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前言 ‎  理想是事业的大门,是登堂入室的旅程,这个旅程的尽头,就有成功在等待着,来庆祝我努力的结果。为了实现我的理想,我毫不懈怠,因为我知道:没有理想等于没有灵魂。我要证明我拥有理想,拥有灵魂。我的理想是重点。我不质疑自己的能力,我要超越自我,实现理想。太阳总在有理想的地方升起,月亮也总在有理想的地方朦胧。理想是永恒的微笑,我的理想不尽,我要理想之花永不合拢,为了梦,那遥远而真实的理想,我会努力前行。 ‎ ‎ 先进社会,人们越来越重视自我的发展完善和实现,这就客观的要求我们对自己的未来做出一个全方位的统筹规划,也可以说就是职业生涯规划。它是我们职业选择乃至一生的计划,对于我们是至关重要的,职业生涯规划让我们更充分的认识自我,了解自我的优缺点、兴趣,可以结合我们的特点作出切合实际的方案,为我们的未来奠定了良好的基础,它成为动力的源泉,鼓励自我不断奋进,追求更高的目标,给我们提供了指导,使我们有了前进的方向,帮助我们选择一条最正确的适合自己的道路,为我们提供丰富的空间和战士自己的平台,保证我们将来能够成为对社会有用的优秀人才。‎ ‎ ‎ 本课题研究的目的就是通过一系列教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生创造和谐的“说”的氛围,为学生积淀“说”的素材,为学生创造“说”的情景和空间局党建工作总体思路是:坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面学习宣传贯彻党的十九大、十九届三中全会精神force (youth teams) and County party leaders, aimed at weakening the anti-Japanese forces. Zhuang Shaozhen was removed from Office and to the underground revolution activities carried out in the country, political parties were dissolved. Zhejiang comrades and thus losing a foothold in Wujiang basis points. To make them stay, jindapeng served as captain of the young workers through activities, make the political player-wise into the youth team. Save a group of the backbone of the resistance, and gave the Communists ... Commander Zhu Xi, led by Deputy Commander Wang Hesong, stationed along the junction of Jiangsu xincheng, Wuzhen. Zhu Xi troops "KMT-CCP" cooperation and anti-Japanese policy of solidarity, he moved to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Zhu Department times and day Army hand-to-hand combat made victory, grow has momentum, standing strict Tomb, and new Cheng of appeasement army giant Haru Brigade anyway, received adapted; living Taihu Lake of bin of two a even Hunan army with of allegiance; Jiangsu and Zhejiang junction area of Wang Chunlin Department about 500 people also has done a Yu Zhu Xi men; River, and Zhejiang, and Shanghai area many tour miscellaneous forces also attracted attached return, plus many local youth have joined forces, Zhu Xi strength big increased, from original more than 200 more people quickly development to more than 4,000 more than people, opened has a to Wuzhen for Center, including strict Tomb, and Shuanglin, practicing guerrilla base of the urban, new Cheng became strongest guerrilla forces of the Kuomintang along the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In April, the Deputy Commander of the Zhu Xi Wang Hesong tomb of the eighth Brigade more than more than 100 guns into the country of Pakistan and a Hui, Miao, jijiaozhishi with the town. At this point, and underground I lost contact,‎ 第一章 认识自我 ‎ ‎ ‎1.我的性格:‎ ‎ 我的优点是个性乐观积极,凡事都能想的开,性格随和,待人友善,为人诚恳,严谨细心,富有责任感,有一定的进取心和很强的好奇心,常常要对未知的事物追根究底,善于思考发现,善于钻研,逻辑思维比较强,喜爱团队合作,综合分析能力好,做事考虑全面,力求公平和效率。缺点是性格略微内向敏感,做事没有主见,有时比较散漫自由,喜欢抱怨,做事时总有很多顾虑,不敢着手尝试,不善长与人沟通交流,与他人相处时局促不安,不知道该说什么,跟陌生人相处是总是不能很融洽,口才不好,在公共场合下发表言论时感觉很紧张,不敢大胆表达出自己的想法,写作能力不够强,不敢冒险,耐性不够好,做事时常是三分钟热度,毅力意志不强,没有经过什么磨练考验,不具备顽强拼搏的勇气。‎ ‎ 2.我的兴趣:‎ ‎ 我平时喜欢看书,尤其小说一类的故事性较强的书;我还喜欢听音乐,对流行类和古典中国民乐兴趣浓厚;上网冲浪也是我的爱好,假期回家后我每天都会上网看新闻,聊天等;我也喜爱动漫,对其有较广泛的涉猎。‎ ‎ 3.我的价值观:‎ ‎ 我认为美和协调是最重要的,用辨证的方法看问题,人要对社会作出贡献,但不是完全脱离自我的需要,应该尽量把自身要求同社会联系起来,达到双方的满足,互惠互利。同时我们要对生活抱有一种乐观的态度,对任何事物都要看到其积极向上的一面,并且以此来激励自我进步,创造出更好的人生价值。‎ ‎ 4.我的能力:‎ ‎ 专业技能:经济学,管理学,高等数学,会计学,经济法。‎ ‎ 英语(能达到四级水平),计算机(能达到一级水平),自学初级日语。‎ 其他技能:有一定的团队合作能力,组织策划能力,创新能力,有很强的学习思考能力,吸收知识扎实到位,记忆力好,善于观察。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎5. 我的爱好:读书,运动,听音乐,交友..... 6.我的座右铭:‎ ‎ 成功,并不是遥遥无期的奢求,只要你一伸手,就能紧紧抓住他。也不是不可能实现的梦想,    ‎ 本课题研究的目的就是通过一系列教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生创造和谐的“说”的氛围,为学生积淀“说”的素材,为学生创造“说”的情景和空间局党建工作总体思路是:坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面学习宣传贯彻党的十九大、十九届三中全会精神force (youth teams) and County party leaders, aimed at weakening the anti-Japanese forces. Zhuang Shaozhen was removed from Office and to the underground revolution activities carried out in the country, political parties were dissolved. Zhejiang comrades and thus losing a foothold in Wujiang basis points. To make them stay, jindapeng served as captain of the young workers through activities, make the political player-wise into the youth team. Save a group of the backbone of the resistance, and gave the Communists ... Commander Zhu Xi, led by Deputy Commander Wang Hesong, stationed along the junction of Jiangsu xincheng, Wuzhen. Zhu Xi troops "KMT-CCP" cooperation and anti-Japanese policy of solidarity, he moved to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Zhu Department times and day Army hand-to-hand combat made victory, grow has momentum, standing strict Tomb, and new Cheng of appeasement army giant Haru Brigade anyway, received adapted; living Taihu Lake of bin of two a even Hunan army with of allegiance; Jiangsu and Zhejiang junction area of Wang Chunlin Department about 500 people also has done a Yu Zhu Xi men; River, and Zhejiang, and Shanghai area many tour miscellaneous forces also attracted attached return, plus many local youth have joined forces, Zhu Xi strength big increased, from original more than 200 more people quickly development to more than 4,000 more than people, opened has a to Wuzhen for Center, including strict Tomb, and Shuanglin, practicing guerrilla base of the urban, new Cheng became strongest guerrilla forces of the Kuomintang along the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In April, the Deputy Commander of the Zhu Xi Wang Hesong tomb of the eighth Brigade more than more than 100 guns into the country of Pakistan and a Hui, Miao, jijiaozhishi with the town. At this point, and underground I lost contact,‎ 第二章 环境分析 ‎1.个人的职业选项:首选管理会计师,其次是财务管理师 ‎2.选择理由:由于两个职业目标非常相似,就把它们综合起来运用SWOT进行分析。‎ ‎ ‎ S(优势):‎ ‎ 个人方面,这两个职业客观要求从业者有细心、责任心和对数字比较敏感,而我是一个性格严谨、内向的人,有较强的责任感,有一定的逻辑思维能力,擅长烦琐复杂的工作,这些都很适合,而且我对会计和财务专业有着浓厚的兴趣。‎ ‎     家庭因素:我的父母完全的参与了我选择专业的过程,他们对于我能够胜任这方面的工作很 有信心,我的亲戚中也有从事会计的,在这方面他们给予我一定的建议,使我对此有了进一步的了解,‎ 更加确定自己的决心,家人的支持是我选择的动力。‎ W(劣势):‎ ‎ 做事没有主见,不够果断坚决;个性散漫自由,效率有时比较低;写作能力不好;耐心不够,容易烦躁;意志不坚强,缺乏勇气;口才不出众,沟通交流能力差,人际交往能力不强。‎ O(机遇):‎ ‎ 会计学和财务管理学拥有源源不断地社会需求和在企业中的主导地位,会计财务部门在企业里是一个核心部门。社会需求量大,找工作较容易,工资待遇好,工作稳定,就业现状很乐观。‎ T(威胁):‎ ‎ 行业接近就业饱和,竞争压力越来越大;毕业生过多,学校不是专业类财经院校,没有优势;不是新兴行业,发展空间不大;业务忙碌,给人紧张感,不利于身体健康。‎ 本课题研究的目的就是通过一系列教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生创造和谐的“说”的氛围,为学生积淀“说”的素材,为学生创造“说”的情景和空间局党建工作总体思路是:坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面学习宣传贯彻党的十九大、十九届三中全会精神force (youth teams) and County party leaders, aimed at weakening the anti-Japanese forces. Zhuang Shaozhen was removed from Office and to the underground revolution activities carried out in the country, political parties were dissolved. Zhejiang comrades and thus losing a foothold in Wujiang basis points. To make them stay, jindapeng served as captain of the young workers through activities, make the political player-wise into the youth team. Save a group of the backbone of the resistance, and gave the Communists ... Commander Zhu Xi, led by Deputy Commander Wang Hesong, stationed along the junction of Jiangsu xincheng, Wuzhen. Zhu Xi troops "KMT-CCP" cooperation and anti-Japanese policy of solidarity, he moved to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Zhu Department times and day Army hand-to-hand combat made victory, grow has momentum, standing strict Tomb, and new Cheng of appeasement army giant Haru Brigade anyway, received adapted; living Taihu Lake of bin of two a even Hunan army with of allegiance; Jiangsu and Zhejiang junction area of Wang Chunlin Department about 500 people also has done a Yu Zhu Xi men; River, and Zhejiang, and Shanghai area many tour miscellaneous forces also attracted attached return, plus many local youth have joined forces, Zhu Xi strength big increased, from original more than 200 more people quickly development to more than 4,000 more than people, opened has a to Wuzhen for Center, including strict Tomb, and Shuanglin, practicing guerrilla base of the urban, new Cheng became strongest guerrilla forces of the Kuomintang along the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In April, the Deputy Commander of the Zhu Xi Wang Hesong tomb of the eighth Brigade more than more than 100 guns into the country of Pakistan and a Hui, Miao, jijiaozhishi with the town. At this point, and underground I lost contact,‎ ‎ 第三章 职业定位 ‎1.就业方向 ‎ ‎1,会计学师事务所 2,各单位的会计学 3,从事一些非会计学的工作4,考公务员 就业机会: 保险业统计员 审计师 银行检测员 收益管理员 预算控制分析员 注册公共会计师金融主管索赔协调员 客户信贷员成本会计师 信贷与回收专家政府会计师 清单控制专家 借贷管理员 管理顾问 管理会计师 个人金融设计师教授公共会计师 证券经纪人 系统分析员 税务专家 财政官员信托会计师 保险业者 潜在用人市场: 政府部门 银行/金融部门 工业 会计公司 咨询公司非盈利性组织 政府部门医院、社团保险业 私人工业 各类学校和大学,学院 自营企业 ‎ ‎ ‎2.前景分析 第一.内资企业:这一块对会计人才的需求是最大的,很多中小国内企业特别是民营企业,对于会计岗位他们需要找的不是具有财务管理和分析能力的专业人才,而且,此类公司大都财务监督和控制体系相当简陋,新人月薪绝大部分集中在1500元左右。‎ 第二.外企:大部分外资企业的同等岗位待遇都较高。它们财务管理体系和方法都成熟,工作效率高,对新员工一般都会进行一段时间的专业培训,而且还有很多后续培训机会,贴进实际工作,很适用。分工细致,但对整个职业发展过程不利,难以获得全面的财务控制、分析等经验。新员工的合理月薪在3000元以上,绝大部分外企能解决员工的各种保险以及住房公积金。‎ 第三.事务所:普通事务所工作待遇低,杂事多。外资事务所例如普华永道则待遇要好的多,但他们的工作任务更重。在事务所确实能学到很多东西,对于一个审计项目,必须从头跟到尾,包括和送审单位的沟通等等,能充分锻炼能力,对团队合作以及国际会计准则、专业性、意志等方面能给予磨练。有的事务所月薪只有1000元,有的则在3000元左右,外资事务所实习生都能拿到5000元以上。‎ 第四.理财咨询:现在对个人理财咨询职位的招聘需求量正在慢慢放大,由于社会投资渠道的增多和保障制度的改革,理财咨询服务必将走进更多人的生活。需求主要在社会投资理财咨询服务机构。银行个人理财咨询师的待遇最少在月薪2000元以上,收入有提升空间。‎ 本课题研究的目的就是通过一系列教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生创造和谐的“说”的氛围,为学生积淀“说”的素材,为学生创造“说”的情景和空间局党建工作总体思路是:坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面学习宣传贯彻党的十九大、十九届三中全会精神force (youth teams) and County party leaders, aimed at weakening the anti-Japanese forces. Zhuang Shaozhen was removed from Office and to the underground revolution activities carried out in the country, political parties were dissolved. Zhejiang comrades and thus losing a foothold in Wujiang basis points. To make them stay, jindapeng served as captain of the young workers through activities, make the political player-wise into the youth team. Save a group of the backbone of the resistance, and gave the Communists ... Commander Zhu Xi, led by Deputy Commander Wang Hesong, stationed along the junction of Jiangsu xincheng, Wuzhen. Zhu Xi troops "KMT-CCP" cooperation and anti-Japanese policy of solidarity, he moved to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Zhu Department times and day Army hand-to-hand combat made victory, grow has momentum, standing strict Tomb, and new Cheng of appeasement army giant Haru Brigade anyway, received adapted; living Taihu Lake of bin of two a even Hunan army with of allegiance; Jiangsu and Zhejiang junction area of Wang Chunlin Department about 500 people also has done a Yu Zhu Xi men; River, and Zhejiang, and Shanghai area many tour miscellaneous forces also attracted attached return, plus many local youth have joined forces, Zhu Xi strength big increased, from original more than 200 more people quickly development to more than 4,000 more than people, opened has a to Wuzhen for Center, including strict Tomb, and Shuanglin, practicing guerrilla base of the urban, new Cheng became strongest guerrilla forces of the Kuomintang along the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In April, the Deputy Commander of the Zhu Xi Wang Hesong tomb of the eighth Brigade more than more than 100 guns into the country of Pakistan and a Hui, Miao, jijiaozhishi with the town. At this point, and underground I lost contact,‎ 第五.公务员、教师:有稳定、压力小的优势,也有发展艰难的劣势。‎ 另外,注册会计师专业就业前景好 第一,注册会计师是一个热门职业。‎ 第二,注册会计师行业发展对人才的需求巨大。‎ 第三,社会对高素质财经人才的需求更为突出。‎ 第四,从以往的数据看,也证明了注册会计师专业方向学生的就业前景看好。‎ ‎3.工作内容:‎ ‎1、  进行会计核算,做到记账及时,计算正确。‎ ‎2、  实行会计监督,做到违法必纠,违章必改。‎ ‎3、  拟订本单位办理会计事务的具体办法。‎ ‎4、  参与拟订经济计划、业务计划、考核、分析预算财务计划执行情况。办理其他会计事务。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4.行业要求:‎ 为某些单位有关会计问题提出建议。开发、建立和维持管理销售产品、维修费用、基本建设费用开支的预算系统。比较所估计的和实际的成本、收入、行政承付款项及其他债务。分析当前和过去的经营记录。规划、建立和指导会计系统记录原材料、劳动力和工厂间接费用的累计成本,向管理部门提供作为决定销售价格、增加或去掉产品生产线中某些项目是否可取的基础报告。 记录一切公司所有的和租赁的设备、建筑物和其他财产的式样、地点、价值和其他有关资料。编制定期财产目标。把维修费用分配到恰当的账上。检查记录,编制逐月反映增值和贬值的财务报表。汇总关于所得税的年度财务报表。编制建筑物和设备折旧明细表。制定和贯彻税务会计制度,以记录应付税额。写出并向各个税收机关呈送简要汇报或阐明原则。研究新的和现存的税收法规,与管理部门磋商制定政策和措施,就商业的计划、业务和其他具体事务的税收影响。根据规定的税率、法规和细则,检查账目和会计凭证计算税金申请书。‎ ‎ ‎ 本课题研究的目的就是通过一系列教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生创造和谐的“说”的氛围,为学生积淀“说”的素材,为学生创造“说”的情景和空间局党建工作总体思路是:坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面学习宣传贯彻党的十九大、十九届三中全会精神force (youth teams) and County party leaders, aimed at weakening the anti-Japanese forces. Zhuang Shaozhen was removed from Office and to the underground revolution activities carried out in the country, political parties were dissolved. Zhejiang comrades and thus losing a foothold in Wujiang basis points. To make them stay, jindapeng served as captain of the young workers through activities, make the political player-wise into the youth team. Save a group of the backbone of the resistance, and gave the Communists ... Commander Zhu Xi, led by Deputy Commander Wang Hesong, stationed along the junction of Jiangsu xincheng, Wuzhen. Zhu Xi troops "KMT-CCP" cooperation and anti-Japanese policy of solidarity, he moved to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Zhu Department times and day Army hand-to-hand combat made victory, grow has momentum, standing strict Tomb, and new Cheng of appeasement army giant Haru Brigade anyway, received adapted; living Taihu Lake of bin of two a even Hunan army with of allegiance; Jiangsu and Zhejiang junction area of Wang Chunlin Department about 500 people also has done a Yu Zhu Xi men; River, and Zhejiang, and Shanghai area many tour miscellaneous forces also attracted attached return, plus many local youth have joined forces, Zhu Xi strength big increased, from original more than 200 more people quickly development to more than 4,000 more than people, opened has a to Wuzhen for Center, including strict Tomb, and Shuanglin, practicing guerrilla base of the urban, new Cheng became strongest guerrilla forces of the Kuomintang along the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In April, the Deputy Commander of the Zhu Xi Wang Hesong tomb of the eighth Brigade more than more than 100 guns into the country of Pakistan and a Hui, Miao, jijiaozhishi with the town. At this point, and underground I lost contact,‎ 第四章 具体规划 ‎ ‎ ‎1,大二上学期:‎ 努力学习,掌握好基础知识,为大二下学期能考进会计班做充分准备。着重计算机二级考试,在假期回家后,每天抽出固定的时间练习上机操作,主要是数据库的设计,我会把老师给予我们的学习资源充分利用好,多做上机实验题,把每一个知识点研究透彻,使自己完全掌握,能够充分熟练的运用,保证机考拿高分。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2,大二下学期:‎ 着重英语四级考试,在英语四级方面,我已经买到了很多学习资料,我的计划是每天早上六点听广播英语节目练习听力,六点半至七点读英语背单词,练习口语,每天做两个阅读,读一段英语文章,练习阅读,每周写一篇英语作文练习写作,每周做两套模拟测试题,熟悉题型,把握时间。集中学好会计专业知识和能力,争取那到专业奖学金,在假期一方面做社会实践调查,另外找一份兼职工作体验一下,锻炼自己。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3.大三上学期:‎ 涉猎《会计》、《审计》、《财务成本管理》、《经济法》、《税法》,为靠注册会计是作好准备,同时要考取英语六级,在现有资料的基础上重点加强听力和协作方面的训练,使自己综合能力有所提高,而且要多练习上机,做到能应付机考。利用课余时间参观一些招聘会,了解企业所需要的技能,知己知彼,百站百胜。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4.大三下学期: ‎ 利用一至两个月时间专心准备毕业论文,是毕业考试的冲刺阶段,这是会专心复习,使自己最后能进入 理想的工作 ,完成自己的目标,实现自我,圆满的完成大学学业。‎ 本课题研究的目的就是通过一系列教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生创造和谐的“说”的氛围,为学生积淀“说”的素材,为学生创造“说”的情景和空间局党建工作总体思路是:坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面学习宣传贯彻党的十九大、十九届三中全会精神force (youth teams) and County party leaders, aimed at weakening the anti-Japanese forces. Zhuang Shaozhen was removed from Office and to the underground revolution activities carried out in the country, political parties were dissolved. Zhejiang comrades and thus losing a foothold in Wujiang basis points. To make them stay, jindapeng served as captain of the young workers through activities, make the political player-wise into the youth team. Save a group of the backbone of the resistance, and gave the Communists ... Commander Zhu Xi, led by Deputy Commander Wang Hesong, stationed along the junction of Jiangsu xincheng, Wuzhen. Zhu Xi troops "KMT-CCP" cooperation and anti-Japanese policy of solidarity, he moved to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Zhu Department times and day Army hand-to-hand combat made victory, grow has momentum, standing strict Tomb, and new Cheng of appeasement army giant Haru Brigade anyway, received adapted; living Taihu Lake of bin of two a even Hunan army with of allegiance; Jiangsu and Zhejiang junction area of Wang Chunlin Department about 500 people also has done a Yu Zhu Xi men; River, and Zhejiang, and Shanghai area many tour miscellaneous forces also attracted attached return, plus many local youth have joined forces, Zhu Xi strength big increased, from original more than 200 more people quickly development to more than 4,000 more than people, opened has a to Wuzhen for Center, including strict Tomb, and Shuanglin, practicing guerrilla base of the urban, new Cheng became strongest guerrilla forces of the Kuomintang along the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In April, the Deputy Commander of the Zhu Xi Wang Hesong tomb of the eighth Brigade more than more than 100 guns into the country of Pakistan and a Hui, Miao, jijiaozhishi with the town. At this point, and underground I lost contact,‎ 第五章 评估反馈 ‎ ‎1.个人分析:‎ 会计人员需要有较好的数学功底及逻辑思维能力,掌握经济学和管理学方面内容,能为企业处理帐目,为经营及投资提出建议,恰当评估企业资产,作出明确的会计报表,提供及时有效的信息,为企业的赢利目的服务。会计人员有责任对企业情况有较为充分的了解,对企业提出合理的建议,帮助企业实现以最低成本实现最高收益并保证信息准确无误。同时也要有较好的人际交往能力与团队合作能力。资格要求:会计证书——金饭碗,目前国内的会计证分为初级、中级和高级会计师。国际上:1.ACCA(英国特许公会会计师认证)2.AIA(国际会计师专业资格证书)3.CGA(加拿大注册会计师协会)4.CMA(美国管理会计师认证考试)5.ASCPA(澳大利亚注册会计师协会)。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 2.与职业选择目标的差距 ‎   对我而言,现在很多学校都开设了会计学专业,毕业生越来越多,如何在众多人中脱颖而出就成了一个比较实际的问题。现在我们学习的都是一些基础课程,并没有涉及到会计学方面很专业的知识,更别说什么实际能力了,我现在的差距主要在于:首先,我们学习的只是只是一些基本原理,并不是实际如何操作,我们懂得得还都只是一些皮毛。其次,我们基本没有什么实践能力,不懂企业具体的运作流程,会计学要如何实现对这些流程的掌握,没有过实习经历,无法具体实践使我们经验严重不足,不能达到会计所要求的那些能力。还有,我们没有任何证书以证明我们的专业技能,毕业后不能与那些有会计级别证书的人相互竞争。最后,我们学校不是专业类财经院校,相比它们,我们学的知识有可能不如他们全面,技能不如他们,而且学校的名气也会客观影响就业,我们有相对其他人的劣势。另外,我们也没有什么社会经验,没有充分的人际交往,沟通交流,团队合作等“软能力”。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 本课题研究的目的就是通过一系列教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生创造和谐的“说”的氛围,为学生积淀“说”的素材,为学生创造“说”的情景和空间局党建工作总体思路是:坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面学习宣传贯彻党的十九大、十九届三中全会精神force (youth teams) and County party leaders, aimed at weakening the anti-Japanese forces. Zhuang Shaozhen was removed from Office and to the underground revolution activities carried out in the country, political parties were dissolved. Zhejiang comrades and thus losing a foothold in Wujiang basis points. To make them stay, jindapeng served as captain of the young workers through activities, make the political player-wise into the youth team. Save a group of the backbone of the resistance, and gave the Communists ... Commander Zhu Xi, led by Deputy Commander Wang Hesong, stationed along the junction of Jiangsu xincheng, Wuzhen. Zhu Xi troops "KMT-CCP" cooperation and anti-Japanese policy of solidarity, he moved to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Zhu Department times and day Army hand-to-hand combat made victory, grow has momentum, standing strict Tomb, and new Cheng of appeasement army giant Haru Brigade anyway, received adapted; living Taihu Lake of bin of two a even Hunan army with of allegiance; Jiangsu and Zhejiang junction area of Wang Chunlin Department about 500 people also has done a Yu Zhu Xi men; River, and Zhejiang, and Shanghai area many tour miscellaneous forces also attracted attached return, plus many local youth have joined forces, Zhu Xi strength big increased, from original more than 200 more people quickly development to more than 4,000 more than people, opened has a to Wuzhen for Center, including strict Tomb, and Shuanglin, practicing guerrilla base of the urban, new Cheng became strongest guerrilla forces of the Kuomintang along the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In April, the Deputy Commander of the Zhu Xi Wang Hesong tomb of the eighth Brigade more than more than 100 guns into the country of Pakistan and a Hui, Miao, jijiaozhishi with the town. At this point, and underground I lost contact,‎ 第六章 结语 ‎ ‎ ‎ 确定自己的目标才有前进的动力,职业生涯规划为我们提供了这个机会,我们要认识自我,严格要求自己,脚踏实地,激发兴趣,储备知识,把自己培养成一个专业的人才,坚定自己的脚步,持续不断的努力,克服一切的艰难险阻,追求自己的梦想。审视现在,创造未来,我相信,成功就在我们眼前!‎ ‎ ‎ 文/朱琳 (大一 10级 财务管理101)‎ 本课题研究的目的就是通过一系列教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,为学生创造和谐的“说”的氛围,为学生积淀“说”的素材,为学生创造“说”的情景和空间局党建工作总体思路是:坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面学习宣传贯彻党的十九大、十九届三中全会精神force (youth teams) and County party leaders, aimed at weakening the anti-Japanese forces. Zhuang Shaozhen was removed from Office and to the underground revolution activities carried out in the country, political parties were dissolved. Zhejiang comrades and thus losing a foothold in Wujiang basis points. To make them stay, jindapeng served as captain of the young workers through activities, make the political player-wise into the youth team. Save a group of the backbone of the resistance, and gave the Communists ... Commander Zhu Xi, led by Deputy Commander Wang Hesong, stationed along the junction of Jiangsu xincheng, Wuzhen. Zhu Xi troops "KMT-CCP" cooperation and anti-Japanese policy of solidarity, he moved to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Zhu Department times and day Army hand-to-hand combat made victory, grow has momentum, standing strict Tomb, and new Cheng of appeasement army giant Haru Brigade anyway, received adapted; living Taihu Lake of bin of two a even Hunan army with of allegiance; Jiangsu and Zhejiang junction area of Wang Chunlin Department about 500 people also has done a Yu Zhu Xi men; River, and Zhejiang, and Shanghai area many tour miscellaneous forces also attracted attached return, plus many local youth have joined forces, Zhu Xi strength big increased, from original more than 200 more people quickly development to more than 4,000 more than people, opened has a to Wuzhen for Center, including strict Tomb, and Shuanglin, practicing guerrilla base of the urban, new Cheng became strongest guerrilla forces of the Kuomintang along the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In April, the Deputy Commander of the Zhu Xi Wang Hesong tomb of the eighth Brigade more than more than 100 guns into the country of Pakistan and a Hui, Miao, jijiaozhishi with the town. At this point, and underground I lost contact,‎

