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职业生涯规划—— 小园丁的满园芬芳计划 姓名 : 宋姣姣 性别: 女 所在学院 :河北外国语职业学院 班级及专业 :11级教育系 四班英语教育 学号 :5 联系电话 : E-MAIL :@qq.co 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11 · 目录 · 前言 一、自我认知…………………………………………………………………3点 1.1 自我评价 …………………………………………………………………1 1.2 他人评价 …………………………………………………………………2 1.3 综合评价 …………………………………………………………………3 二、职业认知 …………………………………………………………………2点 2.1 社会环境分析 ……………………………………………………………4 2.2 职业分析 …………………………………………………………………5 三、职业选择方向 ……………………………………………………………2点 3.1目标职业评估………………………………………………………………6 3.2从事职业领域………………………………………………………………7 四、职业定位 …………………………………………………………………1点 4.2 职业行动计划 ……………………………………………………………8 五、备选方案 …………………………………………………………………2点 5.1 我的备选方案 ……………………………………………………………9 5.2 评估与调整 ………………………………………………………………10 六、结束语 …………………………………………………………………11 2012-5-25 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11 第一章 自我认知 1、自我评价 九型人格理论 测试结果: 分析:自我型—浪漫主义者:敏感、内心感受丰富;热爱思考;关注自我、渴望被了解;情绪不稳定 疑惑型—怀疑论者:缺乏安全感、渴求安全与肯定;积极进取 理智型—观察者:渴求知识;重思考分析;善于理解 平和型—调停者:害怕与他人不和谐,害怕与人群疏离;友善、包容、忍耐 成就型—实干者:害怕被否定;渴望被肯定、赞赏和羡慕 完美型—完美主义者:害怕被否定因而力求完美 关键词:内倾、不稳定、害怕、渴望 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11 空白区:助人型、领袖型、活跃性职业目标 自我心理: 良好的身体素质,精神饱满,朝气蓬勃。喜欢运动,如跑步、篮球、羽毛球。现在经常去体育场打打羽毛球。喜欢看书听音乐。 我的个性: 优点:有责任感,诚实守信,有一定的洞察能力,较体贴。善于进行沟通,有良好的团队合作精神;做事有条不紊。虚心好学,善于吸收别人的优点,知错就改。心态乐观,积极主动。勇于挑战自我,在困难中茁壮成长,充满活力。 缺点:临场应变能力欠佳,不够果断,做事比较粗心。 自我兴趣: 人文素质方面:从小受到家人的耳濡目染,对书有独特的亲近感。 学习方面:喜欢与书本打交道,能够独立的学习,有良好的学习动力,经常与同学、老师探讨深究问题。和别人合作完成项目更是有一种无比自豪的感觉。 政治修养方面:与别人探讨最近发生的重大事件是一种思想上的升华。 工作方面:有条不紊地处理事情是一种享受,和伙伴一同做项目更是一种乐趣。团队合作是协调能力的一种体现,是对自己的一种肯定。 2、他人评价 有上进心、有较强的工作能力,与同学相处很好,团结能力很好。学习用功。 3、综合评价 通过多角度对自己兴趣、个性的剖析,对自己的认识还应该从自己的综合素质和实际能力来了解自己。 工作经历的介绍 从小学到大学,我一直担任班级 良好的组织能力 和一定的学习能力 的学习委员。 在大学期间担任院学生会学习部 沟通能力强 的干事。在担任院学生会学习部 干事期间参与了很多的工作,以 及交到了很多的朋友,参与了上学期的 “小悦悦征文活动’以及这学期的”博学辩论“ 团队意识较强 ,收到不错的效果。还有参加了秦皇岛市 各高校的英语情景比赛。取得了不错的成绩。 责任性强 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11 第二章 职业认知 1、社会环境分析: 中国教师现状之分析 俗话说:人往高处走,水往低处流。自古以来,也正因为人类有着这么一种不满足于现实的精神和极力改变现状的行动才推动了社会的进步!作为老师,同样有着想往高处走的人生追求。因此,老师们想往更好的学校去继续自己的教学生涯或往其他行业自谋发展,于社会于教师无疑都是具有积极意义的。 然而,我们却看到另外一种触目惊心的画面:一些乡镇中学因为教师跳槽严重,学校生源急剧减少。在老师跳槽的背后,我们还发现,各级各类学校都在喊冤,说他们好不容易培养出了一名教师却被别的学校聘走。于是,人们忍不住要问:老师为什么会出现大面积的跳槽? 老师为什么会出现大面积的跳槽?是经济待遇?社会地位?学校领导?学生素质?……都是又抑或都不是。 一、经济待遇。 老师对自己现有的工资待遇不满意。 二、社会地位。 时下流行着一句话来评论老师:起的比鸡还早,睡的比狗还晚,干的比驴还多,吃的比猪还差。像这样的笑话还有好多版本,虽曰笑话,但每当我听后有说不出的心酸。 三、难教的学生。 现在的学生,不像以前。他们都是独生子女,大多是任性,自私,心胸狭窄,为我独尊,经受不了一点点的挫折。是温室里培育出来的带刺的嫩瓜。 2、人才需求分析: 四、社会的压力。 社会对老师的误解,社会对老师的期望太高,社会对老师的不公正的待遇,是造成老师这个社会角色尴尬的原因。 最近曾经看新加坡的影片《孩子,快跑!》,有一个镜头印象很深刻:一个富家子弟,因为让别的孩子代做作业,被老师发现,父母被请来,这位女教师当着孩子父母的面,用教鞭抽打孩子的背,一直不停的在打,孩子父母在一旁诚惶诚恐的说好话道歉。如果这事发生在我们中国,那还了得! 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11 家长的层次不齐,什么情况都有。从一些家长身上就会看到我们中国人的整体水平,也能够知道全民素质教育的任重道远。孩子在学校有了问题,要和家长联系,家长首先站在自己孩子的立场上思考问题,孩子犯了错误,为了不遭到家长的责难,往往对自己的行为轻描淡写,把责任推给老师。这个时候,很多家长要找老师理论,更有甚者在没有弄清是非曲直的情况下,直接找学校领导或上级领导部门讨说法。这样一来,哪个老师还敢没事找麻烦,对孩子的一些缺点只能是让管的我管,管不了的只好“睁一只眼闭一只眼”,省得费力不讨好。面对这种尴尬,有谁愿意从事这“太阳底下最光辉的职业”呢? 五、学校的管理。 荒唐的教学常规管理,规定学期教案写多少篇,工整地详写;作业一周要批改多少次;听课多少节;开公开课多少节;学科教学计划,各学科的培优计划,转差计划,进修计划,基本功学习计划,一开学要写不下10种的计划,典型的文牍主义,形式主义。最荒唐的是教案。管理者把写教案认为是备课,教案写的详细工整,就说明该老师备课充分,说明该老师敬业。而对课文的研读、背景资料的查阅、有关教材的研究文章的分析等这些必须花大量时间精力的基本活儿,领导是不看的。所以,老师们只好去抄现成的教案应付。就是优秀老师,也是靠抄教案省下时间来学习思考。老师的生命耗在了抄教案写计划这些毫无用处的无效劳动上。有人统计,老师的无效劳动占老师全部劳动量的80%。难怪学校扼杀了许多有才华的老师!评职称,你争我夺,大大小小的领导评上了才有老师的份!哪个正直的老师不愤怒?评优评先,更是凭领导的印象,要给谁就给谁;所谓的民主推荐,由于同行为了各自的利益,很难公正地把真正的优秀教师推荐上来。真正的优秀教师是在教育界是评不上先进的。在学术研究团体中,倒有他们的影响力。学校,非久留之地,不跳槽才怪。 六、过重的负担。 我们面临的情况是:目前的教育还没有摆脱应试教育的阴霾。在校内,如学生的总分、平均分、及格率、优秀率,老师的“考评分”等等一类的“分”和“率”压得教师喘不过气来。又有时为了应付上面的检查,要求既抓教学,又准备各种材料,一时间搞得教师人心惶惶,忙个不迭。 更严重的是心里负担。国家中小学心理健康教育课题组前不久对辽宁省内168所城乡中小学的2292名教师进行检测,发现教师心理障碍发病率高达50%。69%的教师自卑心理严重,强迫症、人际关系敏感、忧郁以及偏执倾向都比一般人群高,31.51%的教师有轻度心理障碍,21%的教师已构成心理疾病,68%的教师感到压力大。其中,男教师的压力大于女教师,毕业班的教师和班主任的压力大于非毕业班和非班主任教师 这么多负担,跳槽就成了必然。也因此社会现在是很缺乏老师的! 3. 具体招录情况 (我所在生源地)教师招录职位名额: 年份 小学英语 小学数学 小学语文 心理健康 2010 6 5 14 3 2009 6 5 9 0 2008 2 1 2 0 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11 第三章 职业选择方向 1.目标职业评估:霍兰德职业兴趣测评结果: 职业能力 职业能力倾向测评结果: 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11 分析:各项能力较均衡。书写、运动协调、动手、社会交往能力较强;语言、察觉细节、组织管理能力一般;数学、空间判断能力较弱。 (1)各项能力较均衡,无明显特长与弱点。 (2)适合社会、情感方面的工作,不适合理性、逻辑方面的工作。 2.从事职业领域: 第一职业目标:民办小学英语教师 第二职业目标:培训机构小学老师 原因分析职业 职业性格 测试 创作性、艺术类: 教育、咨询类: 研究与其他: · 服装设计师 ·心理辅导和咨询人员 ·心理学家 · 网站设计师 ·大学教师(人文学科) · 翻译 · 各类艺术家 ·教育顾问 ·人力资源管理 · 艺术指导 ·团队建设顾问 · 社会工作者 兴趣 教师、心理咨询师、人力资源管理 价值观、需求 自身人格 分析 教师 小结 兴趣、价值观、需求、人格一致指向教师;教师又最符合我目前的专业与能力的职业,因此第一和第二职业目标都为教师。 考虑到编制教师的需求有限,竞争较大,故选培训机构教师为第二职业目标。 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11 第四章职业定位 计划与路径 1) 明确行动力的重要性 2) 明白凡事都不可能一蹴而就这个道理,做好心理准备 3) 设立可以立即行动的初级目标 4) 提高自信心 (一) 教师综合素养提升 教师综合素养 硬实力:社会能力、语言能力、教育工作能力 软实力:政治觉悟、师德修养、积极地心理状态 硬实力提升 内容: 1)基本功:三笔字、语言能力、英语口语、课件制作 2)教育心理学 3)教学方法 计划与路径: 1)在学校期间学好相应课程 2)坚持每天练口语、书法、语言表达各10分钟 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11 (一) 规划 时间 内容(完成事项) 完成程度 2012暑假 准备英语四级的考试 练习英语口语 钢笔字 阅读文献 每天花一小时时间 每天10分钟 每天10分钟 定出一个可行课题 2012.09 考导游证 成功 2012.10 考一些与英语相关的证书 大二下学期 高中英语家教 使学生顺利完成高考 大二下学期 教育见习一周 体验教师的生活 观察教法的实际运用 大二下学期 小学英语课程与教学论的学习 大二下学期 书法、口语、语言运用 每天各10分钟 大二下学期 中国特色社会主义协会部门活动组织 每月组织一次时政讨论 由于现实很多不确定因素的存在及自身阅历不够,总体规划只能简单做个安排,将随现实情况的变动再做完善处理。 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11 第五章备选方案 由于社会环境、家庭环境、组织环境、个人成长曲线等变化以及各种不可预测因素的影响,一个人的职业生涯发展往往不是一帆风顺的。为了更好地主动把握人生,适应千变万化的职场世界,拟定一份针对目标职业的备选职业生涯规划方案是十分必要的。 1、我的备选方案 公务员、事业单位工作者 有利条件: 1、 对行政方面有一定了解,同时有家庭亲人在政府部门担任重要职务,有一定的背景,将来从业可以寻求帮助。 2、 有一定的兴趣,同时身为党员,对国家政策方面关注比较多,具有一定的行政的基础。 3、 比较关心国内、国际大事件,有一定从事行政工作的基础。 4、 专业课程中有设计 不足之处:知识掌握可能不够,没有什么经验。 可行程度:可以 2、评估与调整 在生涯发展的过程中,我们需要对生涯规划的方案进行不断的微调,评估调整具有一定的阶段性,按照生涯发展的情况,可以是定期评估调整,也可以是不定期评估调整。人们对外在事物的认识随着个人经历的丰富而不断变化,只有适时地进行评估调整,才能保证生涯规划的科学性与可行性。 如果一切都按照我们既定的方向发展,不久以后,我们应当再次规划;如果在生涯发展的道路上,会有很多意料不到的情况,那么请尽可能多的预测这些可能,并制定相应的解决方案。 1、评估的时间: 我会在每一段时间(1个月左右)对自己所学所做的努力进行小结,根据小结每一个阶段再对自己进行阶段性评估。根据评估状况适时调整状态及计划。 2. 评估内容: 生涯规划是一个延续一生的过程,对规划进行实时的调整,能够让计划与现实更加的切合。制定了评估的时间,接下来我们需要明确评估的内容,以及相应的调整方案。 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11 结束语 每个人都有不一样的梦想,也不是每个人都能实现自己的梦想。有目标,有计划的一点点一步步实施着,才能逐步靠近自己的梦想。一个人,若要获得事业成功、人生完美,必须拿出勇气,付出努力、拼搏、奋斗。成功,不相信眼泪;成功,不相信颓废;成功不相信 幻影,未来,要靠自己去打拼! 这份规划书寄予了我对自己前途的希冀与向往,无论它是否拥有完美的语言,都将是我对于自己未来的美好的计划,并且它终将载负着我的理想到达一个更高的境界! 我期待着自己破茧成蝶的那一刻!!加油!!! 36年来,支月英坚守岗位,把爱意播撒在这青山绿水,让这份爱生根发芽,承载起贫瘠山村的绿色希望。Ellipticity of elbow pipes with diameters less than or equal to 150 mm must be not greater than 8% diameter of 200 mm or less shall not be greater than 6%. Wall thickness of the pipe wall thinning rate must not exceed the original 15%. Crease roughness: diameter 125 mm or less, shall not exceed 3 mm diameter less than or equal to 200 mm, not more than 4 mm. 7.3.9 simmering bending production of square steel tube extension, to use the whole tube bending. Interface if necessary, the welding position should be located in the middle of the vertical arm. 7.3.10 install expansion joints should be done. If design is not required, pipe compensator lengthen should conform to the requirements in the following table: square scale length δ x is equal to 1/2. Pre stretch tolerance: casing + 5 mm, +10 mm. 7.3.11 pipe form, location, spacing shall meet the design and specifications. 7.3.12 piping on back or return pipe at higher levels of the upper to automatic valve to install a drain valve below the horizontal parts. 7.3.13 supports and hangers of checks and the number 1) hanger installed must be checked before installation of supports and hangers part models, specifications of springs setting values, whether the materials meet the requirements of drawings and documents; 2) supports and hangers of material, size and accuracy shall conform to the provisions of the design drawings, material technical requirements should be consistent with national standards, industry standards and technical requirements related to the alloy spectrum review should be carried out; 3) pipe supports and hangers part plant product quality certificate for each variable spring supports, constant support hangers, dampers, damper function, there should be factory calibrated test11查看更多