国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语写作》2024-2025 期末试题及答案(试卷号:1359)
Part I VocahulAry and Structurr [ 10 point*
Qur^lion* 1 3 «rv IIUMXI on thr (OIIOWIIIK
( hixnc the npproprlatr swd,or cxprcwhuu from the box ti> cnmplcfr Ihr followinis pur^ftnaph.
Ihrrv art I HREE rxtm cholrn lh»< you don11 ticc
|uM n» D. biuiiitrn
i ・ 电 &>r 理#mpl© (,1 ikvwitic ___ H. drvofr
Writers «m! urr ^imdur in thnl ihry both Imrn ilirir rrMi hy imiiMiing nunti rif people Rkillvil
in rlu ernih ! hry (I) H deal «if Time nnd conrrnlrnticHi UJ fullowniK lhr* tniiAlrrA. _ ) •
bchirr the potIrr enn prochirr n drlirnlt? vunr ur n ^ymrnrlricnl
pitchcre hr(ir nhr tnuMt npcini flmr wntchinK H mnster al work. (3) . 4 iw>vii r writrr
cannot produrr(i well orKnnurd rnMy or even n colirrml [小 rnxm/i without lirwt studying g(x)d
nuxIcU* 「hf potter ubwrvc^ the wny the rxp« rt the wheel ntid lhe chyi then he ur >hc trien tu
du exactly whot the tna^tet htm dunr. Sinulnrly • the npprrtiticc wriivr ( I) thr work of n mnsfer
writer. I hr pdter l>r|pnw with HHIMIL Mimpk pro|rri^ In thr name wny• the writer with nhnn
parAMrnphn nnd prix?rrdn to thr rMAy only nftrr
niiiBirrinK thr biiMici. So pint MW thr pjilrr 1 5} _ nn conHuunic^tr r((eciiv< ly w(t< r »!urlyinK the work of niMNlrf wrhrrM
Part 2 Puni^niph OrganlxMthui and Development ( 10 poinlw I Qui^liom 6—8 urt- bxwd tm the fnllo^lnu
(15 point*)
Read the following paragraphs Chocmt the bcM answer tn cnch question. Write your nniwer A t B or
C on Ihe Amwer Sheet
PnragrAph A
Shicuplc> Evcrvurw ur< du money ti> fi cd. t kithr nnd providr
acTCHiiinodAtion lor ihemnelvcs and then family. Il i» humnn nature for pcoplr io waul to do the
bc ・l they can (of themxclvm «nd thrir fnniilics* Thi ・ wotnetimra ninkrw people chix»i*c ” particular
occupattotu Accept working cundlttain> which may include
night wcirkiriK> or take on unct)m(ortnbly high level® of fc«pon»ibilhy« TKCRC lncfuni will loud
toin ^omr people.
PnrMKrMph C
Familir>. however• need rnotr thun (innncial Kecurity. HusbnrwlM «nd wive、, parents *nd
chilrlrrn ncr for iiutnncc^ many people live in Overcrowded cities nnd Hprnd Almont
ftll their time working- If thry luvc no time tu relax with thrir childrene (ensiuns may aniic between
『Jtmily member* nnd thi^ cun cause
Pnnigniph I)
Despite these IACH nhaut Ih modern world • ihrrt? arc people who succeed in achieving n proper
bHlnncc between work und family hie. in my opinion, they do thia by marviKH>U their ntnc rffiarntly
und by limiting how hr they nllow ihrir john to intrdrrc with thrir home life. ParAgraph K
In conclnsione I would esy dint people bccomr stressed bccuu^r they nrr unnblr to achieve nn
Appropmitr bnlnacc between the detnnndn ul work and thetr farnily conimiifnrnteu
6. Which of the killnwing in thr to|)ic sentence For pnrnKrnph (、。
A. Fnrnllim. however• n»wrd more thnn HnnnciAl security.
It Hu、h,md、«nd wiven# parents and children need to develop ihrtr rvlAtion^hips hy spending
time tugeihrn
(:. Shortage of titnr frequently CAUMC«
7. Which %tatcnirht RMmrnAriseA the writer*H paml of view?
A. People become %trr»>r<| brcMU!«r they cannot jichirvr the right balnncc between the
pressure of work AIH! ihvir 而 mly coTnmnmentK.
K Peoplr a«rcr that AUCSA IM on the tncrchw but they diMAgrcr on whnt couNrA %h levrU cif
In the modern world.
C. It i、the rc^punwihility o( both ihr rtnploycr* and ihr rnipluyrri to rrducr work KlNtvl
时 54
8. Which of the following describes the oruuni^Ation of (he essay?
A. Development from general to spccihc.
11 Ikvclopnirnl by definition.
C. Development by time.
Question 9 Supply the missing support to complete PaniRmph A . (25 points)
• Make sure your tone and the vocabnlar)' you use urr In unity with the relevant paragraphs.
• Write about 6 80 words. Write your an.%i*er on the Answer Sheet.
Parngruph A
Using the Internci ax a mejins of communication not only resuha in les» hutn^n interaction but
also estranges familirs and friten 奴 AM the Internet provides users with many ch rap and powerful
applications and communication tools> people have become more and more dependent on iu (Add
supporting details here____________________________
Surely An riunil will not canilorr someone in,hospital bed an much 419 on actual visit no EMM,r
how shcirl the vmif m” br< and nn oltcrnoon together will strengthen a (nrnchhip or fntnily tir
unr hundrrd timcn more thnn nn nftrrnooh1 % rh?t! onlinn I brhuvr that nn mutter how convenient
tlir Internci mny hr. h no! he ovcruncd.
PnruRruph H
Samr proplt may nrgur thnt thr invention o( the InlcmeT bridged fhr g/ip hclwrrn prople< not
widrnvd it. rhiM i* Irur trchniadly• r^pcrirtlly (or pttiplr who live fur away (ruin onr Another.
1 iowwer> if people living ifi the H;Irnr my camrnunirate with one another utdy through the Internet
ihry m«y cvcnfiwlly lose the human touch that krv|>s relationMhif)M goin».
Purl 3 Writing un Essuy [50 point%'
Question 1() Write an c、戏 y on the follnwlnu tuple.
Some people believe llui children whi^ arr inught to coopernie rather ih^n corn pet r , 丝
• T。whm Etnt do you 瞄 0?。or 巾“"山・ WHII ・ hi ・・ VM-W ?
• Ynu Mhniihi Atnir your npirinni^
• You should explain /Mippori yaur opnitons.
• Writr about 150 180 words>
• wrier your tir^wcr hret<
Part 1 Vixobulury and S< rue turf 1U pulnK« 2 pnhi(* cuch |
l ・ H 2. F 3 ・(; t r>
Purl 2 PuniurMph OrKunMiillftn untvrlf»|iinrnl | 40 pt»hil*
Qur(lh>n^ 6 H ( I Ci poinu# 5 points each )
" 7. A 8. A
Qur^tlnn。 (25 poinls)
Murkiritf Bl 匕)
I 明 !hi? Inirrnr! n nio/inn of 1 omtnuniniiKHi noi only rr and an Afternoon together will strengthen a friendship
or family tie one hundred times more tiwin an afiernoonf s chat online I belies^ that nu matter how
convenient ihr Internet may ht?・ if should nnt be avcrtiRcd.
Part 3 Wriling an Essay "50 points!
Question 10 Marking GuidclincN<供参考〉
46—50 分 内容切顾,完整:条埋酒范,文律始构严谨 W 法正踊•浴言通倾恰当•句式用 词富有
变化.有-国光点、基本无沿由 AI0L
11 15 分 内再切题•完整;条理消能.艾章站构严谨;治法正确.语言讪啖恰当;有少址 语法
31—W 分 内容基本切映,兜 E 条理基本清楚,文&堵构用本严洋;语法甚本正确,语 ,基本
通顺帝当;有少量语言幅 iSL
21—30 分 内喜基本切题.完整,条理不够清楚 i 较多甬言错误.许多同使用不当・
11—20 分 内奔偏题•不完土思路混乱.讷句不完整出有少数句子亓以理解.词 if 拼 写销误较
0-10 分 内容偏匙.不完整,恐路混乱.语句不完 sh 句于无法埋解.