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A. Aa matter of fuel IL A% n m»ttrr <4 het thr riMchine? B. working 「• worked 国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语(1)》2022-2023 期末试题及答案(试卷号:2158) I ・ Vc^abulMry und Structure Dlrectloa^t ikneath cuch of the following sentences f there HFC four chukc* mnrkctl Mt>dD« ChonM thr one that bwt cotnpleteN the NcntcrKe. Murk your un^wer on the At Ih C ANSWER SHEET. (20 polnh) Exam pie The old couple at luU in finding a flat to rrn/. A# niana^rd H. did 1). luecfrded Th,hfntrncr ihoutd read •“Id coup/r redfd at lusl in finding u flat S rffU. Thcrf/orf. you nhtmld ihnoir [). 1. lfd my it was the nicest wc^vr rvri tnktML A. vocAtinn B- vncAnon C. indication 11 orrupHtion 2< As n nursery tcflchcft you miKtn11 be with tbr children. A. impiossiblc B- impractical C important Il inipntient 3. "I hcrc WAS more work than I could A. handle with B copr with C work over t fhey pfttd A vinit to (hr nvw noighburn> 5. A. courtrou* K courtyard C. ctiurtehy (.)• cotirnKcotis . hr knew noihing about in 7.「Hd you hnve in mind? 8. 1 have a car rnynclf« but 1 A. special anything It nothinx tprciAl (二 unytliinn Rprnnl 11 ^pvciiil nathinK C. would rather drive D. not would rather drive 9i I t nny good Tnovis recently< —________ huve | . :A« Nat B. Eithrr C So D. Neither 10. I don ft Are any aspirin in the medicine rnbinet. 一-It b<- used up. I here is nothing left tn the box. A ・ con H. must G may [I should D . Silualiona) Dialofnics Directionv: ( IKKJM1 A. B or C to complete each cnnvrrxHlinn. <1 血只 the senlenceib below. Mark your sinswvr DO the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Exitniplr| - Ohi look. Joni Mitrhrll HI town. — What? Sht、one of thr grrntest (oik singrrs in I hr world) A. Who、ihttt? rve never heard o( her. 11 Sure* I'm in fuwiu C ・ Yc^・ r(n ulod ahrcoming. Answer A ix correct hrcni^r thr convrrH«non should rc/id •" Oht look< Joni Mitchrll m in town. Who •» that I9 ur wnrr hrurd of h.r. What? She's one of the greatest folk singers in the world!" 11. —_________ • I'm it win one ol the funtiicst parts of the niuvicn. 17. Do you mind if I !/ikc oft my com? . A. Of ciHir^r not • mnkv youraclf At home. Ik ND. thnnki. Ihrtl1 n rn/tlly mcr cif yuiL 1 h«i '■ too kind ol you. (/niilfl you trll rnr which hu5 g(>e> to fhr Fine Art^ Muwcum? A. Sorry. Pvr never been therr. IL Yon r«n Mwqyit rakr n tnxL C ・ I ihink No- I6 in OK. Sh< cnllrd to remind you that you hnvc ticket* fi>r thr tennis tournamenr« MO you fshould try to get hnmr bcforr six. At YenJ I carripletdy forgot about rhe flight! When it the phin leaving? B. (?ould you vail thr hAirniylist iin larnorrow? C- ()h> no! I mudr nn Hp|xiintrnent to grt my hair cut then. 2(L Jim' decided xo mprty rhnt ftirl who hr rurt on v^irritiun last mutitha . A. You*rr kidding! Hninr** I hopt* hcf % not making A lerribk- miaMkc It fhut f MOCK! nrwv I hope「II bt able to take part tn the journey C Rr/illy? They nre k<>ing on holiday again? 111.Clo«r lc«t Directions y For each numbernJ blank In the following paisiugc> there urr four chuices ntnrkcd A ♦ H. C Midi, ChooM? the l)csl one and mark your answer <»n the ANSWER SHF E I. (20 llw rnnnngcr of n Nmall buildinR company WOJT vrry _2J io gel n bill (or two whnt micr which one of hin workmen had bou-hR Hr nmi for thr worknmn and aiikcd him why hr had had the bill 22 to the compAny> "WML” thr workman wnnwered. M you remember the hon?ic wu wvrr "3 in Newbridge U&t week* don91 you? One of th Thm 1 tivd n thread to lie seni K to sent C send I >. mnt 23> A. mending H. denning C. rcpainnK I), utiting 21. A. thirty feel-long K thirty foots lan|> C. thirty frvl long D. thirty fccru long 25. A. None of u9 No one in C Np o( u« l>. None g 26. A. AM Bt w C ・ while r>. whrti 27. A. even though K AS though 匚 in (act D ・sure enough 23. A. pulled R pushed C< hftrd r>. brought 29. A. nlong U through .C inside r>. towAird:& 30. A. received K /igrred C< pAid D. coAhcd IV. Rending Coniprchcnsicm IMnTtion^t Hach No one wn> in Mijjht. ii wiu n wtreef wilh two rows of nbout fifty small houses» 4nd there were three lampN on either unit. The lamp neflrejii fhc child9 s house could be seen cltnrly> but the others were nitnuHt hidilrn by the nrnoke air. A car paired the rnd ol the street nnrl lighT* showed (ainvly« hul clrnrly rnciuRh io xhow the nmooth ukin of n wnrwirT H (ACC. The enr dKappr/irril AN the womant wrapped up in hvr CLMitf reached the doorway of lh「child I hotiKc. Shr put ・ key tn the lock quickly • pushed the door open and stepped in»ide« then closed thr daof without looking round Shr began lo brrathc hnr the door of thr front room• the passage IrAciing TO thr knrhcn« and the nnrrow stn)rcAjie« She hcMiimed outride the door* then went up the MiiirMt «|inckly but with hnr(Uy ti %ound> There wn> ennugh IIRHI from the nnrrow hull to ■how ihe four doors Irddiiig off n bmnll landing. She pushed each door open in turn nnd ethoOe n torch mmdr. nrnl the light (rll upon btdui wnlht furniturr> A bathroom hand』川%in. A mirror which fh^hed hriuhlnens bncki bin this wnM mil whm ih< woman W/IM looknig fan She turned away and wvnt h-roomt 妙 wnnted< Two rooms arniiinedi the front room and a smaller one next TO it. She opened the front room doon After n moment# she MW the child' bed And the child 31 ・ The "hi ol the enr passing the end of the street showed thai . A. A woman WHN driving the car 11 somronr wn> standing by a street lamp C a man and a woman were walking up the street D ・ a woman was walking by herxelf up the street 32- When the woman had closed the front door, she________________ • A. looked round quickly B> started brenthing x^ain C< rested Mure moving D. walked straight toward* the front room 33. The woman went upMMirn____________・ t. in complrtr silence K after heAiuting for a moment ( After looking imncle the kitchen D. as quickly as shr could 34. When wns upm 心.the woman ___ • A- JUIW that there was a wash-bastn in each room H. noticed A mirror which she was looking for C< found a torch instdc one of the rooms IX opened four different door, 35. ()ncc she WAR in the house, the woman behaved as il whai *he was looking for A. might be in the kitchen B> w»> morr likely to be up^tnrrs C. would be easily sren by the liftht Irom the hall D. would look fn^htening to a child (fu^ttons 36~VJ are based on fhr following passage. Gmcration^ of ?mcnrans have been brought up to hrhrvc that n good breakfaa! is otte n( lite99 essentials Eating breakfast At the start o( the ctay, we have all been told, and told againt i,R5 nvccMMry as putting gasoline m thr family car before starting A trqx I Hit for many people thr thought of food hr«t thing in the morning is by no means a pleasure< AO despite nil the efforts. they still rake no brrakfa&u Between 1977 and I983t the la!c*t year for which fiRures are avatlablef the number of people who didn't have breakfast increased by 33% from 8.8 million to IL 7 nulHon — accorciing to the Chicagobased Market Research Corporation of America^ For fho5c who feel pnin ol guilt About not rating breakfast • howrvert there is some good nrw^ Several studies in ihr hnt few VEiiris indjcute ihat> far ndults C5pedally9 there may be nothing wrong with omitting hrmkfasi. ~ Going without brcitkfast doM no! affect perforrnancritM said Arrold E Bendtr• former professor ol nutrition at Queen Elizabeth (Tollrge rn lx)ndon« * nor doc^ giving people brefiklnst improve performance^ ” Scientific evidence linking hrenkfast to het ter health ar better performance in surprisingly inndequatcr ind most of rvernt work involves children t not adults u The lilcrmun!.” my* one rrsrrirrhrr. Dr. Ernesto Pollitt at the University o( TCXHS. poor.” 36. [ he Ifttriit yeur for which figures could be obtained is________________ . A. I he yenr the author wrote I he article B. 1977 C any yenr between 1977 and 1983 Il M83 37. For those who do noi take hreakfaM the good nrwji in that_________________. A- several studies have been done in thr past few years B. the amission ol breskfaRt doe® no Kann to odulise health C. adultsi have especially mnde studies in This field I h rating little :n the fnorninK ts good for health 3B. giving people bruakUnt improve h* pvrformoncc° mran»_________________ . A anyonr without hrrakfasT does improve htn fjvrfurrnnnce K. not givrng people hreAkfn^t improves performance C ・ KHVIHK brrakb^t doesnet improve pcrformancet either II people having breakfast do improve their prrfurmflncct too 39. The word ^litcr4iUirrH in lhe la^l ^rntener triers to • A ・ utorit-t. pncinA. |>Uyn. etc. B. written wurku on ■ |mrtj<:ulAf *ub)icl ( any firinird mutrnn) U. I hr modern liicrRturr of Ainrricw 40. Whut i» implied but NOT STATED by the author iti fhm 一 ・ A> brctiklnxl dtws nut nffret performanre H. I)n Pollitt in in rt^rarch work /it itn inntituttun u! higher lc#trnitiH C ・ not cAiHig brcAkluib! niiKht alfrrf thr hrnhh of children D. Profesnor Brndrr oner t/iught collrgr ccnirnrh in riutmton in London V < rrunNlMtlon DirectlonMi Put each of the fullnwin|> ^cnlcncew Into Knglhh or ( hincnct u^ing the word(t> Rhen In I he brBeket If any. Write your answer on thr ANSWER SHEET. (20 point*) 4 L (;,nphuluxima behevr (hut you enn Icnrii M lul nbout people?' p(dnnalnio by lookinK Mt the way they write 12» W you hnvr io much ♦ person with « etild or bnndk ^onn thinH thut ihr person Im UMedt w」mh ynur handii immcdinicly nherwmd、. 43> If the weather i» cohl« 1 pu! on iipnw wwnn clolhr* nnd go (or long wnlk> oh the *horr with my g. H. MM 的建仗 JB 饵先御决耶妲 15 成人们元次,小门的《枳未)问他・ Uiuurk) t5. A.A 的 M 以问 卜你足有可以带血仆么.比 g 的成寿州,什么的. (bnnR) 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) I « (20%# - pilnls for r»ch Hrm« ) 2. I) 9. D I! (20% f 2 |N>lnts (nr meh Item. J 20. A 111. (20%. : points for r>cb item.) 25. A 30. C I. H fi. D IL C 13. H IL A 15. 18. C 22. D IV . (20% t ? |MiinU for cuch item.) 3J- D 32. ;C 36. D 37. H 38. C 39. B 40. C (20^a, I pt»lnU for cnch llrni.) 侦 M、地?r,F4: •定所愉答案光金一样•,体准墉南会句 jft•无仍法俐促・ m • T 分,介句血/巾大讷法靖误.将 3 2 分 8 下 t 符仆句息.有明显讷正情谀,相 I 分;4、n 1 句息・句 F 无底诚 tii.wo 分.凡恤情况•的悄扣分•) 。■从为他们印以极 1K 人们"字的力式君出他们的个性. 12.版果你必荆勺忠 4 捋口的人接触成石*他川过的尔州时脂应 2 叩洗 r. 43. 如球天,冷•我就 4 一地收瞄和的衣服,和我的啊住海边长时间地敝小・ 44. 3 hr mo^t pruniiuinH HUHKcniiunn nr^ tho5r thnf will .ittnrk the prcibleni* llinl nindv I^Oplc homelcMS tn the firnt pUc6« 45. 1( 1 hr dinner K in(ormnt« «nk il you enn bring tomethinitf •uch ” Aonwthing to


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