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‎ 外部人员求职申请表 ‎ External application form ‎ ‎ 求职申请表 APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT 申请职位Position applied for:‎ 你从哪里了解到这一职位空缺的?‎ How did you learn of the vacancy?‎ 姓名Name:‎ ‎ ‎ 电话号码 Telephone number:‎ 出生日期 Date of birth:‎ 教育、资格证书与培训(从11岁开始)‎ Education, qualifications and training(from 11 years)‎ 学校 开始时间 结束时间 参加考试科目 考试成绩 School, college From To Examinations Examination university taken results ‎ ‎ 就业经历(从当前或最近的职位填起)Employment history(starting with present or most recent position)‎ 雇主姓名与地址 开始时间 结束时间 工作名称与描述 离职原因 Employer’s name From To Job title and Reasons for and address description leaving 业余爱好(请描述一下你在业余生活中都做些什么)Leisure interests(please describe what you do in you free time) ‎ ‎ ‎ 进取心(请在这一栏目中告诉我们你为什么要获得这一工作)Ambitions(use space to tell us why you want this job) ‎ ‎ ‎ 你是否曾在法庭上被判有罪?请回答是否否。如果是,请具体说明。Have you ever been convicted of any offence before a court of law? Yes/No if yes. please give details:‎ 你健康状况良好吗?请回签是或否。如果否,请具体说明。Are you in good health? Yes/No if no, please give details:‎ 补充说明(请在这里补充你想进一步说明的内容)Comments (please add any further comments you wish to make)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 证明:(请提供两名可以证实你胜任这一工作的证明人。)REFERENCES(Please provide details of two referees who comment on your suitability for this position. References will not be taken up without your permission):‎ 姓名Name:‎ ‎ ‎ 姓名Name:‎ ‎ ‎ 职位Position:‎ ‎ ‎ 职位Position:‎ ‎ ‎ 地址Address:‎ 地址Address:‎ 我保证我在这张申请表中提供的所有信息都是真实准确的.I confirm that to the best of my knowledge all information given in this application form is correct 签名Signature:‎ 日期Date: 年 月 日 ‎ ‎

