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研究生面试自我介绍模板「精选」 ‎ ‎  研究生面试自我介绍模板 ‎  ___,出生于19____年____月____日____省____县。自小我与土地亲近,与自然感情之久不需置疑。与____学结缘始于母亲的《____》和父亲的《____》。我接受了正规的十二年中国基础教育,十二年寒窗乏善可陈。曾____次参加中学____竞赛,分别取得____奖和 ____奖。高中三年,平心而论只拼了半年,用减肥八千克换了一张____总分的高考成绩单。怀着对____学的一腔热情,力排众议报考了____大学生命科学学院,并被录取。‎ ‎  进入大学,发现理想中之自由开放的象牙塔仍遥不可及,但对我来说已经是如鳅得泥。虽然与中学相比,课程的负担不止增加了倍余,但我更喜欢这种忙碌。基础课的教学,应该不能算得上理想,我想这是多数大学的通病。不过,课程本身的吸引力,远远大于我对教学方式的不满。虽然没有在拿到全部的优秀,但也算是顺利通过。英语拿下____级,也似小马过河,不是一件异常恐怖的事情。在顺利完成学习任务之余,课外阅读成了我的最大爱好,三年间省下了别人喝咖啡的钱全部买了书。 ____年北京,____年上海,每次都把钱包里的钱换成了更加充实的书包里的书。至今,床头的三层书架全部塞满了各种____学读物,被同学戏称为 ____大图书馆____学分馆。为了及时了解科技界特别是生物学界的动态,各种杂志成了我最大的涉猎品,《____》《____》千金难求,《____》的中文版三年来一期不缺。‎ ‎  在学校,最大的乐土莫过于实验室,即使基础实验成了理工科学生最为诟病的孱头。虽然无法完全掌控实验,但我力争求变,看到自己的思想被证实或被否定,实在是一件乐事。儿时与土地的亲近和十几年住院生活让我对实验操作本身颇有体会。三年来,十几门实验课,门门都是优秀,每每成为实验同伴偷懒的理由,这也是大学时光里的一个美好的回忆。‎ ‎ 闲暇之余,背上帐篷和睡袋,深入____南部的山山水水中,虽然没有云南风光旖旎,还是能寻找到一份城市中失落已久的难得清静。带上地质锤和放大镜,张夏、山旺,都是好去处。和奥陶纪、寒武纪、第四纪的生灵们打个招呼。虽然还上升不到分子的水平,也算是对进化的小小研究了。我们提出的____观点得到了著名____学家____的一致肯定。比之讨论恐龙灭绝,我更喜欢探讨生命的诞生。在这里,进化不仅仅是一个生物学课题,更是一个哲学命题。我对进化生物学及进化基因组学的认识将在下面的一篇小文中展开,在此就不加赘述了。‎ ‎  最后,____年大学生活行将结束,未来的研究生生活即将展开。对我来说,____院系统始终是我的唯一选择,我需要的是一个纯粹的研究氛围。 ____正是这样一个地方。无论是我目前主攻的____方向,还是我的兴趣所在-____,____都有国内顶尖的教授和实验条件。倘若能有幸成为 ____的一员,在如此优秀的研究条件下工作,还有什么能说的呢?‎ ‎  研究生面试自我介绍模板 ‎  professors:‎ ‎  It is my great pleasure to be here. My name is **** , graduated from ****Department of **** University.During my four-year study in the university as an under-graduate student, I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities. I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals. Whats more, I am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation. All of these led me to the success of passing the first round of the entrance examination to the Masters degree. Personally, I am very humorous and easy-going, enjoying a good relationship among my classmates. In my spare time, I like to read books regarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Music and movies are my favorite entertainments. As for my sport interest, I could not deny my greatest interest is football. Playing this game brings me a lot of glory, happiness and passion. All in all, Wuhan University, with a highly qualified faculty and strong academic environment is the university I have long admired. I believe that I am a very qualified applicant for admission into your Master of IT program and can contribute ‎ to the enrichment or diversity of your university.‎ ‎  THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!‎ ‎  研究生面试自我介绍模板 ‎  Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ****** department of *****University in July ,21.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you.‎ ‎  I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those ****.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our countrys team.‎ ‎  I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******.‎

