感谢信 英文

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感谢信 英文

感谢信 英文 dear sue, i am writing to express my heart felt gratitudeto you for your kindest help when i was involved in that terrible trafficaccident. 亲爱的sue: 我写信的目的是衷心感谢你在我遭遇那场可怕的交通事故时所给予我的最善意的帮助。 you saw how seriously i had been hurt when yourushed me to the hospital. i was hit from the back by a taxi and was thrownforward for at least three meters. though i did not lose my consciousness, thesharp pain was really killing me. if it had not been for your timelyassistance, giving me first aid and sent me to hospital right away, i fear thatthe consequences might have been much more serious. 在你将我匆忙送往医院时已经看到了我伤得有多重。我被一辆出租车从背后撞上,向前抛出至少三米远。虽然我没有失去知觉,但那剧烈的疼痛确实难忍。如果不是你及时的协助,给我实施急救,并将我马上送往医院的话,我担心后果将会更为严重。 the doctor said that my wounds are healingquickly and that i would be able to stand up again in a week s time. inaddition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital bills. 医生说我伤口愈合得很快,一周后便可再次站立起来。此外,出租汽车公司已同意支付我的医疗费用。 anyway, everyone agrees that it was yourquick-witted response in this emergency that has led to this satisfactoryresult. i feel i owe you so much, so please accept my most sincere thanks. 不管怎么说,大家都认为:是你在紧急情况下的机智反应才有了目前这一良好的结果。我深感欠你太多,因此,请接受我最真诚的谢意。 best wishes, ken 最美好的祝愿! ken 感谢信 英文

