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介绍信的格式及写法 ‎??用介绍信 专用介绍信(存根) (字第号) 等人前往联系。 年月日 (有效期天) xx字第x号 (盖章) 英文介绍信怎么写 社交、亲友这间的相互介绍,常用介绍信联系。收信人从介绍信中可以了解到来者是什么人,要办什么事,有什么具体要求等。 写这类书要注意慎重、谦恭。在信封左下角常写有to introduce 或introducing ,信封一般不封。 1. 介绍中学同学 introducing a middle school classmate dear [mr. chang]. the bearer, [ms huan], is a classmate of mine at middle school, who has recently been assigned to work in your city. [she] is well educated, having good habits and agreeable manners. any assistance you may give [her] concerning [her] life will be esteemed as a great favor for me. yours truly, 亲爱的[常先生]: 持信人[黄女士]是我的一位中学同学,最近[她]被派往你市工作。[她]受过良好的教育,没有不良的习惯,举止端庄。您对[她]生活上的任何帮助,将使我感同身受。 2. 介绍本人 self-introduction dear [sirs], from your advertisement in [yesterday s usa today] i find that you are wanting a [chinese teacher] in your college. i beg leave to take the liberty of offering myself for the position. born in [beijing] in [1970], i am a graduate of [beijing university], and therefore have a good knowledge both in chinese and english. should my application be regarded favorably, i shall endeavor to justify the confidence you may repose in me. faithfully yours, 亲爱的[先生们]: [昨天《今日美国报》]载你院需[汉语教员]。我申请任此职务。 我[1970年]出生于[北京],毕业于[北京大学],汉语和英语均有所长。 如蒙录用,自当竭诚服务,以答雅意。 此致 敬礼! 介绍信的格式及写法

