2021 国家开放大学电大专科《管理英语 1》期末试题及答案(试卷号:3895)
-,交际用塔(共计 M 分.督小分)
下面的小对话.选择恰当的答 Of,并再答 K 序号写在答■纸上•
L — Hi# Pm Melinda Smitht nine to meet you all hem
A> Certainly
tt Many thanks
C Nice to meet you. too
2. —Hu Melinda. Gin I make ■ brief intrcuiuctkin of the office work to you?
、Thanks for calling
R Thank you! It's very kind of you
C Not coo b.d
& —May I see your tickets > please?
A- Sure
& No. you canft
G No. they are mine
4. —Why don't you come and join ua fox a
A> written A write
G wrote
9. It is very important for UR ro find n ___________ between work life and hemw hie.
A< way & baUtice
G bknk
10. Do you undrrAtnnd__________ the rcacher Mid?
A< what B- whm
Q why
IL II will uke u»_____________ hour to get there-
A. * H-.'two
C an
I2> Plrote hand__________ your homework in time-
A« on B. out
C. in
IX Cd lovr to have A break, but I can*: _____________ "化 time now.
A. spare 队叩血
C. »pcak
11- Within the tcamt a work plan can tel! each member what t» being_____________ and
A do a did
C deme “
戚 Hr Mid this would___________corapames (mtn creatinf new jobf>
A. prevent Ek protect
C prove
成 (>n our ________ wr were told that our room* h ・ d tux been rewrvccL
、arH” ! K am rd
(L Arriving
I。Pltane pay 一 to what wan discuMcd ycutrrcky.
A. aiieniion B. attend
G uttiiudc
I" To ___________ihr tce> after introduction« you can aak about thetr)mirt)ey ・
A atlAck iik break
C kick
19. I he«rd Lily__________ the tong once*
A* 前皿 B. wing
C tings
30. Pm looking forward to_________ you<
A ・•«« & seeing
C being .rcn
B. Ni*a«(M4o^.«/ha < 分)
2I-” ■:胃读下刊蛇文,从 A.B.C 三个 01■中母出一个正•答事•笄将害案序号胃在答・ «±.
H you thought h«ndBh«kcA were iuai ・ rui ・ mannert.
Stand up ind nunnuin eye conuci whik ehnkmR hand、II you are se ・ tcd when wmeonc comet for ■
hAnd»h«ke. lUnd up and thike hi» or her hand. !t b impolite «o be Hill Keep right disunce between the two of
yout not too clo»e. but enough durance to nh^kc your hands well. Keeping eye contact mako the other perton
M welcome and comforuhle.
Keep B hamhha 虹 brief «nd firm- You let «o of e«ch othei*« hind afier 2-3 tccondK Make f^um your
handshake eods before you/ convcTMtton does. Onr' ■ handAhake should show • feeling o( MrenKih and
warmth. The hand thould be firm and not Mcies> like ucAweed. Then, bow firm should A hamhhahc be? Just
grasp the perwn *» hand completely and do not pres> it too hurcL
21. The brM title far thit would he ______________________•
A. Keeping Eye Contact K Shnkmi Hands M«nner>
u*t a gesture of grrrting<
K Handfhuke i» jwit a way of icreeURM-
C< h w important to know the right shaking hands manncrA.
23> Which b thr proper way to shake hand»n
A. When someone ernne* for ■ h*nd«h>ke. you are wateiL
& When wnrone come for a handihiiket you should stand up-
C. When AOtneone comes for • handshake* you can talk with othcr*.
2,OncS handshake should ahow ・ feeling of_____________ •
A- brief and firm R welcome and cotnlortible
C. strength and warmth
25. How brief should ・ handthake be?
A< Lei go of each othcrS hsnd after 2-3 secondw.
K Jun! the perwne» hand completely.
C Keep right dwtincr between the two of you.
z6-30B;ium««x 内容判明蛤出的语句是否正■.正■的 s-r.wiR 的写-r•.井料誓喜 岛在答・峨上.
Do you Meem to be lite for work or school ■ lot? Being on time 皤 very important (or perianal tucresst
l-carn you
may be going to bed too hte. Try sleeping earlier to allow yourwell at least 7 Hours' deep.
on bemR 15 minutes early for everyrhinx- If ynu have to be at work at 8 ・ 00. tell yourself “I hnve to
be •: work at 7:45"・ If you do thi»> you will be on time even with a slight tr&tnc jam> You can talk with other»
who are early# and that will make you happy before work!
26 ・ B<*tng punctual is very impartnant for one's success.
27. It is perhaps useful to set your watch just two minutes ahefld.
23. Try Keeping earlier to allow yourself no more than 7 hours' sleep.
29. Being ■ punctual person• one should insisT on being 15 minutes Ute for everything.
30. To be punctual means to do one should do everything on time
日•■泽(共 20 分.每小■,分)
31-35:从以下人,B.C 三个携攻中送择出■正•的■景,并暮答案序号写在答■纸上。
31. It is better to do something nght the first time than h«ve to do it again.
A. 为了更蜉地花事情做好•就不得不 ST.
B. 氟一次做事情比返 LM-flif.
c J8 好第一次就把事情做衅.由不旻再返工.
32. Workers in this factory are required to clock in and out.
A. 这个工厂的工人要求上下班打卡.
B ・这个工厂要求工人上下班打卡.
C 这个工厂的工人根据时间表上下蜜・
33. H everything is going on well• just keep on following the plan.
A. 如果事情正进展者•就遵循以下的计划・
B. 如果事情发生了,那就继续按计划进行.
C. 如果一切顺利,那就继续按计划进行・
34. Don't forget to thank them for the ideas they present.
A. 不要忘记对提出想法的人表示感谢.
B. 对那些没有忘记提出想法的人表示感谢.
C. 不要忘记对他们的礼物表示感谢.
35 ・ You need to put the things which nre similar together in a folder.
A. 你必须把类似的文件夹归在一起.
B. 你需要把类似的事情整理到一个文件夹里.
G 你需要把所有相似的文件夹放在一个地方.
(共针 I。分.■小・ 2 分)
U C I. B 3> A 4. A & C
二、■«:与■御(就件 30 分.每小・,分)「
S-ZO 下■的旬子,从 A.H.C 三个窝 91 中民出一个■境入空白处的■包 EQL 并*答
三分.■小■ 4 分)
21-25■:nKMft.从 A ・ B ・ C 三个堀 fll 中逸出一个正•答•.并将答■序号 1?在答■岐上.
2L B 21 C 23> B 24. C 25. A
26—30 ・:请・挪短文内 SHMtt 出的命句是否正••正,的耳 T.・曜的写孔弁 MffSWa 答■峨上.
26. T 27. T
$•■11(共计 20 分.・小分)
2& F 29. F 30. T
3L C 32. B 13> C 34. A 35> B
11. C 12. C 13. A M. C 15. A
16. B 7. A 18. B 19< A 20> B
fi. C 7. C & A 9. H 10. A