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英语(心得)之优秀教育(心得) 一堂充分体现新课程理念的英语课
英语论文之优秀教育论文 一堂充分体现新课程理念的英语课 一堂充分体现新课程理念的英语课 韦 淼 新课程要求教师加强对学生学习策略的指导,为他们的终生学习奠定基础,使学生养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略。倡导“以人为本”,注重学生学习成为一种自觉行为的学习观,把学习的主动权真正还给学生。新课程以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。不仅以语言知识、语言技能为重点,而且更注重学生的学习策略、情感态度和文化意识。新课标指出:“改变英语课程过分重视语法的词汇知识的讲解和传授……从生活体念、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力……”中学英语教学是以话题为核心、以任务为主线、以活动为载体、以学生为中心的一种有效的教学形式。前不久我在网上听了一节视频课新一届省教坛新秀---六中分校英语老师吴舒兰参赛的英语课。这一堂课无论是教学观念还是教学方式都充分体现了新课程的理念。 案例 Go For It Book 7 How much are these pants? Section ALanguage goalIn this section students learn to ask about prices, talk about clothing, and thank someone.New languagel How much are these socks?They are two dollars,How much is the blue T-shirt?,It’s ten dollars,OK, I’ ll take it, Thank you, You’re welcome.l Items of clothing, colors black, white, green, red, blue, numbers 10-31Recycled languagel I like……l Do you have……l Numbers 1-9, 10-31教学过程有来自全区各地、市、县约1000 名英语教研员、教师和领导。l T: There are so many teachers here now.Why not sing a song for them?l 学生们唱了一首英语歌曲“雪绒花”。歌声优美嘹亮。由此其英语程度可见一斑。l TSs: Welcome to our school.l T flash a picture with many colours and ask what colour do you like best? Ask several students. Revise coloursl T pides the whole class into two teams--- a black team and a blue one.l T: Today we have many friends here. And we have two special friends.(Show the picture of Nie Haisheng and his partener---the two rastronauts.) They have just been to the space. Do you know what did they meet in space? (Show ET with no clothes on)l Get the students to discuss in groups: What clothes does ET need?l Present new words one by one: a T-shirt , sweater, shorts……l Read after the teacher.l Do 1a on page 41.l Flash the ET. Teacher says words.Ask a student to drag the right word and put it on the right part of the ET.The words change into clothes as soon as they are pointed.All the clothes are not in the right size. Get students to say: small, big, long, short.l Show many clothes in different colour and in different sizes.Get students to match the clothes to the ET.l T: Where is ET going? Students :Go shopping to buy clothes.l Present : How much is ……? How much are ……?l Flash a picture with clothes. Get students to ask about each item by saying: How much is ……? / How much are ……?l Get some students to ask about the teacher’s clothing.l Pairwork .l Show groups of the same clothes but in different colours and sizes. Present: a big green sweater or long brown pants……l 2a. Listening. Check the answers.l Show the picture on P41.Students practise the dialoguage in pairs:A: Can I help you?B:Yes, please. I want a sweater.A:What colour do you want?B:Blue.A:Here you are.B: How much is it?A:Five dollars.B:I’ll take it.Thank you.A:You’re welcome.l Get students to imagine How much are the following things on the earth and outside the earth? Why? car / plant / waterThe students discuss very actively.Some say a bottle of water is $5000000,because there’s no water outside the earth.A student says a car is only $1,because it can’t be driven in space.It will flow.l T:Would you like to live on the earth? Why? Most students say they would like to live on the earth because there’s water and plants on the earth. The earth is beautiful and rich.l T: The ET will go back to space. What will you give him as a present?Students discuss in groups and fill in the following report: I’ll give him _____.It is / They are _____yuan.It is / They are _____.We think he will take it / hem,because _____. Some group say they will give him some water,because there’s no water in space.Some group say they should not give him any plants,because there’s no water in space and the plants will die soon.Some group say they will give him a Chinese dictionary.Let him learn Chinese.In the future,he can go to space to visit him.……l Teacher flash a thanks note from the ET.He thanks the students for their presents and welcome them to his home in space. The teacher ask the students to study hard and become astronaut in the future. 评析 这堂课节奏紧凑,每一环节过度自然,头尾呼应,课堂气氛活泼热烈。很好地贯彻了新课程要求的学生采用自主学习、合作学习和探究学习的学习方式。教师避免了单纯传授语言知识,采取“任务型”教学途径,创造性地设计贴近学生实际生活及学生们喜闻乐见的教学活动。“以人为本”,把学习的主动权真正还给学生。教师在课堂上是引导者,是主持人。她采用实践性强、具有明确的“任务型”教学方法,使学生带着明确的任务目标积极主动的进行学习。在执行任务的过程中,学生通过实践、思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式学习和使用英语,完成学习任务这堂课也落实了新课程要求培养学生能力的目标。一. 培养了学生的语言能力。这位教师在教学单词、词组及语法时充分体现交际性,把单词、词组及语法运用到一定语言情景中,而不是孤立地、机械地、枯燥无意地教学。这不仅传授了知识,也锻炼了学生的听、说及运用语言的能力。二. 培养了学生自学能力。教学是教和学的同一体。教学活动是师生间的双边活动。教师的教法直接影响着学生的学法。这位教师在教学时充分考虑到了学生的兴趣、爱好及他们的心理特点。在教学时,充分发挥学生的主体作用,让他们积极参与课堂活动。在教句型和语法时采用先呈现再让学生找规律进行总结。在进行听力训练时,让他们抓关键句关键词。三.培养了学生的学习习惯。课前让学生预习;课堂上要学生专心听课,主动参与,积极思维,解决问题。四.培养了学生的学习兴趣。该教师根据学生的具体情况调动美位学生的积极性。她让学生编对话,讨论因地球与外星球的不同,一些日常生活用品在两处的不同价格。学生通过这些活动,获得更高层次的智力兴趣,通过积极思考来获取知识。对他们的表现及说的英语在给予充分肯定的同时给予恰如其分的评价,让学生得到成功的满足之后,又知道如何进一步努力。五.培养了学生的注意力。该教师上课节奏快、方法灵活多变,同时采用有悬念的体问、组与组之间的比赛,所有这些都能够起到了保持学生注意力的作用。六.培养了学生的记忆力。记忆的方法很重要,它直接影响保持的过程。通过意义识记得来的知识能保持长久。由此可见,影响识记的一个关键因素就是理解。该教师在教单词和语法时采用直观手段加强学生的形象记忆。在呈现新语言现象时,采用以旧带新,新旧对比,促进学生的记忆。七.培养了思维能力。让学生讨论该送什么给外星人,并说出理由。培养了学生分析、综合能力。八.培养了学生的想象力。让孆生想象外星人该穿什么衣服,汽车、水、植物等在地球上与外星球上其价格是否一样,为什么。这不仅增加了课堂的趣味性,同时激发了学生的想象力。 思考的问题 新课程的教学方式和教学目标要求英语教师本身必须具备良好的各方面素养。教师首先要有坚实的基本功底,既具有“听、说、读、写、译、教”等方面的基本技能,同时要精通“语音、词汇、语法”等系统知识,还要熟悉和了解说英语国家的“政治经济、文化交通、历史地理、风俗习惯”等领域的背景知识、并在课堂教学中熟练地驾驭运用,不断开拓学生视野。教师备课时不能只局限于课本表面内容,要深入要拓展,要把相关的材料、词汇及背景作一翻了解及准备。在上课过程中,切忌只注重表面上的轰轰烈烈,忽视了内容上的实实在在,出现“形似神不似”的现象。追求课件的精美、讨论的热闹、虚假的合作等现象。教师在教学同时,要不断地学习,扩展自己的词汇量、丰富自己的知识,吸收新东西,接受新事物,跟上时代的步伐;不断地研究,不断地思考,设计出符合学生实际,能很好落实新课程的目标,贯彻新课程精神的课。 查看更多