国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语阅读(2)》2027-2028 期末试题及答案(试卷号:1354)
Section | New V
• thr nhiliiy to rcmembrr
8. _____ ____Rnn H. work# job* profesftion
9. _____ nierchnnU L wvaihblr la rvcryonr
10. _ memory J. Being poor
B| Fill In the blanks with words from the box below. (3 points each)
cornprtifivr edge enthuHi/i»nc rxprnsive
influenced invan prohiti ^lnn« suddenly survive trend
The popul/irity o( tattoos did not 11_ into the 2。" crnturyi it slowed down uml continued only among 粕 ldh・
r,and milorM Thrnr rnrn 12 each other lo tnttuord to show how Mroiig they were. An A result• the Kcncrnl public,
began to think of people with tRftooh IIN from the lower However• in rhe Intr 20lh century• A new 13 npprared
fl* young people sl/irtril l<> get !nttoord< Th)* body nrt _ H_ begnn to appear in unusual places• not only hnn^.
bui nhn on kgd and bnckn, r#iteoo nrtist^ began nnd rnusicinns got
4ltautR ;mil mnny _[8 _ wordw came into 仙 MS A» people become mart4 _ [9_ nbaut this form of body nn«
MTtoos hccATnr more _20_ Inrcause patfrrn»e or wrrr more complex I^sipitc thin
cnihuHlaftm> however> the trrnd hs begun lo slow down# and soon it may be a thing o( the pnM«
Section || Krading < omprehension
IAI Read the 邛 c. Then answer the questions that follow. (5 points each)
Silk Pnxlucllon
A Silk not thr main product Traded on the network of caravan truila canncrting East Asm tn the
Mediterranean Sw. Dc^pitr fhi> (act• thr German explorer^ Haron Ferdinand vun Richthofen> g«ve the Silk
Rond thin romnnfic rrnmr. pcrhapM because il wns n tnyntrnou5 pradticL Silk rnaktnM began in Chinn in the
3* century Ik Cw E< • but the prex^ess wnfl kept n neerrt for srvrrol hundred ycarsi. When thr Chinese
mcrchnntn brgnn trading this beautiful fabric, other ruuntrirn were eager to ItArn how it waHn>flde«
B In the 3'" century C E. • method* of dyeing (coloring)t nnd wenving (making clnth) • werr developed in
o few conn!rim nlong the trade routes using raw silk thread from Chinn< In ihe 俨 ccnrury C. K< • the nilrr ol
(7jn»tftnTinople iifikcd two monks (hnlymcn> to bnnn buck ! (rum l lnnn. Ahhaugh this w 心
farbiddriit they pneked them in thrir hamboo chiicA Anri rrfumed to ConMhintinoplr9 There. (Inrgr warm»> • they make
n cocoon (capMilr) froni n continuous th rend thai cornet from the mouth itnd wrnpM around thr body. Then thr
cocoonn nrr ^trAmrd fu kill the coirrpillorn and tliken npnrt by unwinding the silk thrradu and (wiMlinn them
together to rnukt llirm 5trnn«rrt (?crnunr5 thin work was done by hand hy girls and women in silk I^cionv5. but
now• H m donr hy
E IVnling FAW «山 praduco,lighirr fnbrir# nnd tli< cloth enn br treated with ddfrrent AubMJincc5 叫 thin 11
und look< rfi(lcrrtil> A vnriety of dyting nnd wrnvmg rticihod^ produce exqaistte ciutb thnt cdn be made into
articlv* of cluthtiiK. Cumtnon itrnm include blouses# »hirt«t wriirvcst nn be used for
curtains• ciinhicm^* ar wnll hfinding% in houneB nn dccor/viian^
Far each qua(honi choowr thr bc%t aas^ter ba>icd nn the reading pn^ngc. Write A. Bt C or I) on >our AIWMIT
2L Pmplc wanted fa lenrn how ta make silk because
B. Chino kept it a secret
22. The necrc. wan hrwlly brought io thr WE by
IX fin run Ferdinand von Richthofen
23. The MlnU euch) FMcurnlng: Dhtunce LvnrnhiK
on the Inicmct
A It1 A 10 A. M. Angdft RCTB out of bed. brujihm her teethe nnrl WEhc* her (aec« Sht- walk% into ihv
kilchrru rnnkcw A cup of col feet And »it* down m her mniputcn She log* on to her untvcrnityF« Web »itr und
chrvkN nn c m/»il Irnm her rronomic prnfcsMir *hc
nccc^xeA I hr cournc m 邱”时 ImmiL i« re/id ^tuilrnl cmnnivnu idwiut the week * wwH»Knnirnl Shr rttvirwn thin
week * * prrMintntkm online mid thrri < *hr enn review her prafowr S prr^cntdiinn from hrr home in Ihienos Airc»»
Argcnttnn. Another lhin& fhai distinguinhcH Annvln frum frmlitiuruil Mudrnt^ i5 that,hc in not n fnll-tirnr student.
Shr 浦 tnkinK purt-timr la camplete her IKUHHMI> decree while woikinu (nilunit* for 4 conipuirr noliw/irr
vnmpHnye Shi enn internet with MIKI rriid cofnmrnt-i Irnin ntudcn?^ AII nrcmnd the world in hrr vtrtunl
internntionnl duMToam. IX)CM it wand linurihtic? Well# h h nlrrady hnpprning an prrMinnl a>input<-r<»
nroutitl thr world.
A. it M fnyMicry
( hilkwurms wrre forbidden IX ihr fabric w.m >o beautiful
A, :hr ruler of ConNtantirn>p)c B. two monks traveling {rom China
C. ClunrM nwrvhwm
A. South Korw «nd I hnilnnd Be ChmA and Japim(3oniitannnople
A ・ tiny H. worms
A. artwrr• many full nnd pun time
pro(c>MCirHilfi nrv guinR nnlinr to lurihrr llicir education ft nd prcifr^simiMl knowi<rHntly In the hsr
fvw ywm brrauMr <>f the development ul the InurntJ, 1 hr ii ro working
prolcKnionnh inch”、rnnvrnimcr> IL xibihty< find the opportumiy h> nccnniniiMktte multiple learning 5 丫,小.
In 前 EM where uncniploymuni is high nr wh«rre tight work nvhedulr^ canet accornnujUatr f rn(lnH>nnl h
orning• olenrniiiK 卜凡丹 livromv very |x)pnlnrv
I) But ^kcptir* wondi-r if dinuncr cduciiiion pro|{r^nis mamtnin n high qunlify ul inntruction and if they <4fcr
enough internction with the inMructur And other Atudentn in thr CIM ・ L It u wtill difficult to say il disuncr
eduention in b«tccMc
whether (he fullowina: ilAtrmcnU arc true <>r hd#. Write HIH for l>ur tind "F" f<»r KM Ise on lhe Answer Shrrl.
26. AnHcln hm no intrrnction with her iriRiructor
27. DiM/mcr rducntion can happrn nlrnont nnywhrm
28. Dhfnncc cducanun ollvnt mure intcrnctian in person than trnditionnl
2% Arcorchny tn tl»r artu lc. c Ir^rning i,superior to —Mdmmml"
30. 1 he numlirr uf people ・ tudyiriR online in incrrAAing.
Section | New words
!AI Match each vocubulury ^ord on the left with the correct definition on the right (3 points
4. H
ill Kill In the blank* with words from the box below. (3 points each)
I2> influrnccd
13. trend
lSt invent
19. enthu^instic
Section [J Keadine Comprehension
IA Eor cuch quoition t choose lhe best answer based on the reading pnssaRc (5 polnu <*nch)
7.C 8.D 9.F
20. cxpen(ihils each)
26.1- 27. T 28.F 29. F
25. A
I- for I rur und “ for
30. T