河南自考英语 对话2

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河南自考英语 对话2

1.Jane: Carol,you look very well. Carol:Thank you,Jane.You look Wonderful too.Your weekend tennis must hav e done you good. Jane: ________. a. That's very kind of you b. Are you kidding? Thank you anyway c. You think so?That's encouraging d. I don't believe it.You are flattering me 2.Li: Hello.I'm ringing about the flat advertised in today's Star.____? Mrs.Green: Yes,it is.Two or three people have rung up about it,but nobod y's been to see it yet. a. Is it still available b. Is it still empty c. Is it still free d. Is it still blank 3. Customer: Excuse me! Clerk: Yes ma'am? What can I do for you? Customer: I have a problem with this coffer maker,and I want my money b ack. Clerk: ______? Customer: The problem is that it doesn't work! I've only used it three times. a. why b. well,are you sure c. What's the matter with it on earth d. Well,what seems to be the problem 4. At a Party. Adam: This is a great apartment. Tammy: I think so,too.______? Adam: No,I'm Adam. I came with Carl. I don't really know anyone here. Carl's told me about most of his friends,but I can't match the names with the faces. a. Excuse me,but do I know you b. Excuse me,could I know you c. Excuse me,do you mind telling me your name d. Excuse me,but do you know me 5. Salegirl: Good morning,miss.Can I help you? Mary: Yes,I'd like half a kilo orange,please. Salegirl:________. Anything else? Mary: No,thank you. a. These oranges are for you b. Give you the oranges c. There you are d. Here are you 6. Wang: I've got an appointment.I'm going to meet a friend in London at 3 p. m. It's already a quarter past 2.________. David:I'm going into London.I can give you a lift if you like. Wang: Could you really? That would be great. a. I'll never make it b. I'll never do it c. I'll never reach it d. I'll never attain it 7. Clerk: Good morning.Can I help you? Mr.Smith: Yes,I'd like a ticket to New York 9:15 tomorrow morning. Clerk: _______? Mr.Smith: Single,please a. Single or two b. Single or return c. Single or double d. Single or back 8. Ted: Hi,Christine.___________? Christine: Hi,Ted.I just bought a new camping tent.I can't wait to use it. a. What's on b. What's up c. What's wrong d. What's right 9. Jane: Hello Sally.Fancy meeting you here! Sally:Hello,Jane.Haven't seen you for a long time.You've got marride,haven' t you Jane: Yes,I have.I got married four years ago. Sally:_________. a. Oh,wish you happiness b. Oh,really?Enjoy yourself c. Oh,my congratulations d. Oh,is it?Have a happy life 10. Phone call. Daughter: Ok,Dad.Nice talking to you and glad everything's all right._______. Dad: All right.Good-bye. Daughter: Good-bye,Dad. a. Say“How are you?” to Mom b. Say“Are you OK” to Mom c. Give Mom our care d. Give Mom our love 参考答案: 1、c. You think so?That's encouraging That's very kind of you. 表示对别人帮忙的致谢。 Thank you anyway. 在求助未果后的致谢。 I don't believe it.You are flattering me. 不符合英语习惯,即便对方的话只是恭维,回 答也不要造实说,而是要礼貌地表示欣喜或感谢。 2、a. Is it still available empty: 空的 free: 免费、自由 blank:(纸张,表格等)空白 3、d. Well,what seems to be the problem 其它的问得太直接或欠礼貌 4、a. Excuse me,but do I know you? 请问我们以前见过面吗? 5、c. There you are. 销售员把东西给顾客时说“给您”对应的英语:There you are. 6、a. I'll never make it. 表示“根本做不到” 7、b. Single or return. 表示“要单程票还是往返票” 8、b. What's up. What's up? 表示“忙什么?”或“什么事?” What's on? 表示“放映什么?” What's wrong? 表示“出了什么问题?” What's right? 表示“什么是对的?” 9、c. Oh,my congratulations 听到别人的喜事后一般要表示恭喜。 10、d. Give Mom our love 转达对母亲的问候。

