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2021 国家开放大学电大专科《英语阅读(3)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2157) Purl | Questions I —10 arc based on Passage I. (30 points« 3 points each) Paswige I ♦ Searching for Utopia ! While most of the world scernM to be motivated by more money, better televisions• niorr powerful cnrst the high<*5i-tech computers• bigger houses> there nre some independent soiih who are tired of Hthe rnt raceH that is, rhe stressful pressures of working hard to grt ahead. Siner around 199O ・ there haM been a slow hut nicady ri*c in ^intrntional communities^ HI the U. S> An intcfiTtonn) cornmunny 15 a group of propJc who have chosen to live together with a camnton purposn Although quite diverge in j>hilasophy and lifestyles each of these groups places a high priority on n iense of community> in other words# the feeling of belonging and mutual supports There were 300 inteiitional communities listed in the 1990 editiun of the Intrtitionnl Communities Directoryi by 1995. this had grown to 600, nnd 11 is estimated th” there 4re now several thousand< listed and unlisted, in operatiotu These communities vary in size, but in the 600 listed communities in 1995< total population• inducing children• was estlnuiied at 24.000. 2 At first glance, thr tntcntionnl cummunify movement appears quite diverse It is muhi gcneraiional. i. c- with ftgts ranging from children to seniors- They may choose to live together on a piece of rural hnd. in a suburban cent re < or tn an urban neighbourhao thrsr things arc shared^ There 15 a widr variety of rhoiers regarding standard of living — some embrace voluntary 5impilicity while others hnvc lull wcccss to the products and services ol today * s society^ Even the purposes vary widely, For example• comniuntties have been formed to create great family neighbourhoods• to live tcologiciilly sustainable lifeslyleht or simply to live with others who share their valuer. Some are ^ecuhr while others are eommitted to a common religious belief. 3 What unites iht intentional community movement is its members' proud rejection of mmnsTream consumer values^ Nearly all communnies encourage sharing items members ilonff need to own pnvntrly• for rxamph*t washing machines# truckle ? commits 10 a vision of cnvironmcntnlly (nendly business. Members of "The Farm0 work in scvrnil uniall senk inrlustncs including solar electroriicst solar car re^uarcht ond a publishing cornpany lor alternative books- 4 An rMAmpk ol an intentional community cumniiitrd to volunrary >impl>ci:y i> Vashon (>» Housing Community* 1t» members choose to hvr in ・ m ・ ll unpaintrd wood tillto Gnd ■ mmmumty thul haw xhwwd perfectiun> Thr problem* wc »ec •(Hit there* in the mum■”了・ m — <»ecdt dmhohr«tx< rg comp«on> facttotwiltsna — BIJ marMfe lo find thrir way tnio AltemaUve cxdtures texx However# intenitonal ctitnmunitics have a tntich lower Cfimc rate tfuin lheir mamfttrrAm nrrghbourwe and rlmm A more eating and MU»(yin« IHr>tyle> Th and cwn though they m ・y ohen Uil to reach tbcnc ickah perfectly. Their tiinpun vtjwon provwks ■ challrnice to the peer and purpoM- ol modern Amcrion •onrfy. Rod Pmuicc I and find Ibe drCInltlmit foe eacb o< Ibe followia< ta tbc pinMigc. Write y*mr ■mwrr^ no >nar answrr dwd. L lhe rsPrxvi ___________________________________ _ __________ 2. an intrtifMMial commumkyt ___________________________________ ________ 3. ^ensc at community] _________________________________________ _ 4. midti-gcncranonsl: _______________________________________ _______ x wThe Form' _______________________________________ Kcad PnsMigc I again and find which the undcrliritd word(») in each of the following sentences refer la 6. …by 1995t th# had grown to 60G< and it 15 euxirnaied that there are now several thousand— (paragraph 1 > 7. ••• in others* these ihingy arc ^hrtred* (pnragrnph 2) 6 壁 members choose to he in <»mall unpainted wood houses--* (paragraph 1) 9. Hr and lu5 family live on Intk money. ••• (paragraph 4J 10. 「hey arc committed to ideas of ecology# cooperntion. and family- (paragraph 5) Part fl Questions 11 —20 HIT based on Passage 2. (30 pointst 3 points each) Passage 2 t he Most innovative City 1 "I?____________ Prnhlcfnt n» puvrrtyt crttnct public cciucBtlutit and pollution mntml phgue the tnnjoniy of the worldf B cities. Each erne, it teem., m Htrunglin* to avoid urban diMMMtcr. Kut( uritiha# Braiih a city of 16 million people> 伟 <1 皿山也 with thr^v prohkrn^ I hiw little known city in southeast Brazil being rrcounjxvd g the piner thnt hm fn many of the wnrldS urowing urban problems. 2 ( 12)_ rhrough ihm pruKrnm« more than 70% u( itn trn^h g recycled comparrd with thr 25% in lx)e AnRchd Christono Pinhcirut。neven yrar^ntd hoy nhow* how dnnr. Al the *tnrt of the school year> Pinheiro traded B poundw of rrrydublr gArbngr ((ir n pneket ol new notebooks Eoch week, he 000 Eftatcr and 26 • ()00 Chrimmm CH ken 『or rrryclablc trnnlv Hundreds of quilt» (or the nredy were muffed with cninhrd «!yrufnnm< ( hrtetinno wuei one of 25<000 poor children who received thewr n 叩 plf (13) 3 (I ___________ Old worn oui cqmpmrnt w/is (re<}ucntly bnnn rrpbimi with new trchnohiKy nnd rt|iii|)mcni. l.ikr rwry other city, (tide y< l UMiblr 小 wt rt hriii« dumprd nround the eny nl Cunnba> Thin «ave tnKihrrrn nn wn <>j)purtunity to wnrk tngethrr 1o UMV thr materidh crrativrly. Old wnoden Icltjphunc polx. nrr now reUM:d in officr iHiildlTiMftt hridura and pubhr %iutirc^ Rfitml BIKCM hnvc liWimc nuibile cln4^rc>orn« (or mluh rducatton. MVirtujilly rvcrylhing haw more than one w." wud Mayor Kalftel (arxu. who^e iiiry o(Gcr overlooking a (Mirk it made ol old polcn and gl 心"h、n rnAttrr 浦 figiinng OUT how to rruAC (InnRS nnd thrn itttchifiw jxoplc hnw fn da H." I (15)_________ Thr loienf uddnion* arc I hr I ighthouMCh af I earning • hbscil <»n the great hghthounc and libr«ry in Alrxnndn®> Egypt • one nl the Mncirnt world f ■ gwn wonder*. Thr Hr*i IlghthtiiKc WJIR huilf z nn exprriment in 1995 to ikfcrrninc cxtictly who wuuld I19 und the effect it would h;ivr on the surrounding nrighliorhood. Within MIX monthsi uf being uprned. it WKB clenr thnt H waw popuhin Sn ahcr< A ll«hihou>r wu> binh tn each of the citynriKhborho(Mh. 5 (16)_________ uOne of the liKhthousrf* 康 ihrrr blocks Irorn rny hnn)r< I g il far AI) tny ^chnol pro/ei:th>H Mid l>eucirui COHU< a hi«h tchunl *rnlnr who ihrfn cnrnr hern line it 7 伯 M Nowt the Iwhlhcjuse hnvr becunie the focnl point oi ncighborluM)db ;md huvr cm enmr HHE Thry each co9t about $ 】80.000.( 17) 6 (18) llnhkr other cities where governnicnt buildings nrr locuird m flu often i»ohted« high rrni aren« government offices in ( uritiba nrc acce^fible to everyone on what i» known aw fiiurn Sirors rhcuc Citixen Street* arc colorful covered avenue* ul govcrnnirnt oil ires ii nd .hop. where reMirlrnt* cun pny utility bilh. «rt r mnrriagc hcrriHCf haw a H/jinut . buy grorerim or lllr A police rr|x)rte And InMrad <4 *onitt« the ci ("uritibn^ plAnncrn huvr mrrgtd tlunn AII together w that people am their time efketively AI ■ nnnifnuni rest. The I Hiycn Strcci* lutve 600-»rAt open thnitcni« Rports nrrn»t nnd clnh^roamB ihftt offer prufcMsiorud twining lur s | • course. In amt recent computer ckw ・ Mana Penlu.・ 2M-ye»r old teacher. .h@ rnrollvd tncAuwe aihe prux nghi. With my inc<>m«. thu it the only rouw to advancrinrnt. * 7 ( |9) Short cour»e> on how to make beltrf UK vl the rn^imnmmt ・ z udored (or homemaker*. cx>ntrartr/t> and mrrch.nl.. Ti drtvem have to take • io Rnt an operaiotr s IJCCTIMC. By the rnegc problem • until it introduced iz Mgarbugc that is not prograni. H. In 1991 ・ Cunuba built the Free (Jnivcrsily lot rhe Ervironnxcnt frnrn old Telephone polea. L Cuntiba IM now known as The worldf rccyclm« cnpiTaL J> Curitiba is also taking ROvernnicni to the people. Pari [J Read Pajisaqr 3 and decide whether thr following statements are true or raise. Write r for true und F for fuise on your answer sheet. (20 points t 2 points cuch) 3 I bc English (fhumeter I rhe Englisht as a mej have (hr reputation of being very difkrrnt form AII other BMtionflliuo« including thrir closest neighbors• the French• Belgians and 【hitch. It ts clainied that living on nn island ^eparnted from the rc^e a( Europe has much to da with it. Whnfevcr the reasons it may be fairly srnted that the Englishman h 也、developed many nnitudrh and hftbiis which disTinguish him from other nationalities- 2 Broadly gpmking. the Englishman » H quiet< hy ・ reserved person who K fully relaxed only umunu people hv knows writ When he encounters strangers or foruigncm he often 5<>ems unttHSy> even embnrTiissrd. You hove only tn witness n commuter train ony morning or evening to srr thr truth of this. Serious-looking businewmen and women sit reading thc?ir newspapers or dos)ng in u corneri no one spenk』In {act < to do so would *eem most unu^uaL An English wit. pretending to be Hiving advice to overscan vi«itur». onre 5uggcxtcd« °<)n rntrring a railway comportment shake handb with all the pa>senger^ H Needless tD say. he was not being ^erioiiK 1'hvre i> an unwritten but dtiarly under^tixid code a( hehnviuur» which, if broken• makes the person imnicdiately the object of suspicion- 3 If i、.1 wrJI known (act thnt thr EnKlibh have an obsession with their weather und thjit. given hnlf £ chance • they will talk fl bout it length. Some people nrgur that it is because English weather defies forecast and henctr is n source of inieresi to eve^onc. This nuy bt so. Ortninly Englishmen rjtnnoi have much fnith in the nirteorolo^ical experts - tht wcathrrmcn ・ who. after pramismg glorious> sunny wraihcr for lhe following day. arc often proved wrong when an anti-cyclonc over the Atlantic brings rainy wenthrr to all districts! The nun in the street seem> to bt as accurftteor as inaccurate*AS the weathermen in his predirtiiin^ Tlu5 helps n> explain tiic seemingly odd ^ight of <)ri Englishmnn leaving home on ・ bright > mutiny >umn)rr morning with a raincool nlung over his arm and an umbrella in hin hand So variable is thr wrathcr thm by lunchtime there could be thunder and lightning. 1 The overscan visitors rnay hr rxcuMrd for showing surprise at the number of refercnceu to weather that the English make io eitch other in thr course of a single day. Vrery often conventioniil greetings are replaced by comments on thr weAther. MNice dny,isnft 11 ^Beautiful!1* may well be heard instead of HGood morning, how are you?M Although the foreiMntr nmy consider this exaggerntud and comic> It i? worthwhile pointing out that it could br ti5td to his advnnUige. If hr want!* to Mart a conversation with an Englishman (or woman) but is n: s h* to know where to begin* he could do well to mention the sure of the wenthrr. It i« ■ -uifc subject which will encourage even the most reserved of Englishmen to enter into a discussion 5 In many pnrth of rhr world it i> quhe normal to show frank exirctnc* of cnrhu^u>nit ••motinn. wc?y . often Arc(ini|Minird by appropriAtr uesturen. The Englishmnn 厅 5orru wh>it diflrrrnt.()l tuurwc> AH Englishman (erU no Irm deeply th>n tiny other ruitionnhiy. but h< tends tr dUphy h2 krhng* far les%. Th" i< rrilrctrd in hi* u>r of 懦叫 u 咔 C Imagine ■ mun commenting on the great bcnuty of a young girl WhcrcA> . runn pt n murtr emotninnl nature mi«ht dencnbe hrr 仆 七 prkc)M> irwclHt “diuiruT ur wprecioiHHt the En«linhtnun will FUtiy , 姑 扑 *unu i^heS all An EnftH4imnn who hax Mcrn a highly ■ugU nod tnjoynble him rrcoinmrndB it to o Iricnd by commentingt wltS tint bad> you knuwa M Or on z rmg A hrcnrhuikinx bindscnpr hr might >bow l)|» pjrnnurr by ^nying:- NikL y—• rry nicv. " I hr uvrr?«rM^ viMtor mint not b< (lisnppointrd by thia opparent lock M intrniHt and ln*-oKrnicnt i he must rrnhxr rhnt Hnll nKhtH> b«df nnd atnicr orc very often uwl 45 ^uprrlotivCM wjth the sense M Ffchsu”. ^excellent"* HbcnutifulH< Thin W oil u>r? f»f b»nmiwgv> particularly common in English• is known nn uridrrRt/ifrTnrnt. Qiii-ntlon^ 2 l-.V line ba*cd <»(i 3. :'l h in hvliin un AH inland stpHfnteHl (rt»m thr rcsil of Huropr rhnt rnak「内 rhe Enghiihmnn very different from all other natUxmlinciu 1 rflvclling tn rorntnufrr trairiH ihf En-li'h people like tti fisni nrw?ipaprr^ to rebx< ?3. Acconliriu to nn unwrittrn rule nf brhnviowr people tio not hhnkn hAtidn with r«ch nt In r HI railway cnrnpurtnicnt*. In Efinbiml il a person d,心 Uilk about the weather hr immrdi^tvly 收 the object of ^unpimoru 25> Eii|;lirn in n m/r rhy. hi Enghrid d you Icrl « niburr^^cd when encotintcnrjH -ifrahger* the iicxt thiriK to do I* to mvnlion thr Sfntc u( thr wcnthcr. 3()・ I hr undrrRtntcmrnf tn the EHWIHII IH“X“IB 只 r »how* thnf the En「h ・ h lock deep feelings Part h Krnd Pu^ugr I and ansurr the following quentiunK Muke yuur unsucn* on ^hori und dear c》(WHsihlc. (20 point* • t points CMII ) Pus%Mgr I (hriMmiK ! fJeermber 25 IK cvkbrnied z the birthdny ol ChH*i> No one IM cenmn why thia day WAM choRen> It WUN probobly bccnuwct according io the cnlrndar thrn in iwc> I)ect-niber 25 wo thr time ol the yenr when winter dnya he«in to grow longer in the Northern Hemisphere. The >un worshipper* haocuted with (liriKtmHFi hnvr grown up» Muny ol these hftve been introduced from Europr> while other* haw their nrigm in Ameneftr 3 ChrtKirnn^ mumc is loved by all who hear and ning It every yean Christma> *ongs> belh« «nd merry niu»ir havr hern n pan of Chrifttnifla (or erntuhe% I he Christ man tree is the Hynil>ol of the spirit ol ChriAtnus in niAny homo, free* were not u»rd in English honirn until a (irrmati prince nidrned Queen Victoria. The prince hhil»<>nnry War. Lntcr (H-rmun immigraniH bronchi ihr trudition lino wider unr tn thr United Stntra. 4 Thr cu( drconiting n cuninumny tree (or nutdoar illwplfty began in the r«rly lUOUS «nd i» A Invountr cuntam all over /Xmencn today. Siner 19331 R()ckrlrllrt hi New York Chy. h.» put up n ginnt frrrf beAUlilully decorfttrd with light*. I hr Uec» " nlxiut 30 metres toll 5 Somr fnmi!ie<« (ipeti thch prment nn ChriiUmm Kvci uthern wait lot ihr nrxt rnnminR. Swmr Koyn* nrid tfirln1 prrRrnt> nrr pherd in RtiHking* onrrrtinK cnrd» hi KfitclAnd. One ol the firm Mrlintn Io dcNiKn «nd deewf n Christtn^is 顷 d in 1813 wo John C« Hondry. The curds were printed in bhok and white ond colortMl hy hnn(L About I »000 of them were Mold m London ih^ii yr*ar. Al nhaui the Mme nine, inothrt Ewhuh artrl« Willmni Egley• df^iKnrd a i nrd nnd h«d n printed. Kr MFI n hi"with the now familiar mrsMifte *A Merry ChristmAH gd B Happy New Yean " 7 A German immiArAin • l-outw Prangt dcMignctl a ml wld cokircd (Jirimrnnn uinh in l«74 ・ In I— than ID yenrw hlw uhop W.BB turning aul 5t000t000 c«r{ cordti Nrc MtH M (E ・ r WLWH rvery( hriwiniAm Whnlrvrr lunKinixr fhi Hrrrtmgn nrr wriniin ifu ihc •H Since when h” Rorkrfdhr Pig. irj New York City, put up ・ giant ChrhimMA trrr 3』.Where cun boys ond itirh unuiilly find their ChrtMinuM 叩 “e, M. Who WNH ihr Hrui nrtist (u dtsiign itrui ftctul a ChriMniAA and; 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) Part 1 (30 points t 3 points each) L the stressful pressures of working hard to get ahead 2. n group of people who have chosen to live together with A common purpose 3. the feeling of belonging and mutual -tnpport L with ageti ranging from children to seniors 5. a large cooperative community in rural Tennessee 6. intentionnl cominunincs 7. land and house 8. Vashon Co Housing Community's 9. Uncle Martin 10. intrntionnl communities Port U (30 points, 3 pointn each) Pari QI (20 points9 2 points each) Part [V (20 pointse I points each) 3L From Europe und America. 32. From I hr tinic when a Grrmnn princ e rnnrrird Quern Victoria. 33. 1933 3 L In stockings hung at rhe foot of their beds or under the Christmas tree. 35. John C H()rslcy> 1LC 13. I I LD 15. A 16. F 18J 20. B 21. I- 23. T 21. F 26. F 28. T 29. T 30. F


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