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采蘑菇 Scene Ⅰ 第一幕 道具:门 There is a sunny day and Mother Rabbit is going to pick up the mushrooms. (画外音)有一天,天气特别晴朗,兔妈妈决定出门采蘑菇。 (Mother Rabbit carries a basket, but suddenly she remembers something. So she comes back home.) 【兔妈妈提着篮子上,忽想起一件事来,又返回来】 Mother Rabbit:Oh, my dear children, I’m going to pick up the mushrooms. You two must practise running at home. 兔妈妈:(对着小白兔和小黑兔)孩子们,妈妈出去采蘑菇了,你们在家要好好 练习跑步。 Rabbits: OK, Mum. We must practise running carefully. Bye! 小白兔和小黑兔:(一起回答)放心吧,妈妈,我们会认真练习的。再见! Mother Rabbit: See you, my children. 兔妈妈:孩子们,再见! 【兔妈妈提篮采蘑菇,音乐响。】 Scene Ⅱ 第二幕 Little White Rabbit: Little Black Rabbit,let’s practise running. 小白兔:小黑兔,咱们练习跑步去吧! Little Black Rabbit: Don’t worry! Let’s play a game, first. 小黑兔:(懒洋洋地)玩一会,再去吧! Little White Rabbit: No, we should be hurry. Do you remember what Mum said.? 小白兔:快去吧,你忘了妈妈临走时告诉咱们的话了吗? Little Black Rabbit: All right. 小黑兔:(不高兴地撅着嘴)那好吧! (The two rabbits are practising running. Little White Rabbit does seriously, but Little Black Rabbit doesn’t work carefully. A while later, Little Black Rabbit goes to the bedroom and have a sleep.) 【音乐起, 小白兔和小黑兔一起练习跑步。小白兔认真刻苦,小黑兔应付了事。不一会,小 黑兔回到屋里睡觉去了。】 Scene Ⅲ 第三幕 Little White Rabbit: I should find a friend to have a running race with me. 小白兔:(自言自语)我去找个伙伴比一比。 Little White Rabbit: Hello, Brother Horse. 【骏马上】 小白兔:(迎上去)骏马大哥,你好! Brother Horse: Hello, Little White Rabbit. 骏马:小白兔,你好! Little White Rabbit: Let’s have a running race, OK? 小白兔:咱们俩比赛跑,好吗? Brother Horse: With me? A running race? 骏马:(半信不疑地)和我,比跑步? Little White Rabbit: Yes, I want to VS you. 小白兔:对呀!我想和你比一比。 Brother Horse: All right, let’s go. 骏马:好样的,那就来吧! (After the race, Little White Rabbit loses to Brother Horse) 【音乐响,比赛开始,小白兔落后了。】 Scene Ⅳ 第四幕 Little Black Rabbit: Little White Rabbit, Little White Rabbit, where are you? 小黑兔:(醒来,伸了个懒腰)小白兔,小白兔!(四处望望) 【乌龟上】 Little Black Rabbit: Hi, Uncle Tortoise: 小黑兔:乌龟大叔,你好! Uncle Tortoise: Hi, Little Black Rabbit. 乌龟:小黑兔,你好! Little Black Rabbit: Let’s have a running race, OK? 小黑兔:(看了看乌龟的样子)咱们俩比赛好吗? Uncle Tortoise: With me? You must win the race. 乌龟:(很吃惊)和我比赛!那你一定赢! Little Black Rabbit: I beg you please,please! 小黑兔:(拉着乌龟)乌龟大叔,比一比嘛,比一比嘛! Uncle Tortoise: Well, OK, let’s start. 乌龟:好吧,陪你锻炼锻炼! (After the race, Little Black Rabbit has got the first place.) (音乐响,比赛开始,小黑兔跑得很快,得了第一。) Scene Ⅴ 第五幕 In the evening, Mother Rabbit goes home with a basket of bushrooms (画外音)晚上,兔妈妈提着一大篮子蘑菇回来。 Mother Rabbit: My dear children, I’m coming. 兔妈妈:孩子们,我回来了。 Rabbits: You’re so hard today. 小白兔、小黑兔:妈妈辛苦了! Mother Rabbit: Who is the winner ,today?I will give the biggest mushroom to him. 兔妈妈:你们今天谁跑得最出色?我奖给他一个最大的蘑菇! Little Black Rabbit: Today I took part in the race, and I won the race. 小黑兔:(得意地)今天我参加跑步比赛,得了第一名! Little White Rabbit: Today I took part in the race, too. But I lose it. 小白兔:(难为情)今天我参加跑步比赛,落在后面了。 Mother Rabbit: I see. But who are you VS today? 兔妈妈:你们今天都跟谁比赛了? Little Black Rabbit: I’m VS Uncle Tortoise. And I’ve got the first place. 小黑兔:(神气地)我跟乌龟大叔赛跑,得了第一名。 Little White Rabbit I’m VS Brother Horse,but he runs faster than me. 小白兔:(难过地)我跟骏马大哥比赛,他跑得比我快多了。 Mother Rabbit :(Kiss Little White Rabbit, then gives him the biggest mushroom) This is your prize. 兔妈妈:(亲了亲小白兔,从篮子里挑出一个最大的蘑菇)这是给你的奖品。 Little Black Rabbit: I’m the winner today.,but why do you give the biggest mushroom to him? 小黑兔:(不服气)我今天得了冠军,为什么把最大的蘑菇给 小白兔? Mother Rabbit Because he can have a race with a master-hand. 兔妈妈:因为他敢和高手比呀! Little Black Rabbit: I’m sorry. I know, I’m wrong. 小黑兔:(难为情地)妈妈我知道自己错了。 Mother Rabbit: Don’t worry. Remember Know to make a change by mistake. This one is for you.( She gives Little Black Rabbit a mushroom,too)兔 妈妈:(从篮子里又挑出一个最大的蘑菇),孩子,知错就改也是好孩子,妈妈把 这个蘑菇奖给你。Little White Rabbit: Mum, Little Black Rabbit, let’s sing and dance. 小白兔:妈妈,小黑兔,妈妈我们一起跳舞吧! 【音乐起,小动物们一起上,谢幕。】

