong desire to watch H even if the program is not interesting* 30. The passage mainly discusses the advantages of TV. Part jV Short Answers Questions 31—35 arc based on Passage 4. (20 points. 4 points meh) Passage 4 A Dangerous Place Paulo had always wanted to go to New York iinrl now xhe hnd the chance at last. She was a journalist# and her newspaper was sending her there to do a series of nrlicles on the city> But before she left her home in London♦ several friends warned her to be careful and not ta gu out alone at night in New York. "It's 艮 dangerous place People get robbed or even killed in broad daylight !w they told hen But once she got there• >he was only afraid o( exhaustioru It was so stimulatinR and exciting a city that she never got any sleep. It took her two weeks to da the articles and she had to interview a lot of people# but she enjoyed every minute. She completely forgot nil her friendsF warnings until the day before she went back to London. It all began in n ban She wBji having lunch there when she suddenly felt wmconr was watching hen She looked up and noticed a man sitting At a table opposite hen He was staring at her • but looked nwny. She noticed that he had a 5C«r on his check. He was about 30• and had short • curly hain Paula was not worried at all then. She had to go to an airline office to book her flight home. She wanted an afternoon flight instend of a morning one. On her way there< she stopped to look at something in a shop window. To her surprise, shr saw the man following herj she could see his reflection in the He had stopped just behind her. Suddenly she felt afraid. She walked on. Then she stopped and looked behind her again. Bui this tinic she could not sec him. Just then she noticed she hnd come to the airline office- She went in. After she had finished her busmess, she decided to phone A friend from a telephone booth there. She was carrying a small# portable but very expensive tape recorder. It was in a black sg She kept her money and passport in the case as well But the booth was so cramped that she had to leave the cane outside. When *hr come out# n had diAAppeArcd« She WM nfiinned. Tlwn she »AW the rcd-hrtircd man hurrying out of the office. He hnd the case in hi* himd. She uhouiedt but H was too lntc« RCMCI PassnKc 4 and answer Ihc followinK questions. Make your answer* as uhort and ckiir as posniblv. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet 31. Why did PRUIA RQ to New York? 32. What did her (ricn(b tell her before she left London? 33. What did the man fitting opposite her look like? 34> What did ahc kerp in her blnck CUMT? 36> Whm hopprned nt l«»t? 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) Part I (30 pointst 3 points each) L Because she had won thr national lottery- 2. Because she wanted to have n rendy to wear in the evening. Harriet and Charlie Chivers- > 4. Food, dnnkt plates» dishes and so on> 5. Yes. they did. 6. bungalawe 7. throw a party. 8. mugnificenu 9. was brushing her hair. 10. 6:25. * Fnrt |] ( 30 pointst 3 points each) IL F 12. T 13. T 14. F 15. F 16< dcsprr/ite 17. grateful 18. rescue 19. solicitor 20. avoid Part IK ( 20 points, 2 points each) 21. F 22. T 23. T 24. F 25. T 26e T 27. F 28. T 29. T 30. F Part [V ( 20 p her money And pnmport. 35. Her ca^e was stolen when she was calling her friend in rhe telephanv booth.

